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Saturday 12 September 2015

Simple Teachings: Fighting Hair Loss

Your hair is your crowning glory and any hair loss, balding, premature graying or problems with your hair act as a mirror to the current state of your body. 

An average human loses anything between 20 to a 100 hair strands a day, so don’t freak out at the hair that you see on your comb. Balding is a symptom of prolonged hair loss that’s more than the daily average. 

Factors linked to hair fall include: Hormonal Imbalances, bad genes (politely referred to as “heredity”), Malfunctioning of the Thyroid gland, stress, lack of sleep, Excessive intake of Vit. A, conversely a deficient intake of folic acid and even pregnancy are linked to that annoying receding hairline and bald patches.

Apart from these factors, you can also change small daily routines in order to decrease the amount of hair loss. Herbal remedies for hair loss include massaging your scalp for 10-15 minutes twice a week with either coconut milk, coconut oil, almond oil, even oil made from the Indian goose berry ( commonly referred to as “Amla” oil) is found to be beneficial. A good hair massage is found to increase blood circulation to the scalp, which combats hair loss by promoting hair growth.

Since a variety of dietary deficiencies are found to cause hair loss, you can make a few dietary changes in order to battle that annoying hair loss. Good proteins promote hair growth and it is proven that a protein packed diet of lean proteins (turkey, chicken, fish), sprouts, milk, eggs and yoghurt can help you regain your crowning glory. 

Another factor linked to hairloss is a copper deficiency, to rid yourself of any copper deficiency, it is recommended to drink a “super juice” made of carrots, alfalfa, and capsicum. If a Vitamin A deficiency is causing your hair-loss, you can cure that by including foods like cabbage, carrots peanuts and spinach in your daily salad!

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1 comment:

  1. If you are unable to stop your hair loss problem then you must stop using each and every hair care product. As some of the hair care products involves the harsh chemicals that can harm your hair follicles from roots.
