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Thursday, 2 April 2015


"Acidic Food are Cancerous"
Yes, we all know that. You have heard a lot about acids being used in domestic purposes, but do you know how acidic your diet can actually be? You have seen numerous adverts on TV channels, in newspapers or magazines that advertise packed or bottled products that do not match the natural needs and processes in our body. They are a product of the wide-spread consumerism, and have gone so far in destroying our health!

It is so because humans are creatures made to consume alkaline foods. We are actually alkaline organisms in the food chain and our blood’s pH level can easily turn acidic if we do not pay enough attention to the food we consumed.  If our blood being non-alkaline liquid, our body will poorly perform and will have difficulty in resisting the most difficult diseases like cancers and other auto-immune medical conditions.

Below is the 10 alkaline groceries that will feed your mind and body with more health and energy:

Top 10 : Avocados, ripe bananas, berries, carrots, celery, currants, dates or garlic can be your delicious supper!

When your body is in dire need of cleaning, you need foods that are very rich in antioxidants. Avocados, ripe bananas, berries, carrots, currants, celery, dates, garlichave a pH value of 8.0. They chemically react to acidic foods of pH 5.0 and bring them up near the alkaline levels. All types of berries: blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, gooseberries, elderberries, bilberries, barberries, bearberries or crowberries, dates, and especially garlic, have special properties that regulate blood pressure as well.

Top 9: Make alfalfa sprouts, sweet apples and apricots part of your breakfast!
Apart from having a pH value of 8.0,these ones are super digestible foods too, which means they are high in fibre. They are also high in enzymes that are very helpful in maintaining your body hormonal balance. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, as the saying goes! But don’t forget to include apricots though. And the sprouting seeds of beans known as Alfalfa sprouts are great in salads and sandwiches!

Top 8: Sweet grapes and pears, vegetable juices, passion fruit, pineapples, raisins and umeboshi plum are fantastic!
Grapes, raisins and plums are blood-regulating, which lowers blood pressure and risks of getting cardio-vascular diseases. With apH level of 8.5, this group is also rich in antioxidant and vitamins A, B and C especially. Pineapple, on one hand, is rich in L-Carnitine, which uses body fat as an energy source and is good for shrinking that growing waistline. Vegetable juices, on the other hand, are high in iron and good for cellular detoxification.

Top 7: Try fruit juices, chicory, or kiwifruit, instead of French fries!
Fruit juice
If you want to avoid acidic compounds during digestion, sip a glass of fruit juices or take a bite of chicory or kiwifruit.They have natural sugar that that gives more energy while not feeding cancerous cells. At a pH level of 8.5, this group is rich in flavonoids, a chemical compound in natural foods that have strong antioxidant properties. Kiwifruit has even higher vitamin C content than oranges!And chicory, known as a bitter-tasting close relative of the lettuce, also has insulin that supports the pancreas and aids the body in preventing diabetes. 

Top 6: Watercress, seaweeds and asparagus are a good choice too!

Being included in the 8.5pH level group, this group is unique as a powerful acid reducer. Did you know that watercress is called ‘the natural super food’? It is the very first leaf vegetable consumed by human beings and is usually prepared as a part of a healthy salad. It is best eaten raw and it contains lots of iron and calcium. The same goes for seaweeds. Asparagus is even more special for its highest content of asparagine, an amino acid important to the nervous system.

Top 5: Nutritionists recommend limes, mango, melons, papaya, and parsley for your kidneys!
Parsley Tea
This group of natural products has a pH of 8.5 and is best at cleansing the kidneys. Papaya is c considered the healthiest laxative that promotes defecation and colon cleansing. Parsley, the most popular cooking herb, is the best ‘chimney sweeper’ of the intestines when taken raw. It also has diuretic properties, which are necessary in cleaning the kidneys. Mangoes, limes and melons are vitamin-rich fruits that are alkaline-forming during digestion.

Top 4: Put cantaloupe and cayenne –capsicum in your lunch bag!
A cantaloupe, a relative of melons, is very low in sugar but high in fibres.Cayenne has antibacterial properties and is also a treasury of vitamin A– an essential antioxidant in fighting free radicals that cause stress and illnesses. The group with the most alkaline-reactive properties among the foods, with the pH of 8.5, are high in enzymes needed by the endocrine system as well.

