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Saturday 4 July 2015

8 Benefits of Cucumber Water You Must Know

Cucumber water is a fantastic thirst quencher that you will definitely want to consider the next time you need to rehydrate. Here are Eight benefits of drinking the refreshing water.

1. Super Hydration

Water is the most hydrating drink that you can consume, and when you add cucumbers to your water, it becomes tastier and promotes you to drink more. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, then you may need to add fruits and veggies to your water in order to infuse your water with different flavors. Adding cucumbers to your water is a great way to infuse your water with vitamins, minerals and flavor. Cucumbers are mild in taste and can add just enough flavor to your water that you actually want to drink it. This means that you will drink more water, and boost your health and your energy.

2. Rich with Vitamins and Minerals 

Water is essential for your health, but by itself, it doesn’t have any vitamins or minerals. However, when you add cucumbers to your water, you can add vitamins and minerals that will supplement your diet. Cucumbers are bursting with vitamins and minerals, and you can gain all of these minerals and vitamins by adding a few cucumber slices to your water. 

3. Helps Lower Blood Pressure 

If your blood pressure isn’t in check, then you may be putting yourself at risk for heart problems, kidney disease, vision loss and strokes. By drinking cucumber water you can keep your hydration levels high, and keep your blood pressure low. Cucumbers contain potassium, which can help regulate your blood pressure naturally. Plus, they are free of sodium, which makes them fantastic vegetables to eat when you are trying to lower you blood pressure. Eating sodium-rich foods can actually raise your blood pressure, so cucumbers are fantastic options to help lower and regulate your blood pressure. 

4. Suppresses Your Appetite 

Drinking just one glass of cucumber water per day can really help suppress your appetite and help you lose weight. If you are trying desperately to lose weight, but aren’t having any luck, then you may want to add cucumber water to your daily diet. Simply drink one glass of cucumber water whenever you are feeling hungry, and the water can curb your appetite and help you make it to the next meal without eat a snack. Overtime, you can lose any excess weight by cutting your calories and boost your overall health. 

5. Soothes Your Skin 

When you are hydrated, your body works at optimal levels. Staying hydrated is absolutely essential to your overall health and wellness. Drinking water can make you healthier on the inside and on the outside. Plus, drinking cucumber water can make your skin look supple and strong. Adding cucumbers to your water can keep your skin clear, healthy and supple as you age. Since cucumbers contain vitamins and minerals, you are getting extra nutrients each time you drink a glass. Plus, cucumbers also contain silica, which helps calm any irritation and inflammation in your skin. This will promote healthy skin, and keep any blemishes from popping up on your face. 

6. Detoxifies Your Body 

Every once in a while, you just need to step away from the bad food choices and detoxify your body. Detoxing your body can clean your blood of any unnecessary toxins, and can keep your immune system healthy and your overall body strong. Detoxing often sounds really boring, and definitely not fun, but, detoxing doesn’t have to be a nuisance. The next time you want to detoxify your body, eat a diet that is full of fruits and veggies and add cucumber water to your diet. The nutrients and antioxidants found in cucumber water can help your body stay hydrated and healthy. The antioxidants can scavenge any free radicals you have in your bloodstream, and the nutrients can replenish your nutrient stores in your body and keep you healthy. Plus, the compounds found in cucumber water can actually keep your appetite in check during your detox diet, and ensure that you won’t slip up and grab the donut or piece of pizza that you really desire during your detox diet. 

Try this recipe

7. Boost Bone Health 

Cucumbers are bursting with Vitamin K, which has been shown to reduce the risk of bone fractures in men and women as they grow older. Eating raw cucumbers or drinking cucumber water can keep your bones healthy as you grow older. Plus, vitamin K is also crucial for blood clotting. Thus, it is incredibly important that you always get enough vitamin K, otherwise your blood clotting process may be disrupted. 

Stronger bone

8. Protects Your Brain 

Cucumber water contains a flavonol compound known as fisetin which is super anti-inflammatory. This flavonol compound has been shown to reduce inflammation throughout the body and the brain. Plus, it may be able to improve your memory and protect your neurons as you grow older. This means, that by drinking cucumber water, you may be able to reduce your risks of cognitive decline as you grow older. 

