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Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Truth Behind the Fresh looking Fruits And Vegetables

The Truth behind Fresh Looking Fruits and Vegetables
Recently there are some Shocking video that echoed like on Facebook showing how fruits and vegetables are injected with chemicals to make it seem fresher. The chemical that is shown in the video, erythrosine B, is commonly used in desserts like some candy and gels to decorate cakes. It is also used for the colour of pistachio shells and is full of additives (E127).

Back in 1990 the FDA launched a partial ban on the use of erythrosine, because, many studies showed that excessive consumption caused cancer in tested rats. In June 2008, the Centre for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has asked the FDA to issue a total ban on erythrosine in the United States.

On the other hand, a number of toxicological tests and a review of other published studies experts led to the conclusion that erythrosine is not genotoxic.

The video is attached below, see it for yourself:

Chemicals often used for ripening of fruits and for fresh look of vegetables. These chemicals are dangerous as they harm our health adversely and should be banned.

If you see brinjals that shine, apples that glow and chillies that cause temptation to touch them. You better think twice before you buy them.  They look so fresh that the customers buy them without knowing that there is poison behind the glow and shine of vegetables and fruits, we even pay MORE MONEY to buy them.

Chemicals to make your Tomato look nice
Some farmers themselves are using chemicals to make the vegetables look fresh. We all know that eating vegetables is good but it is causing health problems now. Farmers mainly will use this chemicals called Oxytocin on vegetables. This hormone was given to pregnant woman as a medicine earlier. But this has been banned now. Now it is consumed by everyone in the form of vegetables. If this hormone is consumed for a long duration, it is going to affect the health adversely. 
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This Oxytocin hormone was given to pregnant women for controlling heavy bleeding during delivery, for sufficient production of milk and to improve the chances of getting pregnant one more time. It has been proved that if Oxytocin levels in the body increase, it will affect the nervous system and cause other nerve related problems.

Oxytocin is now available everywhere and easy to obtain in black market. This is injected into the vegetables to look fresh and into the fruits to ripe them quickly. This hormone is given to brinjals, pumpkin and cucumber. Copper Sulphate is used to bring artificial glow to fruits and vegetables. Calcium carbide is used to ripening fruits. This damages the lungs. It causes skin diseases. Ulcers may develop in mouth and throat. Such dangerous chemicals should be banned from using for the health of the people. 

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Clogged Arteries? Drink This!

If you have got problems with clogged arteries, you can find the cure in your medicine cabinets, but also in your kitchen or pantries.

Recently, there was a study showing that pomegranate can help unclog your arteries and it also says that pomegranate extract may reverse and prevent the underlying pathologies of the cardiovascular system, that leads to heart attack and bypass surgeries. This was recently published in the Atherosclerosis journal.
Normal and Clogged Arteries
Another study, published in the Clinical Nutrition journal in 2004, showed the result of a 3 year clinical trial in an Israeli population. After one year, the plaque clogging their carotid arteries was reduced by up to 30%, while the control group’s blockages increased by 9% – effectively reversing the disease process by up to 39% within one year.

Pomegranate’s benefit in cardiovascular disease is extensive, as shown by the following experimentally confirmed properties:
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Blood Pressure Lowering Properties

If you are asking yourself how a simple fruit can be this beneficial to your heart, here’s the answer:
  1. The pomegranate is very rich in vitamin C, which deficiency is the leading cause of cardiovascular disease. 
  2. The pomegranate juice also has a high concentration of antioxidants and particularly polyphenols. Polyphenolics from pomegranate have been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory properties. This is a powerful antioxidant, good for lowering blood pressure and anti-infection. It is also known that inflammation have a huge role in heart disease, so be careful!

Drink a glass of pomegranate juice daily, it’s a good habit.

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The American Institute for Cancer states on their site, “Exploration has demonstrated that most cancers can be avoided. Researchers now guessed that 60 percent to 70 percent of tumors are all preventable through as of now accessible data and straightforward changes in eating regimen and way of life.” With that empowering explanation, this article is about the changes you can make in your regular dietary way of life that will not just enhance your well-being, however help you to keep away from toxins that can expand your possibility of cancer.

