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Saturday, 16 May 2015

Coronary Artery Disease

What Is It?

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the narrowing of coronary arteries. These are the blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. The condition is also called coronary heart disease (CHD).

CAD is usually caused by atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the buildup of plaque inside the coronary arteries. These plaques are made up of fatty deposits and fibrous tissue.

Atherosclerosis can significantly narrow the coronary arteries. This decreases the blood supply to the heart muscle. It triggers a type of chest pain called angina.

Atherosclerosis also can cause a blood clot to form inside a narrowed coronary artery. This causes a heart attack. A heart attack can significantly damage the heart muscle.
The risk factors for atherosclerosis and CAD are basically the same. These risk factors include: 
  • High blood cholesterol level 
  • High level of LDL (bad) cholesterol 
  • Low level of HDL (good) cholesterol 
  • High blood pressure (hypertension) 
  • Diabetes 
  • Family history of CAD at a younger age 
  • Cigarette smoking 
  • Obesity 
  • Physical inactivity 
CAD is the most common chronic, life-threatening illness in most of the world's developed nations.

In most people, the most common symptom of CAD is angina. Angina, also called angina pectoris, is a type of chest pain.

Angina usually is described as a squeezing, pressing or burning chest pain. It tends to be felt mainly in the center of the chest or just below the center of the rib cage. It also can spread to the arms (especially the left arm), abdomen, neck, lower jaw or neck.
Blood Pressure runs high
Other symptoms can include: 
  • Sweating 
  • Nausea 
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness 
  • Breathlessness 
  • Palpitations 
A patient may mistake heart symptoms, such as burning chest pain and nausea, for indigestion.

There are two types of chest pain related to CAD. They are stable angina and acute coronary syndrome.

Stable angina.
In stable angina, chest pain follows a predictable pattern. It usually occurs after: 
  • Extreme emotion 
  • Overexertion 
  • A large meal 
  • Cigarette smoking 
  • Exposure to extreme hot or cold temperatures 
Symptoms usually last one to five minutes. They disappear after a few minutes of rest. Stable angina is caused by a smooth plaque. This plaque partially obstructs blood flow in one or more coronary arteries.
Blood clot
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS). 
ACS is much more dangerous. In most cases of ACS, fatty plaque inside an artery has developed a tear or break. The uneven surface can cause blood to clot on top of the disrupted plaque. This sudden blockage of blood flow results in unstable angina or a heart attack.

In unstable angina, chest pain symptoms are more severe and less predictable than in stable angina. Chest pains occur more frequently, even at rest. They last several minutes to hours. People with unstable angina often sweat profusely. They develop aches in the jaw, shoulders and arms.

Many people with CAD, especially women, do not have any symptoms. Or, they have unusual symptoms. In these people, the only sign of CAD may be a change in the pattern of an electrocardiogram (ECG). An ECG is a test that records the heart's electrical activity.
An ECG can be done to  records the heart's electrical activity.
An ECG can be done at rest or during exercise (exercise stress test). Exercise increases the heart muscle's demand for blood. The body can't meet this demand when the coronary arteries are significantly narrowed. When the heart muscle is starved for blood and oxygen, its electrical activity changes. This altered electrical activity affects the patient's ECG results.

In many people, the first symptom of coronary artery narrowing is a heart attack.


  • You can help to prevent CAD by controlling your risk factors for atherosclerosis. To do this: 
  • Quit smoking. 
  • Eat a healthy diet. 
  • Reduce your LDL (bad) cholesterol. 
  • Reduce high blood pressure. 
  • Lose weight. 
  • Exercise. 
CAD is a long-term condition. People can have different patterns of symptoms.

Plaque in coronary arteries never will disappear completely. However, with diet, exercise and medication, the heart muscle adapts to decreased blood flow.

New, small blood channels can develop to increase the blood flow to the heart muscle.
Heart attack
Lifestyle changes

Lifestyle changes include: 

  • Weight loss in obese patients 
  • Quitting smoking 
  • Diet and medications to lower high cholesterol and high blood pressure 
  • Regular exercise 
  • Stress reduction techniques, such as meditation and biofeedback
Do your yearly check up and remember to inform them about any abnormal symptoms

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Stroke Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

Strokes is a “brain attack” that occurs when blood flow to a part of brain is interrupted.
There are 2 major types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes are more common and are caused by a narrowing or blocking of arteries to the brain, resulting in severely reduced blood flow. Hemorrhagic strokes are less common and are caused by bleeding in the brain.

