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Thursday 30 April 2015

What Is Candida And Why Should You Be Concerned

Candida is more common than people realize and often at times, someone may have candida without even knowing it. Candida occurs when there is an overgrowth of yeast in the body and without knowing what signs and symptoms to look for, it’s hard to recognize candida or take actions to reverse its effects. So, do you have a yeast overgrowth? 

Candida infection
Is candida affecting your life? Let’s find out!

Below are some symptoms that appear when someone has candida. If you have 3 or more of the below symptoms, then you are currently dealing with a candida overgrowth. But don’t worry, after the symptoms, we’ll tell you exactly why you might have candida and how to deal with it.

Symptoms of Candida overgrowth:
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Other digestive complaints
  • Skin / nail infections
  • Skin rashes? or a yeast infection?
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Feeling tired and worn out
  • Trouble with memory or concentration
  • Intense carbohydrate cravings
  • Low mood
  • Sadness or depression
  • Lower abdominal pain
Did you make 3 or more mental check marks beside symptoms? If you do, you are likely dealing with a yeast overgrowth and the information below will help you. But also note that while the signs and symptoms above are a great way to tell if you have candida, the only way to know one hundred percent is to have your stool tested to see if you have a yeast overgrowth. A Naturopathic clinic with a lab attached to it will be able to perform this test for you.

What causes candida to form? Why would you have yeast overgrowth?

Causes for candida growth:
  • Antibiotics: Any and all sorts of antibiotics can kill off friendly bacteria in the gut, lessening the body’s defenses against Candida
  • Antibiotic abuse
  • Stress: A very high stress lifestyle gives yeast the upper hand
  • Wrong fermented foods: Foods like alcohol, beer, wine, live yeast, sugar and pickles can all be problematic for the digestive tract and allow yeast to grow.
  • Medications: Taking certain medications, especially hormone therapy, will throw off your gut flora. Any woman taking contraceptives like the birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy is especially prone to disturbing the vaginal flora, which can allow yeast to grow more readily.
  • Sugar and Carbs: Eating high amounts of sugars or carbohydrates creates an environment in your gut in which candida flourishes
Do you see yourself in any of those reasons? Unfortunately, it’s easy for most of us to fall into more than one category, which creates an environment that candida thrives in. So, now you understand the “why” and the symptoms behind candida, but how do you get rid of it? How should you prevent it?
Yeast infection cause abnormal discharge
One main way to tackle candida is through diet. Since candida is naturally occurring yeast in the gut and it can overgrow when given the wrong foods, we need to get rid of the foods that fuel yeast growth. Here are some simple tools and tips you can do to change your diet into a candida-fighting one!

Food tips to fight candida:
  • Increase fiber intake: Healthy bacteria, which will fight candida, lives on fiber. They love fermenting fibers like vegetables. Increasing fiber intake will feed the right bacteria in the gut.
  • Say goodbye to simple carbs: Yeast loves simple carbohydrates, so cut them out. This includes starches like potatoes or grains, because these break down into sugars right in our mouth.
  • Embrace healthy fat acids: Healthy fats really help to actively give the immune system an upper hand and acrylic acid actually pokes holes in the yeast cell walls causing them to die, making fats an amazing anti-fungal remedy.
  • Proteins: Just like fibers, good bacteria love proteins—and yeast cannot grow on fats or protein: it only grows on carbohydrates. High protein/fiber diets are perfect for people recovering from candida.
  • No added sugar: Get rid of all added sugar from your diet.
  • Low sugar fruit: If you find yourself craving something sweet because you've kicked the carbs and sugar to the curb, go for some low sugar fruit like berries. Be sure to consume no more than 1 cup of fruit each day.
  • Anti-fungal herbs: Using olive leaf extract or oregano oil can help kill yeast, but these remedies also kill good bacteria, so be careful if you choose this route.
  • Probiotics: One of the most important things to do is to have up to 100 billion healthy bacteria per day. Investing in a high quality probiotic that gives you this amount of bacteria cells per day will strike your candida down fast!
Focusing on your diet can give you a huge upper hand when it comes to candida. Focus on foods that help good bacteria grow (proteins, fibers, fats) and get rid of the foods that help yeast grow (sugars, simple carbs, starches). Try aiming for a diet that consists of 70% plant foods with good amounts of proteins and essential fats, and you’ll be well. This can help you naturally balance your gut flora, eliminating candida. Adding in a good quality probiotic will usher you towards the finish line and completely heal the gut lining. And remember, a Naturopathic Doctor can help confirm if you have candida, and what else you might be to able to do to treat it.