Top 3: Agar Agar or organic gelatine!
Agar agar

Agar Agar,still with a pH of 8.5, is a gelatine substitute made from seaweeds that is high in iron and calcium, too. It is very digestible and has the highest fibre content among all foods.

Top 2: Make watermelon your favourite snack!
Watermelons,at a pH level of 9.0, are very alkaline. Because of their high fibre count and water content at 92% of its entire weight, watermelon is a mild diuretic and a great source of lycopene, beta-carotene and vitamin C. The most effective thirst-quenching fruit is the most life and energy supporting food when used in a week-long fasting or colon cleansing.

Top 1: Lemons are simply unavoidable!
The amazing lemoncitrus-fruit is at the very top of the list. Make it unavoidable if you are suffering from an auto-immune disease since it is has 10, 000 times stronger potential than radiation therapy or pharmaceutical drugs: Having apH level of 9.0, lemons are considered the most alkalizing food.

Its electrolytic properties are the most potent and the most immediate relief for colds, cough, flu, heartburns, hyperacidity and other virus-related ailments. Lemons are natural antiseptic that disinfects and heals wounds. Plus it is the best liver tonic that detoxifies and energizes the liver. 
Coconut water

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” Health Benefits of Consuming Dates”

Have you ever wonder what health beneficial effects does the dates you eat during Chinese New Year, or the dates you eat during BerBuka Puasa?
A lot indeed! Here are sweet, delicious fruits from the tropical oasis, brimming with much-needed minerals and energy to help you stay fit and healthy.

Botanically; they are the fruits grow on the palm tree belonging to the family of Arecaceae, in the genus: Phoenix, and scientifically named as Phoenix dactylifera. The tree is believed to originate in the lands on the BANKS of Nile and Euphrates Rivers of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Date palm is now grown extensively for its edible fruits under warmer climates across all the continents.ed! Here are sweet, delicious fruits from the tropical oasis, brimming with much-needed minerals and energy to help you stay fit and healthy.

Botanically; they are the fruits grow on the palm tree belonging to the family of Arecaceae, in the genus: Phoenix, and scientifically named as Phoenix dactylifera. The tree is believed to originate in the lands on the BANKS of Nile and Euphrates Rivers of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Date palm is now grown extensively for its edible fruits under warmer climates across all the continents.

Below are the Beneficial Effects of Dates that you should know

1.  Dates are free from cholesterol and contain very low fat. Dates are very low in calories and are extremely suitable for health conscious people.

2. They are rich source of protein, dietary fiber which prevents LDL cholesterol absorption in the gut. Additionally, the fiber works as a bulk laxative. It helps improve the digestive system as it contains soluble and insoluble fibers and different kinds of amino acids. thus, helps to protect the colon mucous membrane from cancer-causing chemicals binding to it in the colon. 

3. The dates are rich in vitamin B1, B2, B3 and B5 as well as vitamin K. It also contains very good amounts of pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), niacin, pantothenic acid, and riboflavin. These vitamins are acting as cofactors help body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Vitamin K is essential for many coagulant factors in the blood as well as in bone metabolism.

4. Dates are great energy boosters as they compose of soft, easily digestible flesh and simple sugars like fructose and dextrose. 100 g of mejdool dates hold 277 calories. When eaten, they replenish energy and revitalize the body instantly. For these qualities, they are being served to break the fast during Ramadan month since ancient times.

Variety of Dates
5. They compose antioxidant flavonoids such as ß-carotene, lutein, and zea-xanthin. These antioxidants found to have the ability to protect cells and other structures in the body from harmful effects of oxygen-free radicals. Thus, eating dates found to offer some protection from colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, and pancreatic cancers. 

6. Dates are rich in potassium and reduced in sodium. This helps regulate a healthy nervous system. Researchers have revealed the fact that potassium intake up to a certain extent can reduce risk of stroke.

7. Dates have high iron content and are very useful in treating anaemia carrying 0.90 mg/100 g of fruits (about 11% of RDI). Iron, being a component of haemoglobin inside the red blood cells, determines the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

8. Dates also have fluorine that slows down the process of tooth decay.
Tooth Decay
9. It helps people suffering from constipation. Soak dates overnight and take it along with water to have added advantage.

