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Friday, 27 March 2015

Cleanse the Poison in Our Colon, Try this~

The colon is a vital part of a healthy, functioning body. It plays a role in digestion, in your immune system, and in maintaining the water balance in your body. The colon is the part of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum. A colon that is not working properly will hold toxic waste longer time which is no good for you. An unhealthy colon is one that does not move the waste along efficiently enough. It results in this toxic waste being absorbed by the wall of the colon and into the bloodstream. For a healthy colon, it takes less than 24 hours for food to transit through our body. But with modern eating habits (processed food that lacks enzymes, fibers and nutrients) the transit time slows down to 70 hours. This results in a toxic colon and up to 30 pounds of accumulated waste.

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And the most common sign of having a toxic colon is a condition called constipation. Constipation occurs when waste materials move too slowly through the large bowel, resulting in infrequent and/or painful elimination.

Toxic colon Symptoms:

Digestive symptoms
Constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas, indigestion, stomach pain
General health 
Joint pain, muscle pain
Muscle Pain could be alarming something

Behavioral symptoms
Depression, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, mood swings, poor memory
Mood Swings

Immune system
Weak immune system, recurrent vaginal or bladder infections, skin rashes
Skin rashes

Bernard Jensen DC, ND, PhD is one of the pioneers who used colon cleansing to improve a person’s quality of life. In his book, Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, he explains the importance of colon cleansing: “the heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of purification. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true auto-intoxication on a physiological level. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It’s that hard and black.” Below is a program special designed to cleanse your colon, called Master Cleanse.
Anatomy of Colon
The Easiest Homemade Colon Cleanser

Master Cleanse is a 10-16 day cleansing program developed in 1940 by alternative health practitioner, Stanley Burroughs. In 1976, Burroughs presented his cleansing program to the world through a book titled The Master Cleanser.

  • 2 Tablespoons of lemon Juice
  • 2 Tablespoons of Organic maple syrup
  • 1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper powder
  • 10 ml of filtered water
Fresh Lemon Juice is a major Ingredient
  1. Mix everything together. 
  2. Drink this mixture 5 to 8 times per day for a minimum of 10 days.
Clean your Colon
You can also supplement with essential oils. They help to support the detoxification process of the body, while increasing the uptake of other nutrients and minerals to help your body re-balance. Therapeutic grade essential oils are effective because their nutrients are readily assimilated on a cellular level.

  • 1 fresh Lemon Juice
  • 10 drops each Lemon and Peppermint essential oils
  • 2 drops On Guard blend
  • Combine in 8 ounces of purified water
  • You can drink daily over a period of time
  • Time period: 14 days
Go Green Recipe

  • 1 whole celery stick
  • 2 chopped apples
  • Fresh Lemon Juice
  • One cup of spinach Juice
  • Half a cup of chopped parsley
  • Small piece of peeled ginger
Colon Cleanse Juice

  • Blender all of them with some purified water and drink once or twice a week.
  • You can add some fresh carrot juice to sweeten this drink. 
This drink will surely good for cleansing your colon and also aid in weight loss. For other recipe, check this too.

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How can we relieve our Joint Pain?

Multiple Joint Pain
As we get older our body starts to deceive us and we are forced to face many types of inconveniences. Joint pain is very often present in the elder years. The first symptoms are the symptoms of inflammation which are redness, swollen joints warm to touch, loss of joint function, stiffness and the most unbearable symptom the joint pain.

Joint Deform
Things can sometimes get worse because these symptoms can be followed by fever chills, headaches, loss of appetite and low energy together with muscle stiffness. In worst cases if you don’t treat the joint pain on time it can be a precursor to rheumatoid arthritis. Healing rheumatoid arthritis takes time and money. Also the treatment includes medicines that can suppress you immune system that might be a reason for development of other diseases. If you want to save your money and to avoid bigger pain you should turn to natural remedies and treat the inflammation before it`s too late.

It can be very Painful
The main reasons for inflammations are the toxins and other waste products present in the metabolic system. In order to get rid of them we need to cleanse our body and the best way for us to do this is by using herbs from the nature.