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7 Habits For Healthy Breasts

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, the annual time of year when pink ribbons are printed on shirts, pinned on clothing, promoted on toxic cosmetics and BPA-lined plastic bottles. The pink ribbon is strongly associated with the urgency for us to donate and contribute to finding a breast cancer cure. But let’s not forget that prevention is the best cure and the most important thing we can do today is to embrace our own healthy habits.
Healthier Breast
Here are the 7 Habits for healthy breasts:

Check labels of your cosmetics and self-care products.

Aluminium in your deodorant? What about lead in your lip stick and arsenic in your eye shadow? Cancerous breast biopsies have shown higher accumulations of iron, nickel, chromium, zinc, cadmium, mercury and lead than non-cancerous biopsies. Don’t be fooled when you see the words natural ingredients or mineral oils. Marketing companies know the kinds of words we want to see. Unfortunately, products on the market today don’t necessarily provide what they promise.
Watch out what you put on your face
Did you know that 1 in 6 Canadian women will be diagnosed with women’s cancers in their lifetime -Canadian Cancer Society 2013.

Limit your screen time at night.

Exposure to light throughout the night can affect some hormone functions in the body that may be related to breast cancer risk. Did you know the light from your cell phone and computer screen can disrupt your melatonin production? Melatonin is an antioxidant, it helps regulate our sleep and wake cycles and has proven to influence the timing of our reproduction and aging. We make melatonin only while we are asleep and when our eyes see darkness. In fact, blind women have a much higher production of melatonin than women with normal eye sight and their risk of breast cancer is 50% lower. Going to sleep at 10 pm provides optimal production of this hormone. Lights off, your beauty and breast health are calling.
Reduce light in your room
Check your plastics.
BPA is a carbon-based synthetic compound that is used in plastics and in the lining of food cans, like beans, tomatoes, etc. BPA has been linked to breast cancer due to its ability to exhibit estrogen like properties. If you are still microwaving your lunch in plastic containers, now is a good time to switch to glass containers. Check your plastics and cans to see if they have a number 3 or 7 on it, these are just about the worse sources of BPA you can get. So dispose them!
Limit alcohol consumption.
Unfortunately, if a glass of wine or a cold beer is your favorite part of a long day, your breasts will not be thanking you for it. Alcohol has been statistically linked to a higher risk of breast cancer and that risk goes up with every drink we take. Alcohol is a heavy load to the liver, our main detox organ and can dampen the function of our immune system. We know for sure that alcohol increases circulating estrogen levels in the body which can be a risk to breast cancer. Short and sweet, think before you drink.
Stimulate the Lymph.
We have over 600 lymph nodes in the body. The lymph nodes located in the under arm collect toxins and dead cells helping to keep our breast tissue in good health. Since the lymphatic system is the only system in the body that doesn’t have a pump, it’s important that we lend it a hand. Bring yourself to a sweat at least 3-4 times a week. Yoga, running or sitting in the sauna are some great ways to release stagnant toxins. Skipping or jumping on a trampoline are especially powerful exercises that help to move the lymphatic fluid, often referred to as rebound exercises.
Stimulate your lymph
Embrace your female networks.
Ladies, girl talk could be essential to our health, maybe just as important as eating our veggies. A large study on breast cancer patients found that women who had fewer social connections before their breast cancer diagnoses were twice as likely to die from breast cancer than women who started off with strong social connections. This same study found that those women who continued their journey alone after diagnoses, ended up 4 times as likely to die of breast cancer in comparison to women who gained support from their friends. Needless to say, if female networks are this powerful for women with breast cancer, then embracing our intuitive urge to engage in girl talk is a natural way to keep our health in check.

