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Saturday 26 December 2015

7 Things No One will Told You About Your Period

A period, or menstruation, is the shedding of the endometrium - the uterine lining. Menstruation is also known as menses. All female humans, as well as some other female mammals, have regular periods during their reproductive age. Menstruation which includes bleeding from the vagina is found mainly among humans and similar animals, such as primates.

In many mammals, the endometrium is reabsorbed by the animal. As far as humans are concerned a period is a bleed from the womb (uterus) that is released through the vagina. Women have a period every 28 days approximately. However, some women may have a 24-day cycle while other may have a 35-day one. A period is part of the woman's menstrual cycle.

1. It can be Your Best Friend.

Missing a period can be a bad sign, a very bad sign. Like when you had one-too-many martinis at the company Christmas party, slept with that sleazy guy from accounting and forgot to use protection. Or when you discover your long-term, live-in boyfriend has been having an affair with your best friend for the last year, and you are a week late. Or when you are 16 and just gave your V-card to your prom date in the back of his dad’s Suburban, and believed him when he said he would “pull out.” Yeah, these types of situations basically make getting your period better than getting a pony on your 5th birthday.

2. It can also be Your Worst Enemy.

Once you get past the point in your life where you stop making terrible decisions with your vagina and actually want to use it to have children, getting your period is worse than, well, getting punched in the vagina. Because one little wipe of a tissue can deliver the worst possible news: You aren’t pregnant. And now you have a long 28-day wait until you can hope to not get your period again. It’s enough to make a girl want to hit a kitten.

3. It will almost Always Come at the Worst Time Possible.

Preparing for your best friend’s epic birthday sleepover party? Heading for day off so you can get wild with your sorority sisters at water theme park? Preparing to jet off with your new man for your romantic Tahitian getaway? Getting ready to don virginal white for the last time before you walk down the aisle? Not so fast, my friend. Your "Aunt Anne" may have forgotten to RSVP, but she will most definitely be attending your special event.

4. There will come a Time when You Need to Borrow an Unmentionable.

There comes a time in every girl’s life when her monthly visitor pays her a visit and she is caught with her pants around her ankles — literally. Maybe you switched purses. Maybe you forgot to buy period party favors last time you were at Target. Maybe you lent your last pad to a friend. No matter what has left you up Menstruation Creek without a pad, you are going to have to go on a reconnaissance mission to retrieve the supplies you require.

5. It will Help You Bond with Other Women.

Whether you spill the details of springing a leak in math class, drown your menstrual sorrows in wine and pizza together during a “Sex and the City” marathon, or dry the tears of a friend who was trying to have a baby but instead got her period, menstruation has a way of bringing women together. Periods are a bond that only we women share and only we can understand. For better or worse, periods give us a common ground to laugh, cry, and occasionally hurl over.

6. It’s Nothing like the Commercials Suggest.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don't think a lot of women are flipping off diving boards or dancing around a campfire in white shorts when their period rears its ugly head. Now don’t get me wrong, we’ve come a long way from the days when ancient Roman women used wool tampons, but there is still always the chance we’ll spring a leak at an inopportune time or discover that a string has gone rogue in our bikini bottoms.

7. One day, You will Run Dry.

The biggest thing people forget to tell you about your period: One day, it will go away. Forever. This seems like amazing news when you are 25 and curled up in bed with a heating pad, bottle of Midol, and a box of chocolate. But it isn’t such great news when you are looking over the edge of 40 and awaiting the dreaded hot flashes, low sex drive, and other fun that comes with menopause.

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