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Wednesday 22 April 2015

Ways to Reduce Asthma Attacks

Asthma is a condition in which there is an obstruction in the flow of air in the lungs. This makes breathing difficult and causes coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. This chronic disease affects 20 million Americans.
Obstruction in the flow of air in the lungs
While asthma is a minor nuisance for some people, it can be a major problem for many. As there is no cure for asthma, the goal of treatment is to control the disease by identifying and limiting exposure to triggers, which can set off an array of symptoms that last from minutes to weeks.

Some common triggers include air pollution, allergies, cold air, respiratory diseases, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), smoke and strong fragrances.
Asthma attack
In addition, there are several things that you can do on your own to prevent or reduce asthma attacks and relieve symptoms. Plus, make sure people around you know about your condition. This will enable them to help you in case of a sudden asthma attack. At the same time, always keep some quick-relief asthma medicines readily available.

Here are the top 10 ways to reduce asthma attacks.

Avoid Humidity
To reduce asthma attacks, you must pay attention to air quality. Extremely hot, humid weather and poor air quality can trigger symptoms for many people. Also, avoid highly polluted areas that can worsen your condition. 
  • Use an air conditioner to lower indoor humidity and reduce airborne pollen from trees, grasses and weeds that finds its way indoors.
  • Keep your windows closed during pollen season. 
  • If you live in a damp climate, consult your doctor about using a dehumidifier. 
  • Avoid living near a highway or a busy intersection where there is greater risk of air pollution. 
  • If possible, move to a location where you can enjoy fresh, dry air. 
  • Avoid exposure to varying temperatures within a short time. 
Reduce humidity
Limit Dust Exposure
Due to its allergy-inducing properties, dust is one of the most common asthma triggers as it contains tiny particles of pollen, mold, fibers from clothing, and detergents. A similar trigger is dust mites, which are tiny bugs that live in sheets, blankets, pillows, mattresses, soft furniture, carpets and stuffed toys. Hence, do your best to keep your house free from dust and dust mites. 
  • Clean and replace air-conditioner filters on a regular basis. 
  • Remove carpets and heavy drapes from the bedroom. 
  • Wash all bedding and stuffed animals frequently in hot water. 
  • Use allergen-barrier coverings for pillows and mattresses. 
  • Vacuum your house twice a week. 
  • Dust all surfaces with a damp cloth often. 
  • Wear a mask and gloves when cleaning or vacuuming to limit dust and chemical exposure. 
  • Avoid dust-collecting blinds or long drapes for your windows. You can use window shades and washable curtains. 
  • Keep clutter under control. 
  • Store washed clothes in drawers and closets. 
  • Keep bedrooms well ventilated. 
Clean the dust

Prevent Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew are allergens that can trigger asthma symptoms. Mold grows on damp areas like shower curtains, bath items, tubs, basins and tiles. Be aware of damp places in your kitchen, bathroom, basement and around the yard. Do your best to reduce exposure by preventing mold and cleaning it as soon as it appears. 
  • Run a dehumidifier or use an exhaust fan when taking a shower. 
  • Regularly clean damp areas in the bathroom, kitchen and around the house to prevent mold spores from developing. 
  • At the first sign of mold, clean it up with mild soap and hot water. 
  • If not washable, throw away moldy items. 
  • Get rid of moldy leaves or damp firewood in the yard. 
  • Fix leaky plumbing or other sources of water as soon as possible. 
  • Remove household plants. Plant them in your garden or backyard instead. To prevent mold, make sure not to overwater plants and keep them in a sunny place. 
Mold can be found everywhere
Say No to Smoke
Smoke of any kind can irritate your lungs, especially when you have asthma. In fact, smoke is a well-known asthma trigger that you must avoid to prevent attacks. Asthma symptoms like coughing and wheezing become worse when exposed to smoke. 
  • If you smoke cigarettes, quit immediately. 
  • Avoid secondhand smoke. 
  • Do not allow others to smoke in your home or car. 
  • Avoid public places that permit smoking. 
  • Stay at a smoke-free hotel when traveling. 
  • Make sure your kitchen has a proper exhaust fan or chimney to remove cooking smoke. 
  • Minimize exposure to other sources of smoke like incense, candles, fires and fireworks. 
Smoking make your asthma worst
Stay Away from Pets
Pets can trigger an asthma episode in people who are allergic to them. Pet dander, particles of hair, fur, feathers, and saliva are common asthma triggers.

If parting ways with a beloved family pet is not possible, be sure that you: 
  • Keep the pet out of your bedroom completely. 
  • Do not allow your pet on any furniture. 
  • Have your pet regularly bathed or groomed. 
  • Do not allow children who suffer from asthma to play with dogs, cats and other animals. 
Pets can trigger an asthma