There is no place for fear.
Fear is a poor health choice that can wreak havoc on our cells. Just one fearful thought can stimulate the stress response, send our body into panic mode and give rise to a cascade of negative emotions. This process is similar to the inflammation response. It is important that we choose thoughts that make us feel relaxed and nourished. Yes, choose ‘em and believe ‘em! As the great Albert Einstein says, “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a hostile or friendly universe.”
Breast massage, you can do at your home
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The 30-Minute Stress Solution Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About

Do you know what the #1 most overlooked risk factor is when it comes to your heart, brain and longevity? It’s stress.

Unfortunately, too many of us are under constant stress these days — plagued with everything from long commutes and pressure at work to family difficulties and financial strain. And it’s making us sick and tired.
Stress can make us feel sick
It’s easy to imagine how stress can contribute to psychological conditions like anxiety and mood swings, but did you know that chronic stress can also ravage your body? Studies have concretely linked stress to a wide range of serious health problems including: 
  • Cardiovascular issues 
  • Poor digestion 
  • Elevated cholesterol 
  • High blood sugar 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Weight gain 
  • Cognitive decline 
  • Sleep disorders 
  • Impaired immunity 
  • Low sex drive 
And of course, the disastrous effects of chronic stress extend well beyond your physical health. Research has shown that stress can negatively impact your relationships, productivity and overall quality of life.
Stress impact on your daily life
While it may not be possible to avoid stressful situations, there is a simple, safe and effective way to increase your ability to handle stress and mitigate the harmful effects it has on your body, while boosting your mood, brainpower and energy.

It’s True: Stress Can Kill You
Your body is programmed to respond beautifully to short, intense periods of stress. This is known as the fight-or-flight response. When your brain perceives a threat to your survival, your adrenal glands flood your body with stress hormones that increase your strength, speed and ability to think quickly.

The trouble is, when you’re under the kind of chronic stress that so many of us face in this day and age, stress hormones circulate throughout your body constantly. Your adrenal glands eventually lose the ability to function properly, leading to a cascade of health problems. You begin to feel sick, tired, depressed and irritable.
I feel Stresssssss
Leading experts have cited chronic stress as the #1 most overlooked health risk facing Americans today. And recent research has shown that stress upsets hormonal balance in a manner that can kill your sex drive and actually accelerate the aging process. In fact, one breakthrough study showed that chronic stress could shorten your lifespan by up to six years!

Other research has also shown that stress impairs your immune system, making you vulnerable to infections, autoimmune conditions and other serious health concerns.[5] Stress also increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, contributes to cognitive decline and upsets blood sugar balance, which can lead to weight gain.
Stress can be very depressing
The bottom line is, if you’re suffering from chronic stress, it’s imperative that you take action now to keep it from destroying your health, taking years off your life — and sucking the life out of your years.

The Natural Stress Fighter That Works in 30 Minutes
As part of my work researching the world’s vast array of natural remedies, I've recently come across mind-blowing new studies on a plant-based stress fighter that also has incredibly powerful mood boosting effects. You won’t hear about it from your doctor, and Big Pharma is doing all they can to keep it under wraps.

But you deserve to know about it.

Emerging research is showing that an extract of a plant indigenous to South Africa, called Sceletium tortuosum has amazing potential to mitigate the effects of stress, while boosting your mood, brainpower and energy. Sceletium has shocked researchers with its remarkable ability to brighten mood, dissolve tension and enhance cognitive function — all within as little as 30 minutes!
Sceletium tortuosum, the Natural Stress Fighter?
What I like most about sceletium is that it is not a stimulant. It has virtually no known side effects or interactions, is not habit forming — and you can get all the benefits with just one small capsule per day.

Renowned medicine hunter, Chris Kilham, described the effects of sceletium with this simple metaphor:
“Think of your mind as a reasonably well-tuned four-cylinder engine. About half an hour after consuming sceletium, your mind is more like a twelve cylinder, turbo-charged racing engine. Soon your mind is overcome with startling clarity, a feeling that anything is possible, and a seemingly endless capacity for ideas and mental work. If coffee is a pick-me-up, sceletium is a jet ride to mental brilliance.”
Sceletium Rewires Your Brain for Happiness
Could sceletium be the natural “happy pill” we’ve all been searching for? Researchers are saying that sceletium’s mechanism of action is unlike anything they’ve seen before. It essentially works by quickly boosting your levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, the “happy chemical.”
Sceletium for my stress relief?
At the same time, sceletium increases levels of an important messenger substance called cAMP, and this has been shown to produce beneficial effects on mood and cognitive function in stressful situations.

