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Sunday, 8 March 2015

5 Best Couch Workouts To Tone Your Body

Do we find it really tough to do some exercises and to sign-up in a gym is a cost consuming? Ever wondered if there is a most improved place just inside your very own house to workout? Well, how about operative out in a couch? Yes, you listened that right! There is a set of couch workouts that can give we a physique we had always wanted. Amazing, isn't it?

Would we like to know what those cot workouts are? This post is for you. Read on!

As a name suggests, this use helps tinge your boundary and hamstring muscles. It is good for anyone who wants to get that beach physique fast.

  1. Lie down on your behind on a floor.
  2. Keep your heels hip-wide on a corner of a cot cushion.
  3. Your knees should be 90 degrees from your arms, somewhat to a sides.
  4. Lifting your hips, start squeezing your glutes, so that your physique forms a true line from your shoulders to knees.
  5. Lowering your knees to a sides, move them behind in and lapse to a starting position.
  6. Perform 15 repetitions.

This exercise is especially effective in toning your chest, arms and abdomen area muscles.

  1. Get into the push-up position, with your palms on the floor, arms extended and the balls of your feet on the edge of the couch cushions.
  2. Lift your hips so that your body is in the form of a straight line.
  3. To make the exercise simpler, place your knees on a cushion and perform an incline push up with your feet on the floor and your palms on the edge of the couch on the cushion.
  4. Bending your elbows, lower your chest towards the floor
  5. Peform 15-20 repetitions

This is another great couch workout that you can try; the flye master helps tone your back, biceps and shoulder muscles.

  1. Begin by looping a band around each couch leg.
  2. Sit on the floor facing the couch and hold the ends of the band in each hand.
  3. Keep your arms extended in front of you and your palms facing downwards.
  4. Take your elbows, and from behind your shoulder, bring them towards the chest.
  5. Keep your elbows bent and maintain the resistance.
  6. Lower your arms back to the starting position.
  7. Perform 15-20 repetitions.

This routine helps strengthen your triceps and your quads.

  1. Stand keeping your feet hip wide and your back to the couch.
  2. Place both your arms on the edge of a cushion or an armrest.
  3. Your fingers should face forward.
  4. Keep your arms straight and your elbows by the sides.
  5. Bend your knees around 90 degrees and keep the foot a few inches from the ground.
  6. Lowering your right foot, do the same with your left.
  7. When you flex your left foot, bend your elbows 90 degrees behind you and extend your left leg so that it is parallel to the floor.
  8. Straightening your arms, bend your left knee and come back to starting position.
  9. Complete 15 repetitions.
  10. Switch sides and repeat.

This routine helps tone your abs, butt, legs and biceps.

  1. Stand on the center of the band so that your back faces the couch.
  2. Now, begin by keeping your feet hip-width apart.
  3. Hold the ends of the bands with your arms by the sides and palms facing forward.
  4. Stand around 1 ½ feet from the edge of the sofa cushion.
  5. Keeping your elbows by the side, curl your hands towards your shoulders and begin lowering yourself into a squat. Note that you should barely touch the edge of the couch.
  6. Once you have attained the squat position, get back into the starting position in a quick smooth motion.
  7. Perform 15 repetitions.
Now that you know about these incredible couch exercises, combine them in any order and customize your couch based routine today. If you already practice couch routines, or you perform any of the exercises listed here, please tell us about your experiences. Leave a comment below.

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20 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Drink Coca-Cola

Wellness Lab
Did you know that coke is shown to be the most valuable brand in history and Coca – Cola takes the second place in worlds most recognized words? The acidity level of coke is almost the same with the batteries’ acid. Its ingredients are shown to be very powerful in cleaning surfaces. Coke can clean equally or even better than any household cleaners. The conclusion is that, coke is a poison for the human body.

Compared with people who do not consume Coke or other sodas at all or do not consume them every day, people who consume Coke and other sodas have increased risk of stroke and heart attack by 48%.

The journal Respirology published a study, according to which, the consumption of Coke and other sodas can lead to breathing disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma.

Practical uses of coke
According to some studies, the pH level of some sodas is about 2.5. There is too much acid in coca cola and other sodas. To understand this, you should consider that the pH level of the water is 7, and the level of the battery acid is 1. The following facts will be enough for you to keep any sodas even Coke away from your teeth and stop consuming them, because it is shown that they can damage the enamel of teeth and make them more susceptible to decay.

It is practical and better to use Coke as a domestic cleaner than to consume it. In addition we present you 20 ways of using Coke for cleaning your homes.