Kill Cockroaches

Cockroaches can also trigger allergies and asthma attacks. They produce substances that cause allergic reactions in people who have asthma, and coughing and wheezing in babies and small children. It is important to eliminate cockroaches from your home. 
  • Do not leave food, water and garbage uncovered. 
  • Do not leave pet food out overnight. 
  • Wash your dishes and utensils soon after using them. 
  • Do not leave bits of food and spilled drinks on the counter tops. Clean the counters and tables with soapy water. 
  • Use roach traps or gels to get rid of cockroaches. 
  • Every 2 to 3 days, vacuum, sweep and mop any areas where you see cockroaches. 
  • Inspect your backyard and garage to see where these bugs are hiding. 
  • Seal up any openings where cockroaches can enter, such as sinks, leaky pipes and so on. 
  • Reduce humidity in your home as it promotes the growth of cockroaches and other pests. 
  • If necessary, call a pest control expert to get rid of cockroaches. 
Is time to call on Pest Control
Avoid Stress
When people are under stress, their breathing often becomes rapid and shallow. This causes constriction of the airways and can lead to an asthma attack. In addition, stress can weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to asthma attacks and infections

To keep yourself free from stress:
  • Practice deep breathing exercises to calm yourself during a stressful situation. 
  • Get regular exercise or use meditation and yoga to ease stress. You can also take up a hobby to help calm your mind. 
  • Adopt a regular sleep schedule as lack of sleep can contribute to stress. 
  • Avoid stressors by improving time management and organizing things properly. 
  • Ask for help when you cannot manage stress on your own. 
  • Make time to have fun with your family and friends. 
Exercise Wisely
Many people suffer from exercise-induced asthma, which is asthma triggered by vigorous or prolonged exercise or physical exertion. However, you must not treat exercise as a trigger to be avoided. Physical activity is important, even for people with asthma. In fact, regular exercise can strengthen your heart and lungs, which helps reduce asthma symptoms. 
  • Try yoga, gentle biking, moderate-to-brisk walking, weight-training workouts, and sports like golf, baseball, swimming, gymnastics, tennis and other racquet sports that involve short and intermittent periods of exertion. 
  • Reduce the risk for exercise-induced asthma attacks by working out inside on very cold or very warm days. If you are exercising outside, wear a mask or scarf over your mouth. 
  • While exercising, make sure you breathe through your nose instead of your mouth. 
  • Before doing any exercise, start with a warm-up period. 
  • Consult your doctor before taking part in any physical activity or sport. 
Exercise regularly
Avoid Getting Sick
Respiratory infections like colds, flu or sinus infections are among the most common causes of asthma symptoms leading to an asthma flare-up. Heartburn and GERD can also damage the airways that lead to the lungs and worsen asthma symptoms.

If illness is one of your asthma triggers, consult a doctor immediately. Proper and timely treatment will help lessen the duration and intensity of your illness. At the same time, take good care of yourself during the cold and flu season.
Getting annual flu shot may help
You can also get an annual flu shot. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people age 6 months and older who suffer from asthma get an annual flu shot to help protect against the flu virus.

Dietary Changes
A good diet is important for everyone, including people with asthma. A diet high in vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids, magnesium, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids is good for people suffering from asthma. 
  • Eat plenty of fresh and organic fruits and vegetables. 
  • Eat foods with omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna, flax-seed and more. 
  • Include herbs and spices like rosemary, sage, oregano, ginger and turmeric in your cooking. 
  • Avoid eating processed and packaged foods with artificial additives and preservatives. 
  • Avoid milk and dairy products if you are allergic to milk proteins or have lactose intolerance. 
  • Avoid heavy and fatty meals as they increase airway inflammation and inhibit relief provided by the common asthma medications.
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Do You Spent Too Much Time In Front Of Computers?

WHEN it comes to technology, some of us are guilty of making mistakes like posting too many photos no one cares about on Facebook, while others many not have installed that all important virus protection.

But there’s one mistake that we’re all probably making, and you could be doing it right now.
Experts say that we aren't taking enough time away from the computer screen, and this can cause some big health issues.

The Internet can be a valuable resource for education and fun, but how much is too much? Why can't people stop? Here are some tips to help you quit staring at the computer screen and get out and do something productive offline as well as online.

Do not feel bad about not reading the digital avalanche of email, blog posts, or web content. 

You'll never be "caught up" and that's okay. Get what you can get in a reasonable amount of time and don't worry about the rest. The important information will rise to the top. Don't feel guilty about marking everything as read or using the delete button. It can be your best friend.

Don't read everything word for word. 

Scanning and pattern recognition is a really important skill to have when you need to look at a lot of information. Don't feel that you have to read every blog post of the blogs you're tracking. It helps if you identify what you need to know before drinking from the fire hydrant.

Set time limits. Determine the appropriate amount of online time. 

Set a frequency for answering blog comments via email, doing outreach, reading blogs, writing posts and other tasks. Set the time of day to check in and a time limit - this is called time boxing. Stick to it; ignore your blog, email, or Twitter until those magic times. The idea is that you don't have to check your email or respond to Twitter or blog posts in real time. Remember to sort and prioritize what is urgent and what is not. 
Some parental control software includes time control functions that empowers to set the amount of time that a person may spend accessing the Internet or playing games or other computer activities. 

Know when to turn the computer off and take a walk. 
It is important to carve out patches of time to allow for understanding and processing the information you have consumed. This might mean disconnecting electronically on purpose. A scary thought to some, but yes, power down your computer and gadgets and go for a walk. If you feel you have lost your concentration and productivity, it may be due to the stress that you give yourself by staring at a monitor for too long.
Its time to turn off the computer and go for a walk
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Download Wellness Lab mobile apps now for more promotions
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