Most people report that after taking sceletium, they feel a sense of relief and comfort and notice a lift in their mood and mental clarity within as little as 30 minutes.

The Incredible Benefits of Sceletium 
  • Quickly elevates mood 
  • Improves sleep quality 
  • Improves focus and memory 
  • Lowers stress hormone levels 
  • Enhances cognitive function 
  • Protects heart health 
  • Boosts energy and motivation 
  • Supports immunity 
  • Eases everyday anxiety 
  • Fights food cravings 
  • Promotes relaxation 
  • Increases libido 
  • Non-habit forming 
  • Will not make you drowsy
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8 Vegetarian-Friendly Foods Surprisingly High in Protein

It’s well documented that vegetarians have less heart disease and colorectal cancer, as well as type 2 diabetes and obesity, but many wonder if a vegetarian diet provides adequate protein. A new study, however, puts this question to rest, finding that vegetarians are typically not lacking in this nutrient. Why? Because, believe it or not, protein sources are more prevent than you think.

Although most plant foods do not contain all nine essential amino acids—often referred to as ‘protein building blocks’— in the ratios that satisfy the body’s protein needs, vegetarians can obtain these amino acids by incorporating a broad spectrum of foods into their diets. Looking for some meat-free protein or considering a more ‘flexitarian’ diet? The following unprocessed foods are loaded with nutrients and great sources of protein.
Protein only from animals?
Fruit and dried fruit
Fruit is another food category not commonly associated with protein, but it does contain some. Avocados are the highest fruit source of protein and are considered by some to be an extraordinary superfood.
Green Leave Vegetables
Most people do not think of vegetables as good sources of protein, but one cup of spinach has over 5 grams of this nutrient and a 7 oz. baked potato can offer up almost 9 grams of protein! Other vegetables high in protein include Brussels sprouts and asparagus. Vegetables are also incredibly beneficial in other ways, being high in vitamins and minerals.
Beans and Peas
While all legumes contain protein, some are higher in starch than others. Lentils are an excellent choice, as they contain 18 grams of protein, which is almost equivalent to the amount in 3 ounces of steak. Black beans, peas and chickpeas are also good choices because they are less starchy than kidney, northern, navy and lima beans. Buy the dried beans and cook them yourself to avoid the BPA present in the linings of canned goods.
Whole Grains
Other whole grains include foods such as brown rice, bulgur, and millet, along with oats, barley and whole-wheat products such as whole wheat pasta. Quinoa is, in fact, a complete protein, containing all of the essential amino acids. All grains are low in fat, high in fiber and contain key vitamins and minerals.

Although nuts like almonds, pecans and walnuts are high in fat, it is mostly heart-healthy unsaturated fat. A good snack would be one-fourth cup of almonds, which has 8 grams of protein. It is best to eat them raw rather than roasted.

Eat some sunflower, sesame or pumpkin seeds daily, as they are nutrition-dense powerhouses that contain protein along with other important nutrients. These are best eaten raw as well.
Greek Yogurt and Cottage Cheese
Greek yogurt contains much less sugar but up to twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt. Depending on the brand, it contains between 13 to 18 grams of protein. Fat free cottage cheese is one of the best sources of protein for vegetarians as it boosts 31 g of protein per cup as well as vitamin B12.

Since Vitamin B-12 is an essential nutrient found only in meat and dairy products, it may be a good idea for vegetarians to drink organic milk or eat Greek yogurt to boost their B12 levels.

The Incredible Egg
This formerly maligned food is a great source of protein, along with other key nutrients like carotenoids and choline. Even the American Heart Association now permits one egg per day for healthy adults. However, like dairy foods, it is best to buy the organic variety.

