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Tuesday 10 March 2015

These Three Foods Can Lower Blockage in The Arteries And Your Blood Cholesterol Level

There are the three foods that you should combine that will destroy the blockage in the arteries and will help you get rid of fat in your blood. It’s a drink combined of garlic, lemon and ginger.

There are countless benefits of this beverage; it’s a combination of three super healthy foods that can make a very positive health effects on your body.

The main purpose of this elixir is the treatment and prevention of clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), regulation of the elevated blood fat, prevention to general fatigue of the organism, prevention and treatment of infections and colds, intensive strengthening free radicals in the body that cause the most serious diseases and a number of other conditions associated with heart diseases and circulation.

The biggest problem with garlic it’s his long-lasting smell. We will immediately note that in this recipe, mixed with lemon and water, its stench almost completely neutralizes the effects of retained and you do not have a barrier to use the elixir.
– 4 larger heads of garlic (about 40 cloves)
– 4 whole lemons
– smaller ginger root (3-4 cm) or two tablespoons of ginger powder
– 2 liters water

Wellness Lab
Make sure you wash the lemon thoroughly, and then cut it in pieces. If the lemon is not organic then you should wash it with vinegar and water. Peel the garlic and put it in a blender together with the ginger. Mix well. Put the blended mixture in a metal bowl, add the water and heat it to the boiling point. Right before the boiling point, turn off the stove and let it cool. Strain it through a medium thick strainer and fill it in a glass bottles.
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You should consume this beverage once a day, one glass or 2 dL at least 2 hours before the lunch, on a completely empty stomach. (If you don’t mind, you can skip the squeezing and drink the mixture). Keep the beverage refrigerated.
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The treatment lasts for three weeks with a daily intake of one glass after which you need to make a break of one week and you can continue consuming again in the same cycle. If you don’t like the taste, you can add some honey. After 3 weeks of use you should feel a significant regeneration of the body. This beverage is also useful in the prevention of calcification in the body which causes the stones in the organs and congestion of blood vessels.

The combination of lemon, water and cooking will neutralize the smell of garlic. Before you consume, you must shake the bottle with the mixture. I have experienced this treatment and I can tell you that this beverage is excellent for the elderly and it returns their energy and strength and rejuvenates them because after a few weeks it improves their circulation.

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