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Friday 1 May 2015

Is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) an Effective Pain Remedy

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a broad term that covers a range of complementary therapies that have been practiced in China for thousands of years.

TCM can refer to therapies like massage, herbal medicines and acupuncture, and many people who are in pain have tried TCM, especially in Asian countries like China, Singapore and Indonesia. But it’s also gaining fans outside of Asia, like in Australia and in the United Kingdom, as people become more open-minded about complementary therapies.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
While the main TCM philosophy of restoring the right balance of yin and yang in the body isn’t backed by Western science, is there any scientific evidence that says TCM can help people in pain? And what are the risks you should be aware of if you’re considering TCM?

Powerful plants
Researchers from the University of California looked into TCM, and the chemical components of the common herbs used by practitioners. They found that a compound called dehydrocorybulbine (found in the roots of the Corydalis yanhusuoplant) acts much like morphine does, and could help relieve different types of pain, such as acute, inflammatory, neuropathic and chronic pain.
Powerful herbs with its benefits
Still, they didn’t go as far as encouraging people to take Corydalis. The plant still has to go through rigorous toxicity testing before it can be deemed safe for the public.

Acupuncture for pain relief?
As we’ve explored in our article about the potential benefits of acupuncture , there is a lot of evidence to suggest that acupuncture can provide relief for people suffering from conditions like arthritis, lower back pain and other types of chronic pain.
Lots of people have experienced benefits after trying acupuncture, and it’s a complementary therapy – as long as you consult your doctor and book your session with a licensed practitioner.

Making changes to your diet
TCM therapists often take a holistic approach to a patient’s health, which is great if you want to improve your diet and learn more about your body and how your lifestyle is affecting your pain.
TCM practitioner, a registered dietitian?
But unless your TCM practitioner is also a registered dietitian, be cautious about cutting out whole food groups or upping your intake of another type of food. If you think you might be intolerant to something, ask your doctor if he or she can suggest a test to rule things out.

Massage away your aches
Massage – when done correctly – can be a great way of reducing tension in sore joints, improving your circulation and helping you to relax (all of which could help relieve your pain).

TCM: Understand the risks 

Know what you’re buying 
If you’re considering trying a herbal remedy, it’s really important that you buy the herbs from a reputable supplier. There are lots of websites selling unsafe versions of these herbs that aren’t being regulated appropriately, and they could be dangerous.
Know what you are buying
Some could contain traces of steroids, which can cause unwelcome side effects. Researchers at Murdoch University in Australia studying samples of TCM found that some contained aristolochic acid, which has been linked to cancer of the upper urinary tract. 

Potential side effects 
Some medical practitioners claim that the side effects of TCM herbal remedies aren’t being reported and studied enough, and that people should approach TCM herbal preparations cautiously until the medical community has been able to properly study the broad range of herbs involved.
Some techniques can be harmful
Trying TCM for the first time
Because it’s getting so popular, TCM is starting to be scrutinized more by the medical community, and TCM therapists increasingly have to follow many of the same regulations as mainstream healthcare professionals. But there are still a lot of people calling themselves ‘TCM specialists’ who don’t have much formal training in either TCM or Western medicine.
Some technique are just unique
If you’d like to try TCM, speak to your doctor about how it could interact with your medication first. He or she may also be able to tell you about how to find a reputable TCM practitioner and check in with you as you start your sessions to check on your progress.

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Eating Fat Will Not Make You Fat

Here is what will “make you fat”: Eating more calories than your body uses, eating empty calories, not working out, being a couch potato and eating too many carbohydrates and sugars without the appropriate balance of fats and proteins.
Fat consumption? 

How much Fat to Consume?
It is ideal to include a small amount of “healthy” fats in all meals throughout the day. The key is the amount of fat and the type of fat. As far as the amount – it should be very small. 1 tbsp or less of the right types of fats is considered appropriate. Take a look at a tbsp and you will realize actually how small that actually is.
Too much fat cause obesity

What types fats should you include?