Looking for some vitamin B12 from your eggs? Don’t skip the yolk!! While egg whites are a valuable source of protein for vegetarians, the yolk contains much-needed micronutrients.

Millions of people around the world are enjoying the health benefits of the vegetarian diet. The critical point to reiterate for those on this diet is to eat a variety of foods to ensure the body takes in all the essential amino acids.

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Wednesday 29 April 2015

Need Another Reason to Quit Smoking? Great, Smoking May Shrink Your Brain

It’s no secret: Smoking is one of the worst things you can do for your health. Well, believe it or not, it’s now considered even worse. New research has discovered that in addition to increasing the risk of a plethora of diseases and cancers, smoking may also physically shrink the brain.
Need a reason to quit smoke? Here's one
If that sounds serious, it is, as brain shrinkage may result in greater risks of Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia, among other conditions.

New Research on Smoking’s Affect on the Brain
We have known for years that smoking can negatively affect the brain. From increasing the risk of strokes suffered as the result of clots or burst blood vessels in the brain to the impact that nicotine can have in changing the chemistry of the brain, the fact that smoking leads to poorer brain health is not new knowledge. However, new research from McGill University in Canada and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland has now found that smoking may actually cause a thinning of the cortex, the outer layer of the brain.
Smoking can "fried" your brain
This part of the brain is critical for essential functions, including memory, perception, and language. But as already mentioned, that’s not all. According to the researchers, and existing knowledge on brain function, a thinner cortex has been linked to poor balance, schizophrenia, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

In order to come to these determinations, researchers analyzed the brain scans of over 500 smokers, nonsmokers, and former smokers, who had an average age of 73 years. The study, which was the largest of its kind ever performed, was able to make the conclusion that smoking was indeed linked to a thinning of the cortex. Furthermore, even after quitting smoking, negative impacts may remain for years, including general cognitive decline and memory problems.
Cognitive decline is common among smokers
There is Good News
The good news is that the brain has the ability to at least partially recover over time. In their study, the researchers found that past smokers were able to restore at least some of their cortex, with these restorative abilities seemingly linked to the amount and duration of their smoking habit.

Those who smoked for a shorter period of time, or who smoked less on average, appeared to have better cortex regeneration compared to heavier smokers. However, regardless of the level of an individual’s smoking, quitting is likely to have a positive, restorative effect.

The Best Protection from Smoking-Related Brain Shrinkage? Quit Smoking.
As the lead author of the study, Dr. Sherif Karama, relates, these finding may be powerful enough to convince some people to finally quit smoking. “My mother-in-law had tried to stop smoking for years, and last year when I showed her the results, she stopped the next day,” Dr. Karama said. While that result is ideal and would produce the quickest health improvements, quitting smoking is not that easy for everyone, no matter how badly they may want to quit.
Quit smoke, for your baby's sake
Nevertheless, the results of this study serve as yet another reminder of the health hazards associated with smoking. If you have been trying to quit, are thinking about quitting, or if you know someone who is trying to quit, strongly consider (or share) this study. Perhaps it will be enough to convince some people to search for that extra inner source of determination to get over the hump. Of course, seek out the help of your physician, loved ones, medicinal resources and tools, and other professional resources and support. 

Quitting smoking may be one of the hardest things to accomplish, but if millions of people have done it before, you can too! Your brain will thank you for this.

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This Cooking Technique Removes Calories From Rice

Many folks are aware that processed rice lacks the nutritional value of brown rice, yet due to taste preferences, they continue to eat it.
White rice or brown rice?
Scientists have good news for these people, as they have found a new way to cook the food that makes it healthier. The discovery is a big advantage because rice is inexpensive and is a staple of many diets around the world.

The Fiber Factor
One reason that processed rice, otherwise known as “white” rice, is not considered a healthful food is because it contains little fiber. The lack of this important food constituent gives it a high glycemic index, a factor that increases the risk of diabetes and obesity in those who consume it.