The following herbs will help you a lot to reveal joint pain:

1. Burdock Root
The essential fatty acids are known as best thing for joint pain. You can consume them by consuming Burdock root. They are full with fatty oils. The anti inflammatory properties of this herb will calm the inflammation which will reduce the pain. You can combine this herb with food, or you can dry the rood and put it in boiling water and leave it like that for about 10 minutes. Strain and rink it while is warm. If you want to make things simple you can always take it in a form of capsule.
Burdock Roots
2. Turmeric
This herb is very good when you have any kind of inflammation, it will help you to reduce the pain really quickly. It’s a god substitution for the pills doctors prescribe to people when they have joint pain. Turmeric has also good effect for people with cataracts and Alzheimer`s Disease because the anti inflammatory effect that it contains helps in the treatments of these diseases.
3. Ginger
Ginger is one more herb in the row of herbs that help when you have some kind of inflammation, but the difference is that it also contains anti rheumatic agent. It functions in that way that blocks the activation of COX2 and TNF – the inflammatory mediators. In one study in which were included people who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis was investigated the effect of this herb. After two and a half years the researchers come to conclusion that 75 percent of the people that were included experienced pain relief and decreased swelling. And what is best there were no side effects noted.
Ginger Tea
4. Flax
Fats from animal sources are one of the reasons for inflammations for people with arthritis. The omega3 in vegan form that are part from the flax are great for fighting this type of inflammation. All you should do is to consume 2 tablespoons each day. Be aware that boiling or cooking might damage the Omega3. And if you suffer from irritable condition consuming seed can make the condition worse so in such a case consume only the oil.
Omega-3 Rich Flax Seeds

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Once You See This Video, You’ll Probably Never Drink Soda Again. Trust Me On This

High Sugar Content Drink
Just about every week, it seems, a new study warns of another potential health risk linked to soft drinks. The most recent headlines have raised concerns that diet sodas boost stroke risk. Diet and regular sodas have both been linked to obesity, kidney damage, and certain cancers. Regular soft drinks have been also linked to elevated blood pressure.

You must have heard by now that Soft Drink is not a healthy beverage, you see the warnings all around you, but the words do not have as much impact as videos do. This video will certainly open your eyes and make you put down that bottle of coke for good!

The person you will see in the video below took the question to the next level. Exactly how much sugar is contained in a soft drink?
If you are a person who likes to think that ignorance is bliss, after watching this video you might want to start thinking about things a different way. It all boils down to this; once the water evaporates, all it’s left from the coke is a chemical mess that turns to Tar once the water is boiled away!

People who watch their diet and keep track of what they eat and drink already know that coke should be avoided. This is what any doctor will advise you to do. The chemicals and sugar contained in fizzy drinks ruin your health. They are addictive and getting rid of this bad habit is not that easy. Do not drink Coke if you want to stay fit and healthy. 

What harm does Coke (Sodas) do?

1. Bad teeth
Cavities occur when we consume too many sugary and acidic foods and drinks. Coke is no exception. It contains both and ruins the enamel. To fix the problem will cost you money. Dental work is never cheap. Of course, you can try and brush your teeth after drinking sodas, but the smarter choice is to avoid them and drink water instead.
Soda spoils your Teeth
2. Risk of diabetes
Carbohydrates is another name for sugars. Most foods contain a lot of carbohydrates. Pouring Sodas on top will only make the problem worse. It takes only 20 minutes to increase your blood sugar. It’s extremely hard to treat diabetes hence we suggest you should stop drinking all brands of sodas, Coke included.
High Sugar level content cause Diabetes
3. Poor metabolism
Do not trust commercials where you see famous sportsmen drinking Sodas after a training session. You will keep piling up pounds merely by drinking Sodas because sugary sodas slow down your metabolism and your body does not burn fat as efficiently. Drink plain water!
Commercial always do this
4. Aspartame affects inner organs
Aspartame is still being studied. It is known to cause a lot of diseases. It does not really matter which type of Coke you opt for – you are ruining your body anyways.
Take a good care of our inner organs
5. Sodas affects fertility
Regular consumption of Soda might have a negative impact on your reproductive system. The chemicals that most fizzy drinks contain lead to defects in your organs that are responsible for reproduction. You should bear this bad news in mind.

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Best Natural Kidney Stone Remedies

Lower Back Pain?
If you always have a lower back pain, or pain during urination, it may due to kidney stone!

