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Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Clean Your Kidneys with Less than RM1

Parsley and Kidney
Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments.

How are we going to do this?
Kidney cleanse is very easy, first take a bunch of green Coriander leaves (Kothimbir, Hara Dhaniya) and wash it clean. Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool. Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination. Also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.

Wellness Lab
Parsley is known as best kidney cleanse treatment and it is natural!

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Health Benefits of Spinach

Wellness Lab
1. Spinach Is One of the Most Nutritious Foods Available

Low in calories and high in vitamins, spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense foods in existence. One cup of the leafy green vegetable contains far more than your daily requirements of vitamin K and vitamin A, almost all the manganese and folate your body needs and nearly 40 percent of your magnesium requirement. It is a good, very good or excellent source of more than 20 different measurable nutrients, including dietary fiber, calcium and protein. And yet, 1 cup has only 40 calories! Spinach is an excellent choice for nutrition without high calories.

2. Cancer-Fighting Antioxidants Abound in Fresh Spinach

Spinach contains more than a dozen individual flavonoid compounds, which work together as cancer-fighting antioxidants. These elements neutralize free radicals in the body and thus help to prevent cancer. In fact, one study of New England women showed less breast cancer cases among those who ate spinach on a regular basis. Spinach extracts have reduced skin cancer in lab animals and show promise at slowing stomach cancer as well.
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3. Fresh Green Spinach Improves Cardiovascular Health

According to research compiled by Whole Foods, spinach is an excellent promoter of cardiovascular health. The antioxidant properties of spinach (water-soluble in the form of vitamin C and fat-soluble beta-carotene) work together to promote good cardiovascular health by preventing the harmful oxidation of cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol is a danger to the heart and arteries. Magnesium in spinach works toward healthy blood pressure levels. In fact, just a salad-size portion of spinach will work to lower high blood pressure within hours. A serving of spinach contains 65 percent of your daily requirement of folate, and folate converts harmful, stroke-inducing chemicals into harmless compounds.

4. Eating Spinach Combats Ovarian, Prostate Cancers

The Journal of Nutrition reports that our leafy friend, spinach, contains a carotenoid that makes prostate cancers destroy themselves. This same carotenoid, after being changed by the intestines, prevents prostrate cancer from reproducing itself. Spinach also contains kaempferol, a strong antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancerous cells. Women who have a high intake of this flavonoid show a reduced risk of ovarian cancer, likely because of kaempferol’s ability to reduce cancer cells proliferation. Kaempferol is also found in non-herbal tea, onions, apples, citrus, grapes, red wine, curly kale, St. John’s wort, leeks, broccoli and blueberries.

Red Spinach
5. Spinach Improves Brain Function, Protects Against Aging

Still need motivation to eat a few servings of spinach every day? This dark green leaf will protect your brain function from premature aging and slow old age’s typical negative effects on your metal capabilities. Spinach accomplishes this by preventing the harmful effects of oxidation on your brain. Those who eat a vegetables in quantity, especially those of the leafy green variety, experience a decrease in brain function loss. However, there is no such correlation with fruit consumption. Oh, and iceberg lettuce doesn't cut it. A good rule of thumb: the darker the leaf, the better. Which brings us back to spinach.

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A Beverage from ‘’Grandma’s Kitchen’’ for Healthier Veins and a Better Circulation

This tincture supplies the tissues with oxygen, lowers the viscosity of the blood and the possibility of blood clot. Also, it makes the blood vessels resistant and elastic and it lowers their permeability; it removes the pain in the legs by decreasing the swelling, i.e. removes the periodical tingling, etc.

Furthermore, it lowers the number of triglycerides and blood cholesterol, i.e. it positively affects the functioning of the liver.

For a better circulation you should try this recipe:

Ingredients per dose:
-50 flowers of Marigold
-100 grams of rosemary
-100 grams of St. John’s wort
-100 grams of thyme
-100 grams of nettle seeds
– 1 liter of schnapps (stronger)


All of the above mentioned ingredients should be well washed and cut in small pieces and then mixed with the schnapps in a glass bottle and closed properly. Then, you leave this tincture for 15 days in the sun or in some warm place and do not forget to mix it several times, each day. After this process you should filter it with a colander or gauze and keep it in a glass bottle.
Tincture of various Ingredient
Consume one regular spoon of the tincture in the morning on an empty stomach and before you go to sleep.