  • It is powerful cleaner for burnt pans. Put the pan in the coke, let it stay some time and then pour water on it.
  • It is powerful in descaling kettles. The procedure is the same as with burnt pans.
  • It can dissolve a tooth.
  • In a combination with aluminum foil it makes Chrome shiny.
  • It is effective in removing grease stains form clothing.
  • The acids contained in it are able to kill snails and slugs.
  • It can remove blood stains from clothes and fabric.
  • You can clean old metal coins. If you soak old metal coins in Coke it will remove the tarnish and make them shine.
  • It is also effective against rust (dip some fabric or sponge in a coke and apply in the rusty surface).
  • It is effective for removing gum from your hair. In a bowl of Coke put your hair;
  • It is also powerful at cleaning oil stains from a floor.
  • Pour some Coke over your car battery terminals and the results will be visible.
  • Technique that is been used for a long time ago by Coke distributors is cleaning their engines with Coke.
  • 2 liter bottles of Coke are enough to clear the rust from a dirty pool.
  • It can also clean your toilet. You only need to do is pour around bowl, wait a few minutes and then rinse.
  • Apply some Coke on your carpet, scrub and then clean with soapy water. It will remove marker stains from your carpet.
  • If you pour it onto kitchen floor and leave it for a while, and then wiped it up you will get cleaned tile grout.
  • Pour some diet Coke over your hair if you want to remove the dye from it wait for some time and the gum will be removed.
  • It can also remove stains from vitreous china.
  • It also can strip paint off metal furniture by soaking a towel in Coke and laying it on the surface.
  • You don’t need a cleaner or household in your house, if you have a Coke.
Now that you have read this, just think about what it can do to your stomach.

What happens to your body after consuming Coke?

  • 10 minutes after consuming Cola, an unlikely condition in your body occurs. Phosphoric acid inhibits the action of sugar which is one of the ingredients of Cola.
  • The level of insulin in the blood is going up 20 minutes after consuming cola.
  • The caffeine completely enters the body after 40 minutes. There are changes in the pupil of the eyes, which are expanding and blood pressure is raised. Cola blocking the adenosine receptors, prevents drowsiness.
  • 45 minutes after consuming it, brain center for pleasure is stimulated by the raised production of a hormone called dopamine. The same situation as the heroin creates to the brain.
  • 1 hour after consuming it, problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur, the metabolism works slow “thanks to” calcium, zinc and magnesium which bind with the phosphoric acid. Also calcium is released through the urine.

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FDA Finally Admits that Chicken Meat Contains Arsenic

Wellness Lab
The Associated Press reported that the FDA finally confirmed that chicken meat sold in the U.S. tests positive for inorganic arsenic. 

Arsenic is a cancer-causing toxic chemical that’s fatal in high doses. What is even more shocking is that this arsenic is added to the chicken feed on purpose. In 2006, the IATP reported that more than 70 % of all U.S. chickens raised for meat are fed arsenic in order to induce faster weight gain on less feed and to give meat a bright pink hue.

Wellness Lab
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that almost half of all tested chickens have absorbed inorganic arsenic in their liver. The agency asked Pfizer to stop manufacturing Roxarsone, the arsenic-containing drug.

The Wall Street Journal reports:
“The agency said it recently conducted a study of 100 broiler chickens that detected inorganic arsenic at higher levels in the livers of chickens treated with 3-Nitro compared with untreated chickens … Pfizer said sale of 3-Nitro would be stopped by early July in order to allow animal producers to transition to other treatments.”

Wellness Lab
Even though the arsenic-containing product is pulled off the shelves, and arsenic is a carcinogen which increases the risk of cancer, the FDA still claims that the arsenic in chickens is at a very low level and safe to eat.

What the industry tries to hide is that arsenic is extremely toxic to human health and, along with lead and mercury, is known to produce horrible neurological effects on developing fetuses and young children.
Arsenic is about four times as poisonous as Mercury. The trivalent Arsenic As+3 is considered 60 times more toxic than the pentavalent As +5. One study found that people who consume large quantities of arsenic-tinged rice showed significant cellular changes linked to cancer development.

Wellness Lab advice
Be-careful of what you eat
According to numerous reports, ingested arsenic can cause Bowen disease (squamous cell carcinoma in situ); invasive squamous cell carcinoma; basal cell carcinoma of the skin; and (less frequently) internal cancers of the lung, the kidney, the bladder, and the liver.

What’s beyond belief is that the FDA tells consumers that it’s safe to eat cancer-causing arsenic but it’s dangerous to drink elderberry juice!

For more health information and promotions, please follow us on Facebook-Wellness Lab Health Screening Centre
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