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Saturday 23 May 2015

7 Benefits And 5 Side Effects Of Coca Tea

Have you ever heard of Coca tea? For centuries, this tea has been used by the indigenous people who live in the Andes mountain range in South America. This tea is known to have quite a few benefits as it contains compounds such as inulin, phytonutrients, and alkaloids. Coca leaves also contain Vitamins A, C, E as well as B2 and B6.

Also, this tea has its own set of side effects as well. Read on to know more about this tea and how healthy it can be for you.

Benefits Of Coca Tea:

Here are the benefits coca tea offers:

1. Boosts Energy:

The leaves of the coca plant contain a compound called inulin that gives off a stimulatory effect. According to researchers, it is this compound that makes coca tea boost energy levels in your body. It also helps in stimulating mental focus. This tea’s stimulatory effect is similar to coffee, but as coca leaves lack in caffeine, the cellular mechanisms it works through are different.

2. Boosts Immune System:

There are high levels of various vitamins in coca tea that may have antioxidant properties. These vitamins may play a role in boosting the functioning of your immune system. This means that the ability of your body to destroy compounds in your bloodstream that are potentially toxic is significantly increased.

3. Lowers Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease:

According to research, Vitamins C and E and the antioxidant properties they possess make coca tea beneficial to health. It is these nutrients and their antioxidant action that may help in lowering the risk of developing different types of cardiovascular disease.

4. Alleviates Altitude Sickness:

For centuries, coca tea has been used in South America to relieve the various symptoms of altitude sickness. You can prevent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and upset stomach by sipping on coca tea. Researchers believe that it is the presence of B vitamins and alkaloids that gives this herbal tea its effect on altitude sickness. This is because coca tea may help in improving the oxygen uptake and blood flow at high altitudes.

5. Relieves Indigestion:

The same alkaloids and vitamins that are present in coca tea make it an effective remedy for indigestion. You can gain relief from gastrointestinal problems by drinking this herbal tea. It is commonly used in South America as an effective natural treatment for many problems that are associated with indigestion.

6. Regulates Blood Glucose:

Coca leaves also contain calcium, iron, and riboflavin. With Vitamin A, these nutrients may help in regulating blood glucose in your body. This, in turn, enhances metabolism and may play a role in reducing the risk diabetes, as well as obesity.

7. Promotes Weight Loss:

According to experts, certain alkaloids that are found in coca tea may have the ability to promote weight loss. These alkaloids may play a role in increasing lipolysis that is the process of mobilizing and breaking down fatty acids in your body for energy. When you drink this tea on a regular basis, it may increase your body’s natural ability to burn fat and ultimately help reduce body fat.

Side Effects Of Coca Tea:
How safe is coca tea? This is a question that is often asked by people who have heard of this herbal tea and are considering it as a beverage in place of other teas or coffee. Well, decocainized coca tea, or the tea made of leaves without the cocaine, is quite safe for most people, especially if taken in normal amounts. The process that is used to make coca tea is very different from the process that is used to extract and make cocaine from coca leaves.

There are precautions that you should take if you are planning to drink coca tea. Let us take a look at some of the effects that this herbal tea can have on some people:

1. May Cause Miscarriages, Etc.:
It is recommended that pregnant women avoid coca tea. This is because the cocaine present in coca leaves may cause miscarriages or birth defects. It may also cause SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Breastfeeding mothers should also stay away from coca tea as it may have adverse effects on infants.

2. Worsens Asthma:
For asthma patients, avoiding coca tea is a good idea. The cocaine present in coca leaves, even in trace amounts, can make the condition worse. It is best not to use coca in any form if you suffer from asthma.

3. Worsens Heart Disease:
Again, due to the cocaine present in coca, it is best for patients of heart diseases to keep away from coca tea. It can worsen your condition and may cause complications.

4. May Increase Blood Sugar Levels:
Coca may spike blood sugar levels in certain people. If you are a diabetic, you should avoid coca as it may affect blood sugar control.

5. May Increase Hypertension:
Coca may cause high blood pressure in some people. If you are prone to hypertension, you should avoid it. You should also avoid coca if there is a risk of having a stroke or if you have a history of having one. The cocaine present in the plant raises the risk of dying from a broken blood vessel in the brain.

While coca tea has quite a few benefits, it does come with side effects as well. It is important to keep these in mind before deciding to consume this beverage. As with all herbal substances, you should consult your healthcare provider before you make coca tea a part of your daily routine.

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Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods You Eat Every Day

Cancer is becoming more and more prevalent in the 21st Century with suspected causes being attributed to increased technological advancements, pollution and of course the food we eat. Believe it or not there are many foods that you probably eat every day that are known to be cancer-causing.

