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Tuesday 8 September 2015

5 Reasons High Fructose Corn Syrup Will Kill You

When you turn on the Facebook or Health News, you are sure to see at least one or two stories warning you of the side effects of some food or drink… one that may even be your favorite.

Take, for example, the video being passed around Facebook showing what happens when you add Coca-Cola to milk, and how this reaction (which is really rather disgusting) is similar to what happens in your body. There is also an article entitled “20 Practical Uses for Coca-Cola: Proof That Coke Does Not Belong In The Human Body.” (Sorry Coke!)

We have been putting products like Coca-Cola into our bodies for years completely unaware of the damage it was doing. Only with recent advancements in science have we, as consumers, had the ability to be better educated about the ingredients in the foods and drinks we consume as well as the long-term effects these ingredients would have on our bodies.

One ingredient that can be found in about 80% of the foods we eat is high fructose corn syrup. According to

“High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a calorie-providing sweetener used to sweeten foods and beverages, particularly processed and store-bought foods. It is made by an enzymatic process from glucose syrup that is derived from corn. HFCS is a desirable food ingredient for food manufacturers because it is equally as sweet as table sugar, blends well with other foods, helps foods to maintain a longer shelf life, and is less expensive (due to government subsidies on corn) than other sweeteners.”

You can see why companies who produce food and beverages would find the use of HFCS desirable, but what you cannot see is the potential damage HFCS causes to our bodies. Like the saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” Sometimes cheaper isn’t always better.

The average American has increased their consumption of High Fructose Corn Syrup from zero to over 60 pounds per person per year. During this same period of time, obesity rates have more than tripled and diabetes has increased more than seven fold. While the corn industry will try to reassure us that HFCS is not harmful, these are facts that simply can’t be ignored. 

When used in moderation, HFCS is a major cause of heart disease, obesity, cancer, dementia, liver failure, tooth decay, and more. Here are 5 reasons why you should try to avoid any products that contain high fructose corn syrup:
  • Ingesting large amounts of sugar, no matter what the form, causes obesity and disease.
  • HFCS and cane sugar aren’t processed the same way by the body.
  • HFCS contains contaminants including mercury that aren’t regulated or measured by the FDA.
  • Independent medical and nutrition experts don’t support the use of HFCS in our diet.
  • HFCS is almost always a marker of food that is lacking in nutrients.

What is your opinion on high fructose corn syrup? Do you think it should be avoided at all costs?

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