1. BPA Lined Cans

This component found in hard plastics and sticky substance is utilized to coat metal cans. Laboratory studies in cells and animals have connected BPA to cancer, impotence, diabetes and obesity. Unless a canned thing is named BPA free, it is liable to contain bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA can likewise be found in various plastic items and dental composites.

2. Cured and Smoked Foods

Nitrates and nitrites go about as additives to keep food from rotting, they likewise add color to meats. At the point when cooked, nitrites and nitrates change into by-items called N-nitroso mixes, for example, nitrosamines and nitrosamides. N-nitroso mixes are connected with an expanded danger of cancer.

3. GMOs

Unfortunately GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) have penetrated our nourishment supply at a dangerous rate. GMO foods ought to be averting.

4. Farmed Fish

As indicated by Food and Water Watch, farmed fish contain more prominent levels of chemical pollutants than wild fish, including PCB’s a known cancer-causing agent. Because of overcrowding in fish ranches, fish are more likely to be influenced by sickness expanding the utilization of anti-infection utilization. They are likewise more vulnerable to sea lice which implies they are additionally treated with pesticides.

5. Grilled Meat

Polycyclic scented hydrocarbons, or PAHs, are delivered through specific sorts of burning, for example, the burning of coal or wood. An extra issue is made when fat from meat trickles onto a flame, making a sudden outbreak and smoke, this permit the PAHs to join themselves to the nourishment you are cooking expanding your danger for cancer-causing presentation.

6. Hydrogenated Oils

Hydrogenated oils, otherwise called trans-fats are a man-made item. These oils have a synthetic structure that has been adjusted to keep the item from going rancid with a specific end goal to expand their timeframe of life. The Harvard School of Public Health points that trans-fats advance immune system over-action and inflammation are connected to coronary illness, stroke and diabetes, among other endless infections. Notwithstanding being chemically removed from their source, chemicals are likewise used to mask the smell and change the essence of the oil.

7. Non-organic Fruit and Vegetables

Traditionally developed harvests are developed with pesticides, herbicides and GMO seeds. All of which are dangerous to your well-being.

8. Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn are lined with Perfluoroalkyls, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) to keep oil from dousing through the packing. At the point when warmed, these chemicals filter into the popcorn; when ingested, they appear as blood contaminants. PFOA has been connected with tumors in animal organs (liver, pancreas, testicles and mammary organs in rats), and grows in prostate cancer in PFOA plant specialists.

9. Sugar

Cancer cells advance in sugar and any nourishment that changes over to sugar, for example, grains, pastas, carbs, bread and most organic products. So for the individuals who are facing up with cancer, the key is to eliminate the sugar. For the individuals who want to maintain wellbeing, having balanced eating routine that incorporates organic product is not as large of an issue.

10. Refined Sugars

Scientists have discovered connections between sugar and various issues, for example, undesirable levels of blood fats, low HDL levels, expanded danger for coronary illness, higher blood triglyceride levels, corpulence, immune suppression, joint inflammation and a large group of different ills. Tumor cells advance in sugar.

11. Soda- Sports Drinks

There is no dietary quality in drinking soda or sports drinks. These beverages contain high fructose corn syrup, sugar, colors, brominated vegetable oil (a fire resistant), aspartame and different chemicals.

12. Soy Protein Isolate

90-95 percent of U.S. – developed soybeans, used to make soy protein separate, are “Roundup prepared,” which implies they have been hereditarily changed to withstand herbicides. As indicated by the American Dietetic Association, soy protein isolates are known to consist of anti-nutrient that can create or delay the body’s capacity to process food and absorb the supplements into the circulatory system. Soy experiences a very industrial procedure of acid washing in aluminum tanks. Aluminum is profoundly poisonous to the nervous system and kidneys.

13. White Flour

Commercially developed grains start with seeds that are treated with fungicide. The plants are then splashed with pesticides. They are collected and put away in bins covered with bug sprays. Grains are then prepared in high temperature, speed rollers. Chlorine oxide as a chlorine gas shower is utilized as a whitener, and in addition as a maturing agent. What you wind up with is a starch without supplements and brimming with poisons.

14. Processed Foods

Cured meats have a tendency to be high in nitrites and nitrates, additives that can, in vast sums, conceivably expand your danger of stomach and different tumors. Prepared foods are by and large brimming with white flours, sugars, oils, colors, flavorings and other horrible ingredients.

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