If you plan on living a long, healthy life then you may need to change your lifestyle. Start by avoiding these 10 cancer causing foods that you are most likely eating on a daily basis. 

1. Non-Organic Fruit

This one is probably a little more obvious than some of the others that will make the list. It is no secret that non-organic fruit has been heavily sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals to ensure that the fruit receives the highest return on investment at the market. Unfortunately, in an effort to line the pocketbook, people are overlooking the fact that these chemicals are wreaking havoc on our bodies. 

Do yourself a favour and only eat organic fruit that is pesticide-free. 

2. Microwave Popcorn

Popcorn can be an incredible snack that doesn’t add a ton of calories to the diet, however, eating microwave popcorn is basically a death wish. For starters, the bag that the popcorn is in contains a chemical known as perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which studies have linked to liver, bladder, testicular, kidney and pancreatic cancer. 

That is just the bag. The actual popcorn inside this bag is not much better. Typically, microwave popcorn uses soybean oil, which is a genetically modified ingredient and they also need to preserve their popcorn with propyl gallate. Basically, these additional ingredients to a hearty snack lead to stomach problems and can increase your chances of cancer. 

3. Processed Meats

This one is unfortunate as processed meats covers everything such as lunch meat, sausage and even bacon. Unfortunately, in an effort to keep these meats looking fresh and delicious, they need to add preservatives. Typically, these include sodium nitritte and sodium nitrate, which have been linked to colon cancer. 

If you would like to enjoy these delicious meats, make sure you choose uncured meat that is nitrate-free and preferably grass-fed. This will ensure the best quality meat and pose less risk to your health. 

4. Canned Food

This one is a little surprising, however, most cans are lined with a chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA). This harmful chemical has been shown to alter the genes inside the brain. BPA is on the radar of the FDA as they are working to try and get BPA removed or at least significantly reduced in canned goods. You know a chemical is harmful for you when the FDA feels the need to actually step in and enforce changes to the way food is prepared and stored. 

5. Soda

This one probably doesn’t surprise anyone. These deadly drinks are loaded with sugar, colouring and of course, chemicals. Drinking pop will actually acidify your body and lead to creating a perfect host for cancerous cells. Believe it or not but soda pop will actually “feed” the cancerous cells so drinking too much of this is just asking for issues in the long run. 

6. White Flour

This one can be found in a lot of food and it is definitely not a nice food item to be enjoying. Basically, they refine the flour, which causes all the nutrients to be lost, then the proceed to bleach the flour with chlorine to make it more appetizing to the consumers. As you may have guessed, chlorine gas is not something you should be eating on a daily basis. You get absolutely no nutritional value from white flour and the added chemicals become cancer-causing agents. 

7. Farmed Salmon

While freshly caught fish is full of amazing protein and antioxidants, farmed fish is full of harmful chemicals. Unfortunately, most of the fish you see in the grocery store has been farmed, so it becomes difficult finding fresh, uncontaminated fish. 

What is so bad with farmed fish? Great question. For starters, they are fed an unnatural diet that is loaded with chemicals, pesticides and antibiotics, which are known to cause cancer. Due to the poor quality food, farmed salmon don’t develop that nice pink flesh that they do in the wild. Don’t worry though, as our fish farmers give them plenty of chemicals so they have that nice reddish-pink colour when they hit your table. 

Oh, and one last not about farmed salmon. Tests have been conducted and most farmed salmon are high in PCB’s, mercury and of course cancer-causing dioxins. Only eat wild fish and leave the farmed fish alone. They are basically a swimming cesspool of cancer-causing chemicals. 

8. Hydrogenated Oils

Stay away from the various vegetable oils and opt for high quality oils such as Grape Seed Oil. Vegetable oils have basically been chemically extracted from their source plant and then treated with even more chemicals. In case that wasn’t enough, then they add in additional chemicals to alter the smell and taste of the oil. 

Of course, vegetable oils are also jam-packed with unhealthy Omega-6 fats, which are known to cause damage to the membranes of our cells. Do yourself a favour and avoid vegetable oil at all costs. 

9. Potato Chips

This one hurts to put on the list but it is true, chips will cause cancer. Besides being loaded with trans-fat, which is known to increase cholesterol levels, potato chips are also filled with chemicals. 

Most types of chips will have artificial colours, flavours as well as many different preservatives to keep them fresh and tasty. Unfortunately, these chemicals lead to complications in the body. To make matters worse, chips are fried at extremely high temperatures, which give them that wonderful crunch. Unfortunately, the great-tasting crunch comes with a price as this frying process creates a material called acrylamide, which is a known carcinogen and also readily found in cigarettes. 

