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Thursday, 12 March 2015

She lost 22 Pounds in just 3 days

This is not a slimming Commercial

On Monday, She had 158 Pounds and this Wednesday 136 pounds! How she do it?

We use parsley as a spice and as a remedy against urinary problems and kidney diseases. But it also helps us release the accumulated water in the body and can help us feel much lighter in just a few days.

Parsley tea can help us feel lighter for up to five kilograms in just a few days. It purifies the body and releases the fluids.

To make parsley tea , just a simple 3 steps
  1. You need to put five tablespoons of chopped parsley in 1 liter of boiling water. 
  2. Allow it to stand for about 20 minutes, and then filter the tea or drink it with parsley. 
  3. Drink one liter per day for one week. 
You will feel much lighter after just three days. (The effect may varies with different type of people)

It is very important for the body to dispose water because we disgorge toxins and bacteria with urine. Parsley is scientifically proven to be an excellent diuretic, and a strong antioxidant. It is recommended to drink parsley tea, but be careful not to overdo this tea. You should not consume more than one liter per day.

SO the KEY to this is remove water retention from your body!

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New Threats is Coming for Us

As one research of international experts has shown, in the year 2050, the excessive use or the abuse of antibiotics and the resistance to them that people are likely to develop as a consequence, will be replacing Cancer, Heart Attacks and Stroke and becoming the number one cause for deaths in the world.

A group of scientists, hired by the British government, claim that the resistance of antibiotics will overtake malignant diseases which are the main cause for death in world nowadays.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
  • As stated, due to the antibiotics resistance, on a global scale, yearly, from 2050, around 10 million people will suffer, mostly in Asia with 4, 7 million and in Africa with 4, 1 million.
  • Experts consider that in Europe the resistance of antibiotics will be the cause of death for around 390 thousand cases, and in the USA, 317 thousand.
  • Cancer, the number two cause of death, from 2050 will take around 8,2 million lives yearly, diabetes 1,5 million and traffic accidents 1,2 million.
  • This study also shows that in the next 35 years, despite the antibiotics resistance, around 300 million people will die before their age, whereas today, 700 thousand people die from the same cause.
  • The research has shown that on a world scale, the consumption of antibiotics has risen 40 percents in the period between 2000 and 2010.
So, please do not treat antibiotics as a MUST-HAVE prescription for normal flu or disease or else you have to really finish it for humankind's sake!

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Natural Food to Fight Cancer Cells

Grape Seed Extract Outperforms Chemo in Killing Advanced Cancer Cells. One of the latest organic options to chemotherapy that is being investigated is showing outstanding results: Grape seed extract is showing the ability to target and kill one of the most toxic cancer cells.

Actually, the more hostile the cancer cells are the more potent the grape seed essence is at stopping them. Exactly what is additionally remarkable is that as grape seed essence targets cancer cells, it leaves healthy cells untouched. Unlike radiation treatment that gets rid of healthy and also malignant cells which always lead people to Cancer = Death Sentence.

Cancer = Death Sentence?
In a current research released in the journal Cancer Letters, Molly Derry, a doctor prospect in the laboratory of Rajesh Agarwal, PhD, and a detective at the CU Cancer Center and her group, viewed that while dosages of radiation treatment simply boost with more extreme cancer cells cases, such as a phase IV instead of stage II. On the other hand, the quantity of grape seed essence called for really reduced. Derry detailed: “It required less than half the attention of GSE to reduce cell development as well as kill 50 percent of phase IV cells than it did to attain comparable lead to achieve similar results in type II cells. We’ve understood for quite a while that the bioactive substance in grape seed essence selectively targets many types of cancer cells. This research study shows that many of the same mutations that enable intestines cancer cells to survive conventional therapies make them especially sensitive to therapy with GSE.”

Grape Seed
Grapes in fact, are amazing in general. Grapes are an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin C, as well as antioxidants, while remaining reduced in calories. Grape seed essence has been shown to be helpful for a number of cardiovascular disorders such as inadequate flow as well as high cholesterol levels, the therapy of diabetes-related eye disease, loss of vision as a result of growing old, swelling linked with injury, as well as areas being studied in the treatment of leukemia and Alzheimer’s disease.

One of the secrets to grape’s healing abilities is the high attention of flavanols, which are found in berries, grapes, as well as apples. In another research done to examine the results of flavanols on tumors found that the development of brand-new tumors in mice fed with black raspberry, decreased by 45 percent and the complete number of lumps went down 60 percent.

Cancer is by no means a “death sentence”, and research is proving that natural alternatives to standard commercial cancer treatments are often more effective, but are not only available.

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Some Easy Way to Help Fight Lung Cancer

Fighting Lung Cancer
The cancers are becoming more aggressive, all malignant tumors, lung cancer has the worst prognosis. Here’s the good news: experts say that these proven strategies protect and reduce the risk of up to 65 percent!

Defense Lung Cancers with Pistachios!

