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Wednesday, 11 March 2015

10 Ways to Remove Calluses Naturally

Wellness Lab
What is Calluses

Calluses are caused by repeated pressure or friction on an area of skin. The pressure causes the skin to die and form a hard, protective surface. Calluses are not caused by a virus and are not contagious.

Repeated handling of an object that puts pressure on the hand, such as tools (gardening hoe or hammer) or sports equipment (tennis racket), typically causes calluses on the hands.

Calluses on the feet are often caused by pressure from footwear. Walking barefoot also causes calluses.

Calluses often form on bunions, hammer, claw, or mallet toes, or on the bumps caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Calluses on the feet may also be caused by repeated pressure due to sports (such as a callus on the bottom of a runner's foot), an odd way of walking (abnormal gait), or a bone structure, such as flat feet or bone spurs (small, bony growths that form along joints).

There are 10 ways to remove Calluses naturally, read this


4 alternatives to soak your callused feet.
  1. Soak your feet in chamomile tea to soften hardened skin for about 30 minutes. Don’t worry if your skin gets stained because you can remove any tea stains easily later with soap and water.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda to warm water and soak the affected area. This will help dissolve the dead skin and begin the healing process. Soak for approximately 30 minutes.
  3. Soak a bread slice in apple cider vinegar for about 10 hours o form a paste. Before going to bed put the paste on the callus and secure with a bandage. wrap it in a plastic sack and leave it on overnight. Remove in the morning.
  4. Soak the callus in warm water with Epsom salts. The warm water softens your skin, and the salts help scrub the corn or callus away.



2 ideas on how to best scrub the callus away.
  1. Using a foot file or pumice stone rub the calluses away. Use the file after you have soaked your feet or at the end of a shower, when your feet have been softened by the warm water. Rub your feet with a vigorous, circular motion. If you have a heavy buildup of calluses, rinse your feet often by dipping them back into the water. Also, rinse the pumice stone to get it wet again and remove the dead skin. Work until the skin turns pink for best results.
  2. Another great way to scrub away unsightly a callus is to take a barefoot walk on a wet, sandy beach.

Drying your feet
Dry the area completely. It is important that you don’t allow this area to remain damp. Use a towel to remove all moisture.
Sprinkle a small amount of cornstarch on the area. This will ensure that the area stays dry. It will also help ward off infections.

Or you can:
  • Make a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice, one teaspoon dried chamomile and one clove of crushed garlic. Apply the mixture to your callus once or twice daily until it is gone.
  • Cut 2-3 raisins in half and put them on the affected area, (with the cut facing the skin), secure with a plaster overnight. Repeat daily until the callus reduces or disappears.
  • Use 1 onion slice, sprinkled with a few drops of lemon juice, and some salt. Tape them to the callus overnight. Repeat daily for a week to remove the callus easily.
  • Crush 5 aspirin pills, add 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and 1/4 teaspoon water to form a thick paste. Apply to the affected area and cover with a plastic wrap. Cover with a wet towel. Let sit for about 30 minutes. After rinsing with warm water, rub the callus with a wet pumice stone.

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Visible and Hidden Signs of Breast Cancer

The most feared and common type of cancer among women, statistically about 39,620 women will die from breast cancer.

Anatomy of Breast
It is important to know, learn and understand that our body, especially our breast anatomy and how it functions so we can understand which changes are not normal. Breasts are made up of fat and breast tissue, along with nerves, veins, arteries and connective tissue that helps hold everything in place, with aging the look and function of the breasts change.

1. The first sign of breast cancer is a lump in their breast, although 90% of these lumps are benign and confused with Cysts, sacs of fluid in the breast tissue, which are quite common

2. LUMP or area of thickened tissue in either breast or underarm area, it can be detected with a regular self examination for breast cancer .