What are Kidney Stone?
Kidney stones are small mineral crystals that form in the kidney or urinary tract and cause sharp pain in the lower abdomen, belly and groin region. The condition of developing a kidney stone is scientifically known as nephrolithiasis. The most common reason of kidney stones is concentration of urine due to dehydration or excessive fluid loss from the body through sweat. With the advancement of science and technology, kidney stone removal has become a minor operation and there are various ways of kidney stones treatment.
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Causes of Kidney Stones
There are various facts that can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Here we will discussed about some of the most common causes of kidney stones formation. 
  • Dehydration. Inadequate intake of water reduces the removal of minerals, impurities and salts through the urinary tract and these minerals tend to stick together to form tiny solid crystals. 
  • Family History. Kidney stone diseases can be genetic and affect a person who has a family history of kidney stones in previous generations.
Multiple Size of Kidney Stone
  • Medical conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and gout can also lead to kidney stones.
  • People suffering from hyperparathyroidism are at greater risk of developing kidney stones, because the imbalanced release of hormones by the parathyroid gland causes increased release of calcium in the blood stream, thereby increasing the risk of kidney stones.
  • A diet rich in sodium and oxalate foods can aggravate the chances of developing kidney stones.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones
A kidney stone usually doesn't show any symptoms until it is large enough to move around in the kidney or enter the ureter, thus blocking the passage of urine from the kidney to the bladder. Some of the prominent symptoms of kidney stones are:

Ouch! It's painful
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pain during Urination
  • Piercing pain in the back, lower abdomen and groin region
  • The pain comes in waves and its fluctuating
  • Red or Brown Colored Urine
  • Foul-smelling Urine
  • Increased Urge to Urinate
  • Fever and Chills

The Best Herbal Remedies for Kidney Stones

Kidney Stone removal
In the situation when the kidneys are not capable to process the toxins in the normal way , it happens a process named crystallization of the raw mineral with other words kidney stones are made. Here are the best natural medicines and solutions for kidney stones.

Lemon juice, olive oil and apple cider vinegar
This is one of the most effective medicines for kidney stones. When you feel the first indications, blend 60 ml of olive oil and 60 ml of lemon juice. Drink at the same time, and after that drink 350 ml of water. Hold up for 60 minutes. At that point squeeze the juice of a large portion of a lemon in 350 ml of water and add a tablespoon of apple fruit extract vinegar. Mix well and drink it. You ought to drink this mix of lemon juice, apple fruit extract vinegar and water consistently every hour until the agony of the pain is gone.

Bearberry Tea
This is one of the best common solutions for issues with the kidneys and the bladder. The bearberry tea can diminish disease, cleanse the urinary tract and take out the agony. For individuals who experience the ill effects frequently of kidney stones it is prescribed to take 500 mil of bearberry tea a day.
Bearberry Tea
Horsetail Tea
This is an effective remedy against the troubles caused by kidney stones. Drink 3-4 cups of horsetail tea a day in order to soothe the pain.
Horsetail Tea
Pomegranate Juice
Another effective remedy for kidney stones are the seeds and the juice from the pomegranate. Pomegranate juice carries a wide array of health benefits, but it can specifically be very beneficial in treating kidney stones. Therefore, you are advised to drink juice of freshly squeezed pomegranates daily for faster recovery. In addition to that, you can also consider eating organic pomegranates.
Pomegranate Juice
The celery is a vegetable that has an extraordinary impact on the strength of the kidneys and the whole urinary tract. You can include it in a salad, drink celery tea or use it as an extra ingredient in the suppers. Celery seed is considered as a wonderful kidney tonic and a very effective diuretic. The formation of kidney stones can be prevented quite effectively by using celery seed as a tea or a spice in food items regularly.
Celery Juice
The basil tea has a positive effect on the soundness of the kidneys. In the event that you have any issues with kidneys stones, you ought to take one teaspoon of a mixture of basil squeeze and honey.
Basil Leaves
Kidney Beans
Remove the beans from their pods and boil them in purified hot water for 5-6 hours. Strain the liquid using cheese cloth. Let it cool down at normal room temperature. The pain caused by kidney stones can be relieved quite effectively by drinking this liquid throughout the day. Try to finish the liquid in one day. Do not use it after twenty hours.
Kidney Bean

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