Researchers at the American Chemical Society determined that a simple modification in the traditional method of cooking rice dramatically increased its content of resistant starch, a substance that is actually a type of fiber. This benefit can decrease the food’s calories by as much as 50 to 60 percent; therefore, it can cut the risk of obesity.
Too much of white rice raise the risk of diabetes

Why Is Resistant Starch Beneficial?
The starch contained in rice has digestible and indigestible parts. Digestible starch is broken down in the small intestine where it is changed into glucose and taken up into the bloodstream. “After your body converts carbohydrates into glucose, any leftover fuel gets converted into a polysaccharide carbohydrate called glycogen,” James explains. “Your liver and muscles store glycogen for energy and quickly turn it back into glucose as needed. The issue is that the excess glucose that doesn’t get converted to glycogen ends up turning into fat, which can lead to excessive weight or obesity.” Resistant starch is indigestible, so it escapes this process that leads to weight gain.
A Healthier Method of Cooking Rice
James describes the new method, which is a simple modification involving two extra steps. After you boil the water but before you put in the raw rice, add coconut oil to the pot. The amount of oil should be equal to approximately 3 percent of the weight of the rice you are preparing. For example, if you are cooking 1 cup of rice, add 2 teaspoons of coconut oil. When the rice is done, let it cool in the refrigerator 12 hours before you eat it. The combination of the cooling step and the addition of the oil imparts the beneficial change, which is not affected when the rice is reheated.
Just add in the coconut oil and it just turns
How Does This Method Work?
During cooking, the oil enters the starch and alters its structure, making it resistant to the effects of digestive enzymes. Consequently, less calories are absorbed. “The cooling is essential because amylose, the soluble part of the starch, leaves the granules during gelatinization,” says James. “Cooling for 12 hours will lead to formation of hydrogen bonds between the amylose molecules outside the rice grains which also turns it into a resistant starch.” In effect, the digestible starches are converted into resistant ones that take more time to digest.

Next on the researchers’ agenda is to test which varieties of rice get the best results. They also will evaluate other oils to see if they produce the same benefit. Despite the improvement this method gives white rice, it is this author’s opinion that brown rice and black rice remain more nutritious options.

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Is This the Solution to Your Low Energy and Brainpower?

If you’re suffering from “mystery symptoms” like low energy, brain fog, moodiness, difficulty sleeping or just a vague feeling of malaise, chances are you’re suffering from a vitamin deficiency that affects 1 in 2 older adults. Yet tragically, doctors rarely detect this deficiency until it manifests as a severe neurological disorder, dementia, mental illness, chronic fatigue, cardiovascular disease, cancer…or worse! What’s more, doctors typically misdiagnose the symptoms of this deficiency and then prescribe drugs that do nothing to address the problem, but instead have plenty of side effects that only make you feel worse!
Vitamin B12 Rich foods
What I’m talking about here is vitamin B12 deficiency, and if you've experienced any of the symptoms I described above, it’s imperative that you take action NOW to get your B12 levels up to a healthy level — before irreversible damage occurs. The good news is that B12 deficiency can be remedied easily, quickly and inexpensively. But don’t run out and grab the first bottle of B12 you see — it’s crucial that you take the right kind of B12. There’s a shocking secret about what most B12 supplements are made from that you need to know about.

Are YOU Vitamin B12 Deficient?
The older you are, the higher your risk is for B12 deficiency, but younger people aren’t exempt from harm. In a shocking recent Tufts University study, researchers found that nearly 1 in 4 people over age 26 are at least borderline deficient in B12 and may already be experiencing symptoms as a result.

Here are some of the most common signs of B12 deficiency: 
  • Low energy and weakness 
  • Memory problems 
  • Confusion or “fuzziness” 
  • Irritability and mood swings 
  • Persistent sleep problems 
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness 
  • Digestive problems 
  • Weak immunity 
  • Hearing and vision loss 
  • Tingling in the extremities 

Why Your Body Needs B12
Your body depends on vitamin B12 for energy production. It’s crucial to the metabolic process that converts carbohydrates and fats into energy — this is why it’s often called the “energy vitamin.” B12 is also one of the building blocks your body uses to produce DNA, so it’s crucial for healthy cell growth and repair. B12 keeps your immune system functioning optimally, regulates mood and sleep cycles, and mitigates the harmful effects of the toxic stress hormone homocysteine, making it a vital player in maintaining heart health and more. But new research is showing that B12’s most vital function of all may be protecting your brain and entire nervous system by keeping your nerves communicating in an optimal manner.