Healthy fats to include in your diet: 
  • Nuts – unsalted and raw walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, pecans and cashews. Nut butters are another great choice (almond, peanut, walnut, and cashew). 
  • Add oils (grapeseed, coconut, olive, flax oil, sesame oil) to your cooked veggies, salads and proteins for an extra boost of flavor! Seeds and avocado are two other great additions. 
Coconut oil is healthy but coconut milk is not
Fats that I would suggest avoiding are mayonnaise, butters, yellow cheeses, creams, whole milk, corn and canola oils and partially hydrogenated oils.

Benefits of adding healthy fats to your diet:

There are so many benefits to adding healthy fats to a diet. The best one is that it tastes good. Adding some healthy fats will make your veggies and proteins taste scrumptious! That may be reason alone to stop you from attacking that cheeseburger and fries! Additional benefits of healthy fats are that they will satisfy hunger and cravings, keep you full longer, and they can help raise HDL (good cholesterol). Healthy fats may actually help you manage your weight loss efforts by providing a better sense of satiety than other lower fat foods.
When you do not eat enough fat in your diet and you opt for a low fat high carbohydrate diet, you will most likely feel hungrier and eat more which will lead to weight gain. Eating fat will not make you fat. Eating more than your body uses and lack of exercise will.

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4 Foods That Whiten Your Teeth Naturally

Looking to make those pearly whites shine a little brighter? We can tell you to sidestep black coffee, red wine, and sugary treats until we’re blue in the face, but avoiding stain-causing foods is only half the battle. Along with brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash twice daily, choosing foods that actually promote whitening and oral health should be part of your routine, too. And while there’s no official consensus on how much of the foods below you need to eat to achieve results, the evidence makes it clear that they’re definitely worth adding permanently to your grocery list.
Looking for teeth whitening food
Despite its unpopularity with the under-10 set, this cruciferous veggie packs some serious benefits for your teeth, according to researchers from the Bauru School of Dentistry in Brazil. Their study, published in theEuropean Journal of Dentistry, found that the iron present in broccoli may form an acid-resistant coating on the surface of your choppers. That coating reduces contact between acidic foods and drinks—like soda—and the enamel of your teeth. And stick to the raw stuff—the crunch of uncooked broccoli may have a polishing effect as well.
Broccoli is rich in iron minerals
A study published in the journal General Dentistry found that cheese consumption—cheddar, in particular—increased saliva production and formed a protective barrier on tooth enamel. 

Researchers from the Academy of General Dentistry believe alteration of pH levels in the mouth are at work here—lower pH levels put people at risk for tooth erosion and cavities, while higher pH levels signify healthier teeth. After chowing on some cheddar, study participants showed a rapid increase of pH levels. But not all dairy is created equal: Milk and sugar-free yogurt showed no pH level changes in participants.
Yup, for my teeth
Sticky and sugary raisins seem like they’d be bad for your teeth, right? Wrong. The dried grapes may actually improve your oral health, according to researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s College of Dentistry. 
Golden raisins
The study, presented at an annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, found that oleanolic acid—a compound found in Thompson seedless raisins—may prevent the growth of two types of oral bacteria: Streptococcus mutans, which causes cavities, and Porphyromonas gingivalis, which causes periodontal disease. In addition to its cavity-fighting M.O., oleanic acid also protects teeth from plaque build-up.
Ha ha, no wonder my teeth is so white
This sweet, juicy tropical fruit can do a number on your mouth if you eat too much of it, but the same enzyme in pineapple that makes your tongue feel like sandpaper could also whiten your teeth. 
Give it to me! This pineapple is mine
A study published in theInternational Journal of Dental Hygiene found that bromelain—an enzyme derived from the fruit, stem, and leaves of pineapple—may break down stains on the surface of teeth without harmful, abrasive effects to the enamel. In fact, teeth-whitening toothpastes with natural enymes (like bromelain and papain) have better whitening effects than more abrasive toothpaste formulas that include whitening ingredients like perlite or calcium carbonate.

Whiter teeth
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Like my teeth?
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