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5 Common Cancer Myths You Shouldn't Believe Anymore

They say what you don't know can't hurt you. But when it comes to cancer, it's what you think you know that could actually kill you. It's time to correct 5 commonly held, but false beliefs about the big C.

Cancer Myth

MYTH #1: Cell Phones and Artificial Sweeteners Cause Cancer.

THE TRUTH: Despite the chain email your great-aunt forwarded you, "there is absolutely no evidence at this time that any of these things are associated with human cancers," says Jack Jacoub, MD, medical oncologist at Memorial Care Cancer Institute at Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, Calif.

So where'd the info even come from? Animal studies back in the 1970s linked artificial sweeteners to cancer, but the same findings didn't pan out in humans, according to the National Cancer Institute. 

And though some studies have shown an association between cell phones and brain cancer, others have demonstrated none—and groups such as the Food and Drug Administration and the World Health Organization say there's insufficient evidence to support any health harms.

So, where is the rumors come from?
Bottom line: To get the biggest bang for your cancer-prevention buck, try to focus on things that have been scientifically proven to reduce cancer risk, says Jacoub. Cut back on booze, quit smoking, eat more vegetables, and keep your weight in check with plenty of exercise.

Quit Smoking is better than believing some myth

MYTH #2: People with Darker Skin Can't Get Skin Cancer.

THE TRUTH: Fair skin does boost your odds of developing both deadly melanoma and other types of skin cancer. But no hue grants you immunity from the disease, says Joshua Fox, MD, medical director of Advanced Dermatology, PC, in New York—especially if you fail to take preventive measures.

So that make them lower risk for getting skin cancer?
Dark-skinned patients and even their doctors can easily miss the warning signs of skin cancer, which frequently appear in often-overlooked places such as under their nails or on the palms, soles of the feet, and mucus membranes around the mouth, eyelid, and genitals, he notes. As a result, they're often diagnosed at later stages, when cancers have become more difficult to treat.

Darker skin sometimes can mask the symptoms of skin cancer

MYTH #3: Excess Fat Only Affects Your Heart, but Not Your Cancer Risk.

THE TRUTH: According to the American Cancer Society, extra pounds weight into as many as 1 in 5 cancer deaths. Being too heavy increases your risk of colorectal, kidney, pancreatic, gallbladder, thyroid, and prostate cancers, among others. And it may also worsen your prognosis if you do get sick.

This might be because being overweight means you have more than your share of inflammation. And that may turn normal cells cancerous by altering DNA or flipping the balance between the rate new cells form and old ones die off. Compounds released by fat cells, including estrogen, adipokines, and insulin-like growth factor can do the same thing, Jacoub says.

What's more, obesity often goes hand-in-hand with a diet high in harmful fats and low in cancer-fighting fruits and vegetables—a carcinogenic double-whammy, says Scott Shelfo, MD, medical director of urology at Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southeastern in Atlanta.

Too much of harmful fats

MYTH #4: Cancer Can Never Spread from Person to Person.

THE TRUTH: True, you can't catch cancer from someone else who has it. But think again, some cancer-causing viruses most definitely qualify as contagious. In fact, over the last decade or so, human papillomavirus (HPV) has dramatically changed the demographic of people coming down with mouth and throat cancers, says Robert Haddad, MD, disease center leader, head and neck oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.

These cancers were once reserved for older smokers and heavy drinkers, but as many as 70% of them can now be attributed to HPV infection. The virus spreads during oral sex and can cause cancer years later, like when men hit their 40s and 50s.

Most people who have had sex eventually contract at least one strain of HPV, but the majority won't turn into cancer, Haddad says.
Get a HPV vaccination for your own protection 

MYTH #5: Getting a "Base Tan" Can Protects You from Skin Cancer.

THE TRUTH: It's time to banish the phrase "healthy glow," Fox says. Skin darkened by UV rays, whether from the sun or a tanning bed, has already sustained damage that contributes to cancer risk. That's not to mention wrinkles, dull skin, sagging, brown spots, and other signs of ageing.

Like to getting tanned?
Plus, that baseline bronzing provides you with only minimal sun protection—equivalent to an SPF of 3, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And even a single sunburn boosts your odds of deadly melanoma, Fox says.

According to CDC, Getting Tanned increase the risk of getting skin cancer
Bottom line: Sunscreen is a vital step, but should serve as a secondary strategy. Start by minimizing your time under the sun between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., when UV rays beam strongest.

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