How B12 Protects Your Brain
Did you know that if you live to be 80, your chances of suffering from severe loss of cognitive function are 1 in 2? Not coincidentally, roughly the same number of older adults is deficient in B12! Emerging research is showing that age-related cognitive decline and memory loss are linked to a process in the body that involves a decrease in brain mass. That’s right, your brain actually shrinks as you age!
A recent landmark study showed that B12 supplementation slows the accelerated rate of brain shrinkage and declining cognitive function in older individuals. Another study showed that older people with higher levels of B12 in their blood had bigger, healthier brains and scored higher on cognitive tests than those with lower levels.

Take B12 to SUPERCHARGE Your Days
As I mentioned, B12 helps your body produce energy by metabolizing carbs and fats in the food you eat. The effects of replenishing your B12 stores on your energy levels can be dramatic. Most people report significant increases in energy, stamina, motivation and ability to focus within days of beginning to take B12.
B12 is also needed for the production of the important neurotransmitter serotonin, which regulates mood, sleep and appetite. A study from the National Institute of Aging found women with low B12 levels were more than twice as likely to develop depression as women with normal B12 status. Many people find that taking B12 helps them to get the deep, rejuvenating sleep they need at night, so they wake up feeling refreshed.

How B12 Can Save Your Heart, Bones, Eyes and Ears
Another major benefit of having enough B12 in your body is reduced levels of the toxic stress hormone homocysteine. Not only does lowering homocysteine levels make you feel less stressed, studies have shown that it also confers protection for your heart, bones, vision and hearing. Homocysteine is known to damage to the inside of blood vessels and arteries, making elevated homocysteine levels a serious risk factor for heart disease.
Homocysteine weakens bones by interfering with collagen cross-linking, the molecular “stitching” that makes bones strong and flexible. In one study, people with low B12 levels had lower-than-average bone mineral density. B12 also helps to build stronger bones by aiding osteoblasts, the cells that build bone.

Additionally, B12’s homocysteine-lowering effects help it protect your eyes and ears. Harvard researchers found at least a 34% decreased risk of vision loss and improved retinal blood vessel function for women aged 40 and older who supplemented with B12. And one study found that low blood levels of vitamin B12 were linked to a higher risk of hearing loss in women in their 60s. Researchers think that homocysteine may damage the delicate cells that transmit sound waves in the inner ear.

Why Are So Many People B12 Deficient?
The reason that the vast majority of people end up B12 deficient has nothing to do with their B12 intake, but rather, their ability to absorb B12 from food. As you get older, the lining of your stomach gradually loses its ability to produce hydrochloric acid, which you need to absorb B12 from food. The use of certain drugs can also lower your stomach acid secretion, further hampering B12 absorption. This is why with B12 supplements, a sublingual (under-the-tongue) delivery system is absolutely essential. This ensures the B12 goes directly into your bloodstream, bypassing your digestive tract.

WARNING: Some B12 Supplements Contain Cyanide
The form of B12 that you’ll find in most B12 products — even the B12 injections your doctor may administer — is cyanocobalamin. And here’s the shocker. Can you guess how this form of B12 gets its name? Cyanocobalamin is comprised of a cyanide molecule attached to a cobalamin (B12) molecule. Cyanide is a toxic poison that the body cannot metabolize, and over time, it can accumulate in brain tissues with disastrous results.

For reasons I’ll never fully understand, way too many B12 supplements on the market today are made with this virtually worthless form of B12. My guess is that these companies are just out to save money at the expense of your health, which is truly a shame.
What you want to take is a supplement made with the methylcobalamin form of B12, which research has shown to be the safest and most effective. Currently, most experts recommend taking a minimum of 1,000 mcg a day of sublingual methylcobalamin. Higher dosages of up to 15,000 mcg per day are sometimes required to bring levels back up to an optimal level and to restore energy, mental function and mood balance. B12 has no known drug interactions and has never shown any adverse or toxic effects in humans, even when given in very large doses.

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