10. Dates help in weight gain and are beneficial for those who suffer from over slimming problem.

11. Dates are excellent for alcoholic intoxication.Cures abdominal cancer.

12. It also helps in improving eye sight and helps in curing night blindness as well.

Dates on sales during Ramadan

Selection and storage
Dates can be readily available in the groceries year around. Some varieties of fresh, soft, good-quality fruits, however, only found from September through December of the year. In certain dry regions of Africa, dates gathered while just reaching maturity and allowed to ripen inside the jars.

In the stores, one may come across soft, semi-dry, and dried types display for sale. At home, store them at room temperature in cool place, inside an air-seal container where they stay can well for several months.

So, if you never try a dates before, I mean a fruit here, try it now!

“The best thing is that it does not have any side effect on the body and is completely natural as well as it works better than medicine.”

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10 Effective Home Remedies To Prevent Flatulence

Flatulence is the gas formation in alimentary canal. Excessive flatulence is very embarrassing and uncomfortable problem that many suffer from. During work place it creates uncomfortable feeling of belching and bloating. Although embarrassing, flatulence is a fairly common physical disorder that is also known as ‘passing gas,’ ‘passing wind,’ etc. Read on to know how to tackle flatulence by using simple yet effective home remedies.

Stating the obvious, excessive build-up of gas in the stomach and intestines results in flatulence or burping. Before you are at a point of no return, watch out for the following signs at the early stages of building flatus-
  • Heavy bloated stomach
  • Abdominal pains
  • Belching
All this can be avoided with these 10 quick and easy flatulence home remedies that assist in food digestion. Let us ‘breeze’ through them one by one.

Home Remedies for Flatulence

1. Ginger:
In Herbal medicine, ginger is considered to be an impressive carminative (that assists in discarding intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (that helps in relaxation and soothing of intestinal tract). Slice some ginger and soak it in pure lemon juice for an hour. Chewing these soaked ginger chips after each meal will help your intestines function at their optimum. If chewing ginger in its raw form is not for you, then drink up some ginger ale to reduce that bloated feeling.

2. Nutmeg:
Since ancient times, nutmeg has been used in small doses to not just reduce flatulence, but also as a brain tonic, healing insomnia, and depression. Grating some nutmeg into your soups can increasingly help in your flatulence.
Note: Consuming more than 2-3 nuts a day may result in hallucinations.

3. Peppermints:
Peppermints contain menthol, which is mostly just considered a mouth freshener. However, the same menthol soothes the digestive muscles while getting rid of unwanted gas problems. Now we know why restaurants serve mints at the end of the meals, don’t we? Simply chew on some peppermint if your stomach feels queasy and bloated, you are sure to find relief from the sensation in no time.

4. Asafoetida (Daily Drink Mix):
One of the Ayurvedic remedies for flatulence is a mixture of 1 teaspoon each of dry ginger powder, asafoetida and black salt in a warm glass of water, and drink it once a day. We all know ginger aids in digestion. Asafoetida is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps alleviate digestive problems and gas.

5. Cardamom (After Meal Drink Mix):
Cardamom acts as a natural detoxifying agent and benefits those suffering from intestinal gas. You may use 1 teaspoon black pepper powder, 1 teaspoon dry ginger powder, ½ teaspoon cardamom seed powder, and mix it with warm water to drink one hour after each meal. Yes, this may not taste as yummy as your usual can of orange juice, but it works for sure! This is the best home remedy for flatulence.

6. Fiber Intake:
So, you have increased the intake of fiber as per a new diet chart? And now you feel bloated for most of the day? Introducing too much fiber in your diet may at times lead to increased flatulence. A healthy portion of fiber intake should be maintained at 20 to 30 grams a day.

7. Cut Down On The Carbohydrates:
Carbohydrates or carbonated drinks produce the most gas in the stomach. Build your diet around food with the least complex carbohydrates. These include fish, meat, grapes, berries, nuts, and eggs.

8. Soaked Beans:
Many cultures practice soaking uncooked beans overnight to remove water-soluble carbohydrates that result in gas formation. Discard the water, cook the beans on a simmer, and finally discard the water once again before consuming any beans, this will reduce the urge to fart!

9. Artichokes:
Research on Globe Artichokes show that they help in treating chronic digestive complaints, which includes irritable stomach, nervous gastropathy, flatulence, and irritable bowel. However, consuming the globe artichoke’s cousin – the Jerusalem variety, can bring up the question, “who dunnit” a dozen times in day! So, choose wisely!