60 grams of pistachios daily may reduce the risk of lung cancer by 50 percent. They are full of gamma-tocopherol form of vitamin E that helps in the prevention and accelerates regeneration of lung tissue. Important sources of gamma-tocopherol are the nuts and peanuts.

Treatment with Movement!

All kinds of regular physical activity, at doses of at least 20 minutes a day, improve lung circulation, which in this case easily released from cancerous toxins. The result is a faster recovery of damaged tissue and reduced risk of cancer. Good circulation is so important because it protects even former and current smokers.

Chase Away the Toxins with Grapefruit!

Half red grapefruit a day reduces the risk of lung cancer by 28% even if you smoke! The fruit, which is packed with vitamin C and lycopene, which is a duet with joint forces which protects lung tissue from pollutants, advises researchers from Harvard. The same effect has watermelon and all cooked tomato products (juice, sauces).

Enjoy the Sun!

People who are more exposed to sun are rarely diagnosed with lung cancer. Tanning helps the body to produce vitamin D, which promotes lung cells to grow and divide properly, preventing pre cancerous changes and spread of malignant cancer cells.

Attack the Cancerous Cells with Chili!

The lungs are protected with reduced input of red meat. Experts say that a dose of 85 grams per day is safe, but larger doses increase the risk for the quarter. How? Meat contains carcinogenic polycyclic hydrogenium that are activated during the preparation of the meat. Replace the meat and potatoes with chili sauce, red peppers, soups and vegetables .

Extinguish the “Fire” with an Apple!

An apple a day reduces the risk of lung cancer by 30% so that the burning lung tissue acts as a balm. Another possibility: daily drink a glass of 2.5 deciliters apple juice.

Apart from these fascinating foods you can get to protect yourself from getting lung cancer, you also need to cut off some bad habits which increase the risk of getting lung carcinomas. Such as smoking, alcoholic, chemical usage e.t.c.

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Does Blood Grouping Determines the Risk from Heart Attack?

Blood types are inheritance from our ancestors and with that they can tell us a lot about whether we are predetermined to suffer from certain diseases.

If nothing, they precisely determine the risk of heart diseases.

Believe it or not, the people with blood type O are least likely to develop heart diseases, whereas people with blood type A, B, or AB have far more chances to suffer from cardiovascular problems. The data from the research of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have been gathered for seven years with samples from around 50,000 respondents from the north-west part of Iran.

It was shown that people with blood type A, B, or AB have, in average, ten percents greater risk of dying as a result of health problems, than those with type O.

The respondents from the first group had, in average, 15 percent greater risk of dying as a result of heart related problems than their peers with blood type O.

Moreover, the respondents with blood type A, B, or AB had, in average, 55 percent greater risk of dying as a result of stomach cancer, than those with blood type O.

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Furthermore, scientists point out that the gathered results were not affected by factors such as gender, age, smoking, socioeconomic status or ethical origin.

The above info are just for your reference only and not to be taken seriously.

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Lose 10 Pounds in just 7 days with Lemons

This is an easy and efficient diet that will help you lose 10 pounds in a week. The ingredients have many health benefits and the diet is proven to be efficient in short period of time.

Lemon Diet
  • Start the day with a glass of cool lemonade – it will help you activate the metabolism and detoxify the body. 
  • After half an hour, eat 2 apples or 2 oranges or 1 big grapefruit. Besides the fruit, take a handful of nuts, almonds or hazelnuts, which are a great source of antioxidants.
  • Diet bread and yogurt.

  • A fresh salad with olive oil and a little salt.

  • Try eating dinner before 6 p.m. Make some lettuce salad with olive oil and little salt.
  • Drink 1 liter of green tea (put 4 bags of green tea in 1 liter of water) before going to bed.

Follow this regime for a week or 10 days, depending on how much weight you want to lose. It is to expect to lose 10 pounds in a week.

Fresh Lemons
How it Actually Works:

Like other detoxification diet programs, lemon diet allows us to take a break from solid and processed food to allow our metabolism to ‘breathe’ and cleanse itself. We love our food so much that we are no longer aware of putting too much junks into our bodies. Combine that with the toxins we inhale everyday and we have an overworked digestive system that contributes to our continuous battle with weight.

The citric acid in lemon (at seven to eight per cent, it has the highest concentration of all fruits) significantly helps boost our system and cleanse our ‘dirty’ system. Whereas, the pectin found in lemon peel helps with weight loss in two ways: 

  • it slows down the absorption of sugar from the food we consume and also makes us resist hunger for up to four hours (Journal of the American College of Nutrition). 
  • Besides, the acid in lemon affects our digestive system in such a way that it absorbs more calcium – which helps in the fat burning process.

The best is, you don’t have to starve yourself in a lemon diet. True, you only have to watch your food intake – but you don’t have to live on lemon juice and cayenne pepper like other mentally-testing detox diet. Take note of your assigned menu for the next seven days, starting next Monday!

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A Secret Recipe that can Flush away your Fats!

What is the number one thing firstly recommended in every diet?

