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Thursday, 10 September 2015

Cleanse your Colon with this, see if your like it

Do you suffer from a toxic colon? According to some estimates, over 50 million people in South East Asia alone suffer from some kind of bowel problem, which are often related to an unhealthy colon.

These problems include - colitis, constipation, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease. Here is a simple trick that can clean your colon naturally.

Cleaning the bowel using this recipe should last for a month. After that, your intestines will be reborn.

Cleanse your Colon

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients: 
  • a pound of fresh carrots
  • a pound of fresh beetroot
  • a handful of dried apricots
  • a handful of raisins,
  • a spoon of honey
Take a pound of fresh carrots and a pound of raw beetroot. Finely shred the vegetables and put them in an intact enamel pot. Then pour boiling water over them, so that the water is two fingers above the vegetables. Then add one handful of dried and chopped apricots and raisins. Place the pot on the fire and wait for the water to boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, remove the pot from the fire.

When the mixture is slightly cooled, add one tablespoon of honey and let it stay covered for 12 hours in a cool and dry place. After that you need to squeeze the mixture and strain it well. Drink the liquid, and the rest of the mixture you can use it for culinary purposes. This amount of the cure should last you for about two days.


Drink half a cup (1-1.5 dl) three times a day before meals. Cleaning the bowel using this recipe should last month. After that, your intestines will be reborn. Keep the remaining liquid in the refrigerator.

How does it work?

The synergy of these ingredients is precisely targeted and focused on the large intestine cleaning.

Beetroot is an incredibly natural blood and intestines cleanser. It also provides great benefits for the liver. Cleaning the liver and the colon are the most important things you can do to preserve your health. By cleaning the liver and the intestines you can directly influence the health and well-being of the entire organism. For this purpose the “Queen of the country” can be very helpful because it contains many mineral ingredients, such as: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, sulfur, iodine, bromine, lithium, rubidium and strontium. Beetroot also contains vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C. Beetroot can also help in the treatment of kidney and gallstones and most importantly in will help you fight the cancer.
Carrots are the basic ingredient that you need to detoxify the body because they are rich in an antioxidant beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. The antioxidant activity of beta-carotene helps you fight free radicals that accelerate aging and leaves your skin with a natural glow.

Vitamin A, which also can be found in the carrot, is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system. This nutrient protects the skin and the cells lining the respiratory tract, the digestive system and the urinary tract.So the Vitamin A keeps these organs healthy to function and also helps a lot in the fight against infection.

Eating raisins and dried apricots improves the work of the intestines, it rejuvenates the liver and the spleen. It also returns the liver to its natural capacity and function. Raisins and dried apricots can be very helpful if you suffer from excessive mucus and humidity in the stomach.
Dried Apricots
Honey helps in faster wound healing, bowel and stomach diseases, fever and it can also be used as a cleaning agent. In the folk medicine, honey is the basis of many natural remedies. Honey also strengthens the immune system and has antibacterial properties. It helps the body to heal and cleanse.

There is another article about Colon cleansing you might be interested. Check this out.

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The Super Power Roots - Ginger

Ginger, a common found spice in India kitchens can help to manage high levels of blood sugar which create complications for long-term diabetic patients, a new study has claimed.
“Ginger extracts obtained from Buderim Ginger were able to increase the uptake of glucose into muscle cells independently of insulin,”Professor of pharmaceutical chemistry Basil Roufogalis who led the research said in a statement.
Ginger helps in diabetes control

Health benefits of ginger:
  • Cure for nausea
  • Helps with bronchitis
  • Reduces dizziness
  • Stops vomiting
  • Helps with morning sickness
  • Cure for diarrhea
  • Preventing osteoarthtritis
  • Helps with gas
  • Reduces menstrual cramps
  • Cure for cough
  • Prevents cold
  • Helps with upset stomach
  • Cure for baldness
  • Prevents colon cancer
  • Treating malaria
  • Juice can heal burns and relieve pain
  • Fresh helps with snake bites
  • Cure for rheumatism
  • Stimulates an appetite
  • Helps with headache and migraine
Must share if u care!

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