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Friday 5 June 2015

Burn 350 Calories With These Easy Moves

When life's as busy as it is, simple is good. Easy, quick, and still super effective: even better. So when we came across a recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research that found alternating between two basic Kettle Bell (KB) exercises was powerful enough to count as your cardio and strength training in one, we were pumped to try it. Especially when we heard it could burn between 300 to 350 calories in only 30 minutes.

According to the study authors, this new research provides the first evidence that a continuous KB protocol can produce the same metabolic cost of moderate intensity treadmill walking (4 MPH) with a 4% grade, and potentially have a positive effect on the improvement of aerobic fitness. What's more, it'll slim and tone your entire body, including your core, and help you build and maintain strong, lean muscle mass.

"As people age, loss of muscle mass increases, leading to problems with balance, falls, and weakness," says study co-author Robert Kraemer. "This form of exercise would be particularly helpful in this regard." It's also great for when the weather isn't cooperating and you're stuck inside or short on time.

So what do you have to do? In the study, participants performed 3 continuous 10-minute sets of 10 kettlebell swings followed by 10 sumo deadlifts, with a 3-minute rest between each set. You'll definitely break a sweat, but with only 2 moves to think about you can zone out, pump your music, or work out in front of another episode of House Hunters.
Grab a 'bell and get to it. Start with a weight of 10 pounds or less until you've mastered your form (if you're totally new to KBs, consider taking a class or a training session with a pro to nail the basics) and slowly work your way up to 20 or 25 pounds. As the workout progresses—and you lose steam—pick up a lighter weight to avoid compromising your form.

2-Handed Swing move

Grab a kettlebell and stand with feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned out about 45 degrees. Place kettlebell on the floor between feet. Squat down and grab handle with an overhand grip. Push heels firmly into the floor and stand up, keeping arms extended. Swing it and burn those calories!

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