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Friday, 27 November 2015

6 Simple Habits That Can Lower Your Heart Disease Risk by 92%

Researchers followed nearly 70,000 people for two decades and concluded that three-quarters of heart attacks in young people could be prevented if they closely followed six healthy lifestyle practices, even if they'd been diagnosed with one or more risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. In fact, people who adhered to all six healthy lifestyle practices had a 92% lower risk of heart attack and a 66% lower risk of developing a risk factor for heart disease.

Check out these 6 habits that can save your heart.

Try Not Smoking

Science has proven time and time again that smoking increases the risk for cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke. And the sooner you quit, the sooner you reap health benefits. Research published in the European Journal of Epidemiology found that people who quit smoking lowered their risk of disease by 40% in 5 years.
Smoking increases the risk, you know that.

A Normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

Obesity was deemed a disease by the American Medical Association in 2013 because carrying extra weight may lead to factors that contribute to conditions such as heart disease. This is just one of the reasons why a healthy body mass index makes the list, but as Chomistek points out, people can be overweight and still be cardiovascularly fit. So while you might be fighting the battle of the bulge, if you are eating well and exercising—two of the lifestyle factors on this list—you're still helping to ward off heart disease.

Stay slim, stay healthy

Exercising At Least 2.5 Hours A Week

Incorporating daily activity into your routine can help diminish your heart disease risk by 46%, suggests a 2014 study published in the journal Circulation. Just make sure you're reaping the benefits by getting in a few sessions that make you really huff and puff.

It is advisable to exercise whenever you can

Watching 7 or Fewer Hours of TV a Week

We're sure you've seen the studies that show sitting for long periods diminishes your mortality rate, eating in front of the TV contributes to overeating, and using electronics prior to bed disrupts sleep. By reducing the time that you're planted in front of the television, you can increase the amount of time that you're exercising, socializing, and relaxing—all things that can also help slash your heart disease risk.

It's time to leave the couch and get moving

Drinking an Average of One Alcoholic Drink per Day

According to Chomistek, this is one of the least influential lifestyle habits on your heart health. "If you drink alcohol, limit it to one drink a day; but if you don't drink, I'm not going to recommend you to start."

One glass of wine improves blood circulation

Eating a High-Quality Diet

Chomistek explains that the participants in the study who experienced the least heart disease risk ate a diet that was high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and fish, and low in red and processed meats, and trans fats.

Do a Regular Cholesterol Screening

It is advisable to do a cholesterol screening every 3-6 month to monitor your cholesterol level. You will know when you need to do something when you look at your results.

Cholesterol Screening every 3 months keep you updated

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6 Sneaky Signs You Drink Too Much

You rarely turn down wine with dinner, not to mention that second (or third) cocktail at happy hour—but that doesn't make you a binge drinker, does it? 
Wine are good for Health, don't they?
More than 38 million adults binge drink an average of four times a month, according to a the report, and while 18 to 34 year olds are more likely to go overboard than any other age group, it’s actually the over-65 set that does it most often. Tying one on now and then may seem harmless, but overindulging in alcohol is responsible for more than 80,000 deaths in this country per year, and is the third leading cause of preventable deaths. 

So how much alcohol means you’re overdoing it? 

For women, binge drinking means having four or more drinks in a short period of time, compared to five or more for men. 
One Cup every night makes you a drinker
Most people who binge drink don’t fit the definition of an alcoholic, but there aren't just two camps of drinkers, say experts: Many of us are somewhere in between. To find out where you fall on the problem-drinking spectrum, read on for these surprising signs you may be drinking too much.

You become a Daredevil.

Anyone who’s seen their normally shy co-worker dancing on the bar at the company party knows drinking can lower inhibitions. Getting drunk can come with repercussions far worse than feeling embarrassed—it can lead to risky decisions. “Drinking too much on just one occasion can change your life for the worse,” says Gregory A. Smith, MD, an addiction specialist at the Comprehensive Pain Relief Group in Los Angeles. Alcohol is also a factor in approximately 60% of fatal burn injuries and drownings, 40% of fatal falls and car accidents, and half of all sexual assaults, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).

When you are drunk, anything can happen!

You’re a Weekend Warrior.

If you don’t drink daily but are drinking regularly, such as every Friday night, that’s a red flag,” says Dr. Smith. While research shows that having about seven alcoholic beverages per week lowers your risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, abstaining all week only to guzzle five or six glasses in a single sitting negates any of alcohol’s potential health benefits. Moreover, binge drinking can raise blood pressure and interfere with certain medications. “Plus, it’s easier for women to suffer acute alcohol poisoning that could lead to death because it could take only six or seven drinks for someone who is 5’3” and 115 pounds, while it may take twice that amount or more for a larger man,” says Dr. Smith.

Drinking just “creeps up on you.”

Have you ever told yourself you were going to have only a drink or two at happy hour, and before you knew it you’d downed four? One of the clues that you may be a binge drinker is not knowing your limits—or feeling surprised when you've "suddenly" passed them. Like diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems, drinking problems develop gradually. That’s why it’s smart to re-evaluate your drinking habits regularly by writing down how much you drink and when. That will make it easier to rein yourself in if you’re starting to get a little out of control.

This is just great, I think I will have 2 more bottle

Your memory has temporarily gone missing.

Alcohol affects everyone differently, depending on your genes, what, if any, medications you’re taking, as well as whether you just ate a big meal (food slows the absorption of alcohol in your bloodstream). Still, researchers speculate that heavy drinking interferes with how you remember by disrupting a key brain messenger called glutamate, which is linked to memory. That means if you have ever “forgotten” parts of the night until your drinking buddies reminded you, or have woken up foggy as to how you got home and into bed, you've definitely had one (or three) too many.

What happen last night? I cant remember anything

You let some responsibilities slide.
“Drinking is a problem when you notice that you’ve started to neglect things that are important to you for the sake of alcohol,” says Keith Humphreys, PhD, of the VA/Stanford University Center for Health Care Evaluation in Palo Alto, California. Maybe you’re normally a dedicated parent, but a Saturday night buzz means you have trouble putting the kids to bed. Or you skip your Monday morning spin class because you feel hung-over from the weekend. When drinking is prioritized over your normal day-to-day life, you’re probably in the danger zone.

My head hurts after the party last night

People close to you seem concerned.

If your family, friends, or co-workers have hinted (or flat-out vocalized) that they’re worried about you, it’s time to cut back. “The first step is to recognize that you’re drinking more than you should, and then to set some goals for yourself,” says Deidra Roach, MD, of the NIAAA. Tell your partner or friend what your drinking limit is going to be before you go to an event where alcohol is free flowing. This makes it easier to say no to the next drink, because you’re being held accountable by someone else. “And if you’re afraid to ask people if you drink too much, that’s probably a sign that you’re overdoing it, too” says Dr. Humphreys.

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