It is important to identify the warning signs of a stroke and get medical help as soon as possible to reduce the risk of serious damage to the brain. This can help lower the risk of death or disability and improve your chances of recovery.
Sign and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms may vary from one person to another depending on the type of stroke, the part of the brain affected and the extent of damage. But they all tend to begin suddenly. The most common warning signs of a stroke are: 
  • Numbness in your arm, leg or face, especially on one side of the body 
  • Trouble walking, loss of balance or coordination 
  • Trouble speaking and understanding others who are speaking 
To help recognize the onset of a stroke, remember the F.A.S.T. acronym.

Face: Ask the person to smile and check if one side of their face droops.
Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms and check if either of their arms drift downward.
Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase and check if their speech is slurry or strange.
Time: Every minute counts. If you observe even one of these signs, call an ambulance immediately. 

Moreover, some treatments for stroke work only if administered within 3 to 4 hours of the onset of symptoms.

Other possible signs and symptoms include: 
  • Trouble seeing in one or both eyes 
  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause 
  • Dizziness 
  • Complete paralysis 
Remember that stroke strikes fast and the symptoms come on suddenly. So, if you have one or more warning signs of a stroke for more than a few minutes, don’t wait for the symptoms to improve or worsen. Seek medical help right away.

It is better to call an ambulance than drive yourself or letting someone else drive you to the hospital. In the ambulance, medical personnel can begin life-saving treatment on the way.
Do not delay a trip to the hospital even if the symptoms occur for a few moments and then disappear. These brief episodes are known as transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) and may put you at a higher risk of a full stroke in the near future.

Subtle Differences Between Stroke and Migraine Symptoms
At times, stroke or TIA symptoms may be confused with migraine aura symptoms. In such cases, remember: 
  • Symptoms of a stroke or TIA are sudden, whereas migraine aura symptoms develop slowly and then spread and intensify. 
  • Migraine symptoms tend to be positive and you experience additional stimuli, such as seeing flashing lights and zigzag shapes. On the other hand, stroke or TIA symptoms typically begin with negative symptoms, such as loss of vision, hearing, sensation or limb power. 
Migraine? or Stroke
Risk Factors
Although a stroke can strike anyone at any time, these factors can increase your risk: 
  • Age 55 or older 
  • High blood pressure 
  • Smoking 
  • Diabetes 
  • Other conditions like heart disease, atrial fibrillation and blood disorders 
  • Migraines with aura, or visual disturbances 
  • Family history 
To help prevent or delay a stroke, it is imperative to control the risk factors. Plus, eat a healthy diet rich in a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, get regular exercise and maintain a healthy weight.

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Reduce Your Risk of a Stroke with These Useful Tips

A stroke occurs when blood supply to a part of your brain is interrupted or cut off and, as a result, brain cells are deprived of oxygen. This can happen either due to a blockage or bleeding in and around the brain.
Dangerous of Stroke
Though the signs and symptoms of a stroke can vary from person to person, the most common symptoms are face drooping, speech difficulties and muscle weakness on one side of the body.

Strokes are a leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. But, did you know that up to 80 percent of strokes can be prevented? This can be done by controlling the risk factors, which include smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease and obesity.

Also, remember that when a stroke strikes, every minute counts. So, call an ambulance right away to lower the risk of death or disability.

Here are some useful tips to help prevent or delay a stroke.

1. Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Use
When compared to non-smokers, smokers are two times more likely to have an ischemic stroke which is caused by a narrowing or blocking of arteries to the brain.

A 2008 study of women ages 15 to 49 published in the journal Stroke found that there is a dose-response relationship between the current number of cigarettes smoked per day and ischemic stroke risk. In other words, stroke risk is proportional to how much a person smokes.
Smoking increases the risk
Try to quit smoking, and seek professional help if needed. It will also improve your overall health and reduce the risk of other serious conditions.

