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Monday 20 July 2015

Prostate Cancer and the Causes

What Is Prostate Cancer?

The prostate is a small, walnut-sized gland that sits just below a man’s bladder. One in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in in their lifetimes. It’s the second most common cancer in the United States, and each year almost 30,000 men die from it, according to the American Cancer Society.

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

1) Age

Age is considered as the primary risk factor. The older a man is, the higher is his risk. Prostate cancer is rare among men under the age of 45, but much more common after the age of 50.

When you grow older, the higher chance to get it
2) Genetics

Statistics indicate that genetics is definitely a factor in prostate cancer risk. It is more common among certain racial groups - in the USA prostate cancer is significantly more common and also more deadly among Afro-Americans than White-Americans. A man has a much higher risk of developing cancer if his identical twin has it. A man whose brother or father had/had prostate cancer runs twice the risk of developing it, compared to other men.

It runs in your gene
3) Diet

A review of diets indicated that the Mediterranean diet may reduce a person's chances of developing prostate cancer.Another study indicates that soy, selenium and green tea, offer additional possibilities for disease prevention - However, a more recent study indicated that combination therapy of vitamin E, selenium and soy does not prevent the progression from high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN) to prostate cancer. A diet high in vegetable consumption was found in a study to be beneficial.

Mediterranean diet is good for prostate
4) Medication

Some studies say there might be a link between the daily use of anti-inflammatory medicines and prostate cancer risk. A study found that statins, which are used to lower cholesterol levels, may lower a person's risk of developing prostate cancer.

Statins for prostate
5) Obesity

A study found a clear link between obesity and raised prostate cancer risk, as well as a higher risk of metastasis and death among obese people who develop prostate cancer.

6) Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Men who have had gonorrhea have a higher chance of developing prostate cancer, according to research from the University of Michigan Health System.

STDs increase the risk factor

What Are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

The most common symptoms of prostate cancer include:
  • trouble urinating
  • increased frequency of urination
  • decreased force when urinating
  • blood in the urine and semen
  • swelling in the legs
  • discomfort in the pelvis or rectal region
  • pain with ejaculation
Prostate cancer can develop for months or years before it begins causing symptoms for some men.

Painful urination

How Do Doctors Screen for Prostate Cancer?

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screenings detect the amount of PSA in the blood. PSA is a protein produced by the prostate gland, and its level can be measured through a simple blood test. When the gland is affected by cancer, infection, inflammation, or enlargement, it releases higher than normal levels of the enzyme.

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is important
As part of a regular physical, doctors may begin performing a digital rectal exam (DRE) on men around the age of 50 or in those with risk factors for the cancer. An ultrasound may be needed to check for the presence of a tumor.

Digital rectal exam (DRE)
Health care professionals and doctors differ in their thoughts about who should have regular PSA screenings. Some men may receive a false-positive result and choose to have treatment that might not be necessary. It’s important to note that an increased PSA level isn’t always a sign of cancer. It can indicate an infection, inflammation, or enlargement, too. Before undergoing a PSA test, you should consult with your doctor about your risks and make your decision accordingly.

Don't be shy, consult with your doctor

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