If you need to eat some potato chips then you should probably opt for the baked potato chips or tortilla chips, which will have fewer chemicals.

10. Diet or Low Fat Foods

Anything that is marked as “Diet” or “Low Fat” is pretty much saying they are loaded with chemicals that are going to wreak havoc on your poor, little body. Typically, these diet foods will be filled up with aspartame, artificial colouring, artificial flavours and preservatives. All of these are known to be cancer-causing agents.

It is best to stay away from these diet or low fat foods and instead eat fresh, organic foods.

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Skin Cancer Sign and Symptoms

Skin cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis, and it’s the most preventable cancer. Most skin cancer is caused by damage from the sun’s UV rays (ultraviolet radiation). This year, an estimated 73,870 people will be diagnosed with melanoma—the most dangerous type of skin cancer—and over 9,940 will die of the disease. 
Every year, over two million people are diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer—either basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma. 

Skin Cancer Symptoms
  • A sore that doesn’t heal
  • A mole or other growth you haven’t noticed before
  • Change in the border of a spot, spread of color, redness or swelling around the area.
  • A small, smooth, shiny, pale or waxy lump that may bleed
  • Large areas with oozing or crust
  • A flat red spot or a lump that is scaly or crusty
  • Itchiness, tenderness or pain from a mole or elsewhere on your skin
  • A brown or black colored spot with uneven edges

When looking at moles, remember the ABCDE rule: 
  • Asymmetry (one half of the mole doesn’t match the other), 
  • Border irregularity, 
  • Color that is not uniform, 
  • Diameter greater than 6 mm (about the size of a pencil eraser), and 
  • Evolving size, shape or color.
Talk with your health care professional if you notice any of these symptoms.

Skin Cancer Risk Factors
  • People who spend time in the sun, or use sun lamps or tanning booths
  • People who smoke
  • People who have blond, red or light brown hair, and blue, gray or green eyes
  • People with fair skin or freckles, or skin that burns easily
  • People with personal or family histories of skin cancer

  • People with certain types of genetic problems that affect the skin
  • People who have been treated with radiation
  • People with weakened immune systems
  • People who have several moles on their bodies, especially if they have had some moles since they were born
  • People who have odd moles or one or more large colored spots on their skin
  • People who have had contact with certain chemicals, such as arsenic in drinking water
  • People whose skin is damaged from injury or from long-term inflammation
  • People with HPV (human papillomavirus)
Men are more likely than women to get non-melanoma skin cancer.
Skin Cancer Treatment

Skin cancer treatment depends on the type and stage of the skin cancer. 

Treatment depends on the type and stage of the skin cancer
Common Treatment for Skin Cancer:
  • Surgery
  • Various chemotherapies
  • Radiation
  • Biological drug treatments
Other Possible Treatment:
  • Immunotherapy (for melanoma skin cancer)
  • Photodynamic therapy (for non-melanoma skin cancer)
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Testicular Cancer

This year, over 8,430 men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer, and an estimated 380 will die of the disease. It is the most common cancer in men age 15 to 35. When found early and treated appropriately, testicular cancer is usually curable.

Testicular Cancer Symptoms

A painless lump, enlargement or swelling in either testicle A change in how the testicle feels Dull aching in the lower abdomen, back or groin Pain or discomfort in a testicle or in the scrotum Sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum Feeling of heaviness in the scrotum 
Self check are equally important

Testicular Cancer Risk Factors
  • Men with personal history of undescended testicle at birth, or other abnormal development of the testes
  • Men who are infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
  • Men with a genetic problem caused by having an extra X chromosome
  • Men with personal or family histories of testicular cancer
  • Men who are white are more likely to develop testicular cancer than in men of other races.
Wearing Tight jeans are said may have some connection with it

Testicular Cancer Early Detection

  • Ask your health care professional to examine your testicles as part of a routine physical exam.
  • Talk with your health care professional about testicular self-exam. It is one way to get to know what is normal for you. If you notice a change, talk with your health care professional right away.
  • If you have a son who was born with an undescended testicle, talk with his health care professional about correcting it before he reaches puberty.
Always talk with your health care professional about testicular self-exam

Testicular Cancer Treatment

Testicular cancer treatment depends on the stage and type of the cancer, and the size of the tumor. It also depends on whether the cancer has spread beyond the testicle. Treatment can include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, alone or in combination.
Doctors cant do a thing if you never tells
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