Also, limit your alcohol intake as heavy drinking increases the risk of strokes. Men should not drink more than 3 to 4 units a day. Women should not drink more than 2 to 3 units a day. One unit of alcohol is about ½ pint of weak beer, a small pub measure of spirits or ½ standard glass of wine.
A little bit is good but too much?
2. Control High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for strokes. People often do not treat high blood pressure aggressively because it does not have any outward telltale signs.

The American Heart Association reports that only about 45 percent of people with high blood pressure actually have it under control. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people with uncontrolled high blood pressure are four times more likely to die from a stroke than those with normal blood pressure.
High blood pressure are at high risk
Take your blood pressure medicine as directed, get regular checkups and make necessary lifestyle changes like limiting salt intake to help regulate your blood pressure.

3. Make Healthy Eating Choices
Follow a healthy diet rich in a variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains like apples, pears, berries, cherries, pomegranate, broccoli, kale, spinach, avocados, almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds and others. Your diet should be high in fiber and antioxidants, and low in saturated fats, cholesterol, sodium and added sugars.
Stay healthy
Plus, the American Heart Association recommends eating green leafy vegetables along with fortified grains and cereals to get enough folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12.

These nutrients are associated with lower levels of an amino acid called homocysteine in the blood. High levels of this amino acid are linked to cardiovascular problems, including strokes.

4. Get Regular Exercise
Being physically active helps you remain fit and healthy. Regular exercise also helps lower cholesterol, regulate high blood pressure, control diabetes and prevent harmful clots.

A 2015 study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation found that women who were physically active a few times per week had lower risks of heart disease, strokes and blood clots than inactive women.
Get yourself moving
Moderate-intensity aerobic activity for about 20 minutes daily is fine for most people. You can pick an activity you enjoy like brisk walking, swimming, dancing, gardening, cycling or Tai chi. Also, be more active during the day by taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking your car further away from your office.

Ask your doctor to help you prepare a proper exercise plan with the types and amount of activity that is safe for you.

5. Trim Your Waist and Watch Your Weight
A 2003 Northern Manhattan Stroke study found that abdominal obesity is an independent, strong risk factor for ischemic strokes and has a greater effect among younger individuals.

Abdominal obesity increases production of low-density lipoproteins (LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol) that can be deposited in the blood vessel walls, raising your risk of heart disease and strokes. Generally, a waist-to-hip ratio of more than 1.0 in men and 0.85 in women puts you at a greater risk of diseases.
Excess weight puts extra burden on your circulatory system
Moreover, excess weight puts extra burden on your circulatory system. It also puts you at a higher risk of high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, all of which are key risk factors for strokes.

Take steps to maintain a healthy weight and reduce your waist-to-hip circumference ratio. Also, steer clear of soft drinks. A 2012 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that soft drink intake can increase the risk of ischemic strokes, especially for women.

6. Improve Cholesterol Levels
High cholesterol is another risk factor for strokes because it can block normal blood flow to the brain. It also raises your risk for heart disease.

High levels of LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol with artery-clogging properties and triglycerides (blood fats), in particular, are associated with increased risk of ischemic strokes. High-density lipoproteins (HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol), however, seem to protect against strokes and heart attacks.
Improve your cholesterol levels by incorporating more fiber-rich and plant-based foods and fewer meats in your diet. Also, steam, bake, broil or grill your food instead of frying and cut down on saturated fats. A more active rather than sedentary lifestyle will also help.

7. Manage Diabetes
Several studies have found that people with diabetes are at a greater risk for strokes. In fact, diabetes is a strong risk factor for ischemic strokes. The high levels of glucose in the blood can damage the arteries and increase the buildup of fatty deposits, thus increasing the chances of blood vessels becoming blocked. If this happens to an artery leading to the brain, it can cause a stroke.

To help prevent a stroke, it is imperative to control your blood sugar levels, eat heart-healthy foods and incorporate at least 30 minutes of physical activity in your daily routine.

Also, according to some studies, taking a low dose of aspirin daily can help lower your risk of heart disease and strokes. However, it may not be safe for everyone, so talk to your doctor about taking aspirin and the correct dosage.

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