10. Food Consumption:
Last but not the least, chew food slowly. The more you chew your food, the easier it is for your intestines to digest what you eat. Also make sure you eat a balanced diet, avoiding deep fried wedges and burgers. This can be the reason for flatulence too.

Avoid the intake of carbonated drinks, broccoli, beans, cauliflower, bread and cheese, or any food that contains a high percentage of yeast. Strike off carbohydrates rich items from your grocery list and avoid any food that you know will make you bloat. Watch out for those heavy tummy signs. Also, remember to chew more on your food and less on those rosy gums. When your body is trying to get rid of excess air, the last thing you want to do is add more to the pile. That includes smoking of any kind.
Smelly Gas 
Let us see some natural remedies for Flatulence
  • Early morning drink a glass of water in empty stomach.
  • During night before going to bed take a glass of Luke warm water mixed with a teaspoon of honey. If not you can take a glass of warm milk mixed with a teaspoon of ghee.
  • Regularly consume papaya, apple and sugarcane which are good for digestion.
  • Generally it’s better to avoid beans, grams, legumes, cabbage and mushrooms since they cannot be digested easily.
A Few Fun Facts:
  1. An average adult normally passes gas 15 to 20 times a day.
  2. A typical fart contains 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane and 4% oxygen. Only 1% of this mix contains sulphur that causes them to stink.
  3. Not only they are flammable, but also travel at a speed of 10 feet per second.
  4. A human body continues to pass gas up till 3 hours after death.
  5. January 7th is claimed to be the National Pass Gas Day in America, right after National Beans day on January 6th.

Hope this list of simple yet effective home remedies for flatulence will help you. Don’t forget to share this to your friends and families , together we share the health information and the taste of a healthy life!

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You Sleep During the Night in a Cold Room? Here is What can Happen to You!

Sleeping is essential to maintain a good health, as we all know. But, a new study has shown that sleeping in a colder room temperature environment can improve your health. Colder sleeping rooms can subtly transform your brown adipose tissue (considered as a good adipose) into higher consumption of energy and metabolism, even during the day.

Good Sleeping is Essential
Until recently, scientists have considered that adults do not have brown adipose, but during the last couple of years, a very small amount in the size of a teaspoon, has been found in the neck and the upper part of the back in many adults. This is a very important brown adipose, and contrary to the well known white adipose, it is metabolically active. Mice experiments have shown that sugar needs to be out of the bloodstream so that calories can be burnt and inside temperature of the body is maintained.
Sleeping in lower temperature
Apparently, a similar process occurs in people, as well. A new study, published by the American Diabetes Association in July, in collaboration with the National Institute for Health, has researched the influence of controlled climate conditions in bedrooms in which 5 young men- volunteers slept for several months. During the day, the young men lived their normal lives, but it the nighttime they slept in the Institute. All meals, including lunch were provided for them so that proper intake of calories is guaranteed. They were covered with light sheets.

During the first month, researchers have kept a temperature of 24°C, since they considered that neutral temperature would not cause body reactions. The next month, they lowered the temperature to 19°C, which they considered that it would stimulate, in smaller amounts, the brown adipose tissue (but it will not cause trembling, which is a usual reaction of lower temperatures). The next month, the temperature was restored to 24°C so that all effects from the cold room were abolished. At the end of the last month they increased the temperature to 27°C. Blood sugar, insulin level and intake of calories were tracked during the experiment, and also after each month, the amount of brown adipose was measured.
Inner Body temperature raised
The research showed that cold temperature had significantly changed their bodies. The most surprising fact was that after sleeping in a temperature of 19°C, the volume of brown adipose in the young men had doubled. Their insulin sensitivity was better under the influence of change in sugar in the blood. Francesco S. Celi, one of the researches and a professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University, claims that although these were light changes, they are important. These are young and healthy men, but with the very fact of sleeping in a cold room they gained metabolic benefits in comparison to others. In time, these benefits can decrease their risk of diabetes and other metabolic problems. They also lost several calories during sleeping in a cold room (yet not so much that it would result in weight loss through those few months). The metabolic improvements were gone after sleeping in a temperature of 27°C. In fact, they had even less than during the first scan.

The Message of the studies was:
In order to improve your metabolism, lower the temperature for a few degrees in your bedrooms. Sleeping in a cold room or showering with cold water creates full increase of inner body temperature which contributes to the strengthening of the immune system and speeding of the metabolism, especially in the moments when we relax.

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