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Wednesday 15 July 2015

Fruit and Vegetable Juices

Juices are so easy to make and the benefits they provide are amazing. Drinking vegetable and fruit juices or tea will help you get rid of toxins in your body and boost your overall health.

Black Currant – Black currant juice is great for lack of nutritional vitamins, gastritis, anemia , flu, bronchitis and angina. This juice fights viruses, strengthens the immune system and is rich in vitamin C.

Beetroot – Beetroot juice is an excellent “fighter” against fatigue, anemia and diseases in digestive system tract. Cleans the body and lowers the blood pressure. The best way to start consuming this juice is by using small amounts (1 tablespoon) or by mixing it with carrot juice. Try to reduce the amount of carrot juice in the mix every other day. Few hours before consumption, this juice can be stored in the fridge.

Celery – This vegetable juice affects blood pressure (brings it back to normal) and improves health of teeth, jaw, hair and nails. It is also used as a diuretic. Mix celery juice and apple juice and this will help you fight rheumatism arteriosclerosis and paradentosis. This mixture is also useful for better memory.

Lemon – Lemon juice has extraordinary effect on body alkalinization. Due to its acidity in natural, it should be consumed with water (1:8).

Watermelon – Watermelon juice is excellent for treatment of diseases related to the cardiovascular system and kidney problems.

Orange – Orange juice is a powerful natural antioxidant.

Berry – Berry juice improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, increases appetite and is used in cases of cough to clear the throat.

Bitter gourd – this vegetable juice is great for dieting and strengthens the immune system. It is full of minerals, vitamins and natural antioxidants. It also well-known for Cancer Fighting agent.

Coconut Drink - This juice is well-known for dehydration and cooling effects, when the sun is hot, you will definitely need it.  

Apple Juice - We’re all familiar with the saying, “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away.” Numerous research studies are providing strong scientific evidence that apples do indeed promote good health throughout our lifetime. Research has also shown that the nutrients in whole apples that provide many important health benefits are “passed along” when the fruit is processed into apple juice.

Consuming these Natural Juices will help us improve our health, purify the body and refill it with energy. Enjoy the natural flavor!

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