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Wednesday 29 July 2015

5 Things Your Wrinkles Say About Your Health

You can try to erase wrinkles with cosmetic procedures, or you can accept them as a badge of aging—a sign that you've lived your life long and well. 

You probably know that some creases can indicate a quick smile and a genial nature; others, a lifetime of lounging in the sun. What you may not realize is that your wrinkles can also reveal potential health concerns. Take a look at the following 5:

1. You're At Risk for Osteoporosis.

Your skin may actually be a window to your bones, according to a 2011 Yale study. Researchers looked at more than 100 women in their late 40s and early 50s who were in the first three years of menopause and found that those with the most and deepest wrinkles actually had the lowest bone density. (None of the women were on hormone therapy.) "Both bone and skin share common building blocks, a group of proteins known as collagens, which decrease in both as we age," explains study author Lubna Pal, MD, director of the Program for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome & Menopause at Yale University School of Medicine.

2. You Probably Have Early Stage Heart Disease.

A diagonal wrinkle in your ear lobe may be an early warning sign of ticker trouble. In fact, folks with this ear crease (known as "Frank's sign," after the researcher, Sanders T. Frank, who discovered it in 1973) were much more likely to show signs of heart disease during a CT scan than people who didn't have the crease, according to a 2012 study done at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. One theory is that the wrinkles are caused by the collapse of tiny blood vessels to the ear lobe, and this is a reflection of the changes in blood vessels around the heart, explains Debra Jaliman, MD, a dermatologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

3. You May Have High Blood Pressure.

Women who look younger than their years—meaning they have less facial sagging—tend to have lower blood pressure, according to a 2013 study done at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. The study also found that both men and women from families with longevity were less likely to have skin wrinkling on their upper arms than other people the same age.

4. You're Under A Ton of Stress.

Doctors say worrying can give you wrinkles. "I can often tell how anxious a new patient is by the lines on her face," says NYC dermatologist Janet Prystowsky, MD, PhD. When you're stressed, you tend to furrow your brow, which over time can lead to permanent forehead wrinkles. But you'll see them elsewhere on your face as well: When you're constantly anxious, your body pumps out large amounts of the stress hormone cortisol, which degrades collagen in your skin.

5. You're Eating Too Much Sugar.

When you consume the sweet stuff, the sugar attaches to proteins in your body to form AGEs—a fitting acronym for advanced glycation end products. AGEs break down collagen and elastin, and that can lead to even more fine lines and wrinkles, says Holly Kanavy, MD, director of Pharmacology at Montefiore Health System and assistant professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. If you've got a sweet tooth, try to quench it with fruit: Research shows that most fruit (but especially pomegranates and mangos) have anti-glycating properties, which means they can reverse the damage done to your skin.

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Cause of Depression in Women

Women are about twice as likely as men to suffer from depression. This two-to-one difference persists across racial, ethnic, and economic divides. In fact, this gender difference in rates of depression is found in most countries around the world. There are a number of theories that attempt to explain the higher incidence of depression in women. Many factors have been implicated, including biological, psychological, and social factors.

Biological and Hormonal Causes of Depression in Women 
  • Premenstrual problems – Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle can cause the familiar symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), such as bloating, irritability, fatigue, and emotional reactivity. For many women, PMS is mild. But for some women, symptoms are severe enough to disrupt their lives and a diagnosis of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is made. 
  • Pregnancy and infertility – The many hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can contribute to depression, particularly in women already at high risk. Other issues relating to pregnancy such as miscarriage, unwanted pregnancy, and infertility can also play a role in depression. 
  • Postpartum depression – Many new mothers experience the “baby blues.” This is a normal reaction that tends to subside within a few weeks. However, some women experience severe, lasting depression. This condition is known as postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is believed to be influenced, at least in part, by hormonal fluctuations. 
  • Perimenopause and menopause – Women may be at increased risk for depression during perimenopause, the stage leading to menopause when reproductive hormones rapidly fluctuate. Women with past histories of depression are at an increased risk of depression during menopause as well. 
  • Health problems – Chronic illness, injury, or disability can lead to depression in women, as can crash dieting or quitting smoking. 

Psychological Causes of Depression in Women 
  • Focusing On and Rehashing Negative Feelings – Women are more likely to ruminate when they are depressed. This includes crying to relieve emotional tension, trying to figure out why you’re depressed, and talking to your friends about your depression. However, rumination has been found to maintain depression and even make it worse. Men, on the other hand, tend to distract themselves when they are depressed. Unlike rumination, distraction can reduce depression. 
  • Overwhelming Stress at Work, School, or Home – Some studies show that women are more likely than men to develop depression from stress. Furthermore, the female physiological response to stress is different. Women produce more stress hormones than men do, and the female sex hormone progesterone prevents the stress hormone system from turning itself off as it does in men.