Yes, you've guessed it right - Water. Our bodies consist of about 70% of water and therefore we cannot live without it. Whenever you hear about water, you surely connect it to purification and well being of the body.

8 Glass of Water per Day
The Mayo Clinic acknowledges that most doctors recommend drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water daily so you body functions perfectly. Drinking this amount of water every day will hydrate your body from the inside out, including a better function of your internal organs(stomach, kidneys, head) as well as making your external one(skin) radiant.
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Keeping your body hydrated is one of the most important and secure ways to be healthy. Here are the three most important benefits water makes for our bodies:
  • Aid in losing weight, in which it satisfies our thirst which most people mix with hunger and overeat. for that matter it is suggested to drink a glass of water half an hour before a meal.
  • Boosting your metabolism, aiding your digestion as well as helping remove waste products from our bodies
  • Breakdown and elimination of fat cells.
As for the last benefit of water which concerns us all there are various recipes that will spice your plain water and give you an extra boost.

If you get bored of drinking water and you are tempted to reach for the artificial juice or soda from the market this is the solution for you. It is called the fat flush water. This detox water will both nourish your body and flush all the toxins and fat.

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What is Fat Flush Water?

Instead of buying flavored water which is full of chemicals and extra calories, you can make your our flavored detox water which will help you get rid of the chemicals from your body. All you have to do is infuse your water with a few simple ingredients such as fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices.

The Fat Flush Water recipe

  • 2 liters (64 ounces) water
  • 1 tangerine, sliced
  • 1/2 Grapefruit, sliced
  • 1 Cucumber, sliced
  • 4 Peppermint or Spearmint Leaves
  • 1 tablespoon ginger
  1. Put all the ingredients in a pitcher or a bottle before bed and drink it throughout the following day. This combination of ingredients together will help elevate your energy levels during the day and of course flush your fat, since each one of them works as a diuretic and metabolism booster.
  2. The grapefruit is one of the essential fruits that will help you lose weight, the tangerine will add sweetness to you water, while the cucumber will add all the minerals to it.
  3. Therefore, it is the perfect mix and the slim and fit version of you will be just around the corner if you try the fat flush water.

It is of course recommended not to rely only on the drink but as well balance it with a healthy diet and exercise in order to get better and faster results.

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Teach You How to Lose 2 KG in One Day

Tea Diet: Lose 2 kilograms in One Day

This Tea diet is a great choice for all those who want to quickly melt some unnecessary pounds.

This green tea and milk diet is something new and trendy. It gives the desired results, and is mostly recommended for people who want to remove the excess water in the body.

How it Works

Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet. It is loaded with antioxidants and various substances that are beneficial for health. Many studies have shown that green tea can increase fat burning and help you lose weight

When you drink a cup of quality tea, you’re actually getting a large amount of beneficial substances with potent biological effects.

The best known of these is caffeine. A cup of green tea contains much less caffeine (24-40 mg) than a cup of coffee (100-200 mg), but still enough to have a mild effect. Caffeine is a well known stimulant that has been shown to aid fat burning and improve exercise performance in numerous studies.But where green tea really shines is in its massive range of antioxidant, being loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins. The most important of these is EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a substance that can boost metabolism. Keep in mind that these benefits can be derived both from drinking green tea as a beverage, as well as taking green tea extract as a supplement where most of the studies used extracts.

Here How We Do It


  • 1.5 liters of milk
  • 2 tablespoons of green tea leaves

Boil the milk and cool it to 70 degrees, then add the green tea leaves.

Cover the tea and let it sit for 20 minutes, then strain the milk and drink it throughout the day – Consume one cup every two hours. Besides the milk, it is recommended to drink two liters of water if you want to achieve the best results. It will help you lose between a half and two kilograms in one day.
You must not hold on to this diet longer than one day, and you should not use it more than twice a month. Be careful if you are 
  • Milk intolerant
  • Have low blood pressure
  • Have troubles with your kidneys
  • Suffer from some chronic diseases
  • Taking Diuretic/ Cardiovascular/ Long Terms Medication
You must consult your doctor before you try this diet!

How Can Green Tea help with Weight Loss?

One way that green tea could help with weight loss, is by reducing appetite. This would make us take in fewer calories, automatically, without any effort. Several studies have looked at the effects of green tea on appetite, but most showed conflicting results.

There are also animal studies suggesting that green tea can reduce the amount of fat we absorb from foods, but this has not been confirmed in humans.

Overall, it seems that green tea exerts its effects primarily by increasing “calories output process". It makes us burn more fat, but it doesn't appear to have any noticeable effect on how much food we end up eating throughout the day. 

However… it’s important to keep in mind that not all fat is the same.

We have subcutaneous fat that lodges under the skin, but then we also have visceral fat, which is the belly fat that builds up around the organs.

It is this deep visceral fat that is harmful. It causes inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which are strongly linked to all sorts of serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

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Several studies on green tea show that although the weight loss effects are modest, a significant percentage of the fat lost is the harmful visceral fat.

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