3. A change in the SIZE or shape of one or both breasts.

4. PAIN in either of your breasts or armpits not related to your period

  • Coming from either nipples, this discharge may be blood.
  • Milky discharge, if it is present when a woman is not breastfeeding it is highly recommended to be checked by a doctor.
  • Dimpling or sunken skin on your breasts
  • Rashes around your nipple
  • Redness or an enlarged underarm lymph node
It is known that the best protection is early detection. that why we need to do regular medical check up every year and follow up our health status. there are several test we can do to detect any earlier sign and symptoms for breast cancer, for example: Cancer Antigen CA 15.3.

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How to SAVE you from a Toothache in Just 7 Minutes

Wellness Lab

The unwritten rule is that the tooth always starts hurting on Friday at noon or before public holidays, when most of the dentists are not working. Fortunately, there’s a solution that will at least slightly reduce the hassle.

Toothache is definitely one of the most troublesome pains that can happen to you. But, using this simple trick, the tooth will stop bothering you, at least until you reach the nearest dentist.

Toothache Guy

Research conducted in Canada showed that a toothache can be eliminated or at least mitigated without opening the mouth. All you need is ice cubes that you put in the crease between the thumb and forefinger. Gently rub ice on the area for 5 to 7 minutes.

Wellness Lab

This segment of the palm is the place which contains the nerve endings that are associated with the centre for pain in the brain that controls the level of pain in the hands and head. Rubbing ice blocks the centres, and 90 percent of the respondents who participated in the survey confirmed that this technique alleviated their toothache.

Crease between the thumb and forefinger?

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Little Known Chinese Herb Naturally Kills Cancer In 40 Days! 

Marketers resort to all kind of tricks to allure as many readers as possible to their products, but this is not a cheap trick. The Chinese life-saving plant Thunder God Vine is now at its highest! Even scientific communities attribute merlin-like power to this herb to eliminate cancer cells.

Tests conducted time and again on experimental rats, previously diseased with cancer cells found in human pancreas, rendered more than encouraging results. Miraculously, within only forty days, every trace of cancer was literally wiped out!

The lifeless small mammals continued their living cancer free evidently! Researchers now need financial means so that they can continue the research and start healing humans.

The origin of Thunder God Vine or Lei Gong Teng in Chinese was found in an ancient Chinese medicine used for treatment of various diseases and notably the auto-immune disease rheumatoid arthritis. Among the problems the plant is effective with the Chinese noted edema, fever,chills and carbuncle.

Since the herb was effective with rheumatoid arthritis, scientists figured out it might be effective with other auto-immune diseases like cancer in the first place. Exactly the researchers from the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Centre discovered that its compounds can completely wipe out pancreatic tumors in laboratory rats.

So, what is the secret miraculous element present in this herb? The element is called triptolide. It is able to induce apoptosis or cell death in the cancer tissue.

A scholar study reveals that the apoptosis induced by triptolide is influenced by directly regulating the gene known as caspase-3 or Bax. The gene is mainly associated with apoptosis and for this reason it was targeted in the study.

Then another study done at the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center also confirmed the previously reached results. Upon being subjected to a 40-day-treatment with the herb Thunder God Vine, the examined participants’ screeningsdid not show any presence of cancer cells.

They were gone as if never present! Hence, The Science Translational Medicine journal gave a merited promotion to this herb.The results obtained fueled scientists’ hopes that the plant could be the possible cure for many other forms of cancer due to the high level of triptolide in it.

So, could it be that natural plants which cure cancers have been right here, in front of our noses, all the time?

Have we lost so much precious time on producing ineffective modern chemicals? We certainly have! Modern medicine and the rich corporations which are backing it up in order to fulfill their secret agendas are most to blame.

Even though Thunder God Vine is cheap, it is believed that once the scientists come up with a drug based on the plant these cruel drug companies will only sell it for a huge amount of money.

However, people don’t have to say: “What cannot be cured must be endured.” Not any longer! Because Mother Nature has given them a chance to overcome that pessimistic stance!

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