  • Body Image Issues – The gender difference in depression begins in adolescence. The emergence of sex differences during puberty likely plays a role. Some researchers point to body dissatisfaction, which increases in girls during the sexual development of puberty. 

Social causes of depression in women
As with men, social factors can also play a part in causing depression in women, along with lifestyle choices, relationships, and coping skills. These may include: 
  • Marital or relationship problems; balancing the pressures of career and home life 
  • Family responsibilities such as caring for children, spouse, or aging parents 
  • Experiencing discrimination at work or not reaching important goals, losing or changing a job, retirement, or embarking on military service 
  • Persistent money problems 
  • Death of a loved one or other stressful life event that leaves you feeling useless, helpless, alone, or profoundly sad

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About Consuming Organic Food

We all know the saying “Health comes through the mouth” which is especially true for organic food produced in environmentally clean, unpolluted soil which is not chemically treated. Only organic food can provides us everything we need for normal body function. Most organic products contain more nutrients, vitamins and minerals than conventionally produced food.

Natural, environmentally friendly, organic and microbial fertilizers are used in organic production and animals are fed exclusively with natural, ecological food. Organic products look the same as products not labeled as “organic products”, but the first difference you will notice is intense smell and taste.

Why Organic?

– Better taste – Organic fruit and vegetables grow slowly and have up to 30% more dry materia level which contributes to a better taste.

– Positive effect on our health – Organic food contains more vitamin C and essential minerals including as calcium, magnesium, iron and chromium, as well as antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer. Organic milk has naturally more omega 3, vitamin A and vitamin E, and other antioxidants.

– No harmful additives – Only 32 out of 290 food additives used in the EU and USA, are allowed in organic food production. Hydrogenated fat and sodium dangerous glutamine (MSG) are some of the banned additives associated with many health problems.

– No pesticides – Banned pesticides are also known as causes of many diseases.

– No genetic modification (GMO) – Organic food can not be genetically modified.

– No antibiotics – Antibiotics are normally added to the standard diet of domestic animals, so, thus accelerating growth, this leads to antibiotic resistance in people or similar.

– There are no “hidden” pollutants – Environmental pollutants, become part of the organic food that manages to depreciation.

– High standards – Organic farming and food are inspected at least once a year.

– Animal care – In organic agriculture, animals enjoy life conditions similar to their natural life conditions– free and comfortable movement.

– Environment care– Organic farming contributes to biological diversity of life on the farm.

In one research project experts made a comparison and got these numbers: organic food contains 27% more vitamin C, 21% more iron, 29% more magnesium and 13% more phosphorus. So it is recommended to include more organic food in your diet. Very soon you will notice the positive impact on your health. Organic food is significantly approved as part of your

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Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 acids are actually acids that needs to our body for effective daily function. There are three types of omega 3 fatty acids, which are:

DHA (Deoxyribonucleic acid)

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid)

ALA (Alpha-linolenic acid)

Studies have shown that the highest concentration of fatty acids DHA and EPA can be found in fish that live in cold water or in fish such as: salmon, mackerel and tuna.

ALA fatty acid can be found in some hazel fruits and certain vegetable oils. Important to mention is that the body converts ALA acid into DHA and EPA acid.

Omega-3 is Great for the body and the heart.

Over the last ten years, several studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids significantly improve heart health and reduce the risk of cardiac complications. Also, studies have shown that men with the lowest levels of omega-3 in their blood have a 81% more likely to experience sudden cessation of heartbeat (heart attack), of those men who have high blood levels of omega-3 acids.

Omega -3 acids helps in the work of our hearts, in a way that:
  • Lower the level of triglycerides.
  • Lower the level of high blood pressure
  • Reduce the risk of heart attack.
Omega-3 acids are useful for the rest of the body. For example, they can help in some inflammation, such as arthritis or pain in menstrual cycle, also they are useful for the people who suffer from osteoporosis.

Omega-3 acids have a beneficial effect on mental health. Studies have shown that depression was more common in individuals who consumed small amounts or not at all consumed omega-3 fats acids. Today many experts use programs that include omega-3 fats in order to improve patients mental health. Individuals suffering from anorexia have extremely low levels of fatty acids in their diet.

As “excess fat” means weight loss?

Omega-3 acids are not only good for our general health, but also can improve the result of diet and exercise for weight loss. Studies have shown that people who are trying to lose weight with the help of exercises and diets, they can better control blood sugar and cholesterol, if omega-3 fatty acids are part of their diet.

How much omega-3 should have in the diet?

Experts recommend every day to enter minimal 500 mg. Omega-3 fats. The best way is fish, especially “fatty”, to be part of our diet.

Keep in mind that some types of fish may contain high levels of compounds that are unsuitable for women who plan to become pregnant, are already pregnant, or those who have a small baby / child nursing.

Apart from fish, nuts offers another source for Omega-3

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