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20 Reasons Why We Should Use Cinnamon Every Day

Cinnamon contains high levels of antioxidants, and its oil has strong antibacterial and anti fungal properties. It is rich in magnesium, fiber, iron and calcium and can cure many diseases such as arthritis, blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, diarrhea, improve cognitive function, increase energy, toothache, headaches, bad breath … 

Here are 20 reasons why you should use cinnamon in your daily meals and drinks:
  1. It lowers cholesterol – Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol. Mix it in yogurt, in your morning porridge flakes or pudding. To see the effects of cinnamon, you can also put one teaspoon of cinnamon powder daily in your coffee or tea.
  2. Control of blood sugar – According to studies, cinnamon regulates the blood sugar, and affects its reduction. Therefore, it is excellent for people who suffer from type 2 diabetes and it also encourages the body to naturally wear fat and reduce weight.
  3. Fungal infections – It has an amazing effect on persistent fungal infections that have shown a resistance to common medication.
  4. Cancer – According to one US study, cinnamon reduces the proliferation of leukemia and cancer cells.
  5. Clots – Cinnamon is effective against blood clotting.
  6. Arthritis – According to a study from the University of Copenhagen, patients who take half a teaspoon of cinnamon combined with a teaspoon of honey every morning before breakfast, experienced a significant reduction in pain caused by arthritis after a week, and they were able to walk without pain after a month.
  7. The antibacterial effect – Cinnamon is a natural preservative and when added to food it slows the growth and development of bacteria. Its bactericidal properties make it a natural preservative. Cinnamon has strong anti-microbial properties that, according to a recent research, can be used as a replacement for traditional preservatives. Also, a study published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology, showed that a few drops of essential oil of cinnamon on carrot soup prevents the growth of pathogenic organisms in food for 60 days. Without the cinnamon, the soup will evolve pathogenic organisms, regardless of whether it is being kept in the fridge.
  8. Brain health – A study found that cinnamon’s scent stimulates cognitive function and memory, and helps with stress and memory loss. Its smell can improve brain function and mood.
  9. E. coli – According to a research from the University of Kansas, cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria that usually hide in unpasteurized juices.
  10. Nutrients – Cinnamon is a great source of manganese, iron, fiber and calcium.
  11. Helps with inflammation and infection – It has a proven antioxidant activity, and when compared with six spices that also contain antioxidants (anise, ginger, licorice, mint, nutmeg and vanilla), the most effective ones are cinnamon and mint.
  12. Suppresses the spread of leukemia and lymphoma – This is proven by a research conducted by scientists at the US Institute for Agriculture.
  13. Relieves indigestion – It supports the function of the digestive system.
  14. Helps in weight loss – A combination of honey and cinnamon will help you lose excess weight. Mix a teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of cinnamon in 200ml. lukewarm water. Divide the portion into two parts and drink the first part in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, and the other part half an hour before going to sleep. You’ll see the result after two weeks.
  15. Relieves rheumatic pains.
  16. Relieves menstrual cramps.
  17. Preventive effect on the development of dental caries and gum disease – It is often used in chewing gum, because it is a good refresher and removes bad breath, which is also commonly caused by bacteria.
  18. Helps with urinary infection.
  19. Relives toothache: Mix cinnamon with honey and put the paste on the sore spot several times during the day.
  20. Cough medicine: Place a cinnamon stick in boiling water and allow it to cook for about two minutes. Remove the stick and use the water to make any tea. Drink it twice a day.
  • Some investigations have shown that cinnamon contains coumarin substance, which can cause kidney and liver damage when taken in large quantities.
  • Be careful if you use cinnamon in combination with aspirin, because they have the same effect against blood clotting.
  • Be careful with the use of large quantities of cinnamon during pregnancy.
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A 6000 Years Old Recipe From Two Ingredients – The Most Healing Delight You Will Ever Taste!

Have you ever heard about Pasteli? We have never before written about something so healthy and tasty at the same time. Such a combination is really rare.

The recipe dates from 6000 years ago and it is mentioned in ancient Greece i.e. Near East. This specialty is known as pasteli, but some call it Greek breakfast.
This healing treat is actually mentioned in Homer’s ILIAD under the name of Intrion. It is probably the most tasteful recipe you will ever try which in the same time has healing characteristics.

In Homer’s Iliad, intrion or pasteli is given to the Helens-warriors before battle so that they could have the energy for tough efforts and fight. Pasteli is also mentioned in ancient Egyptian writings where women used it for stimulation of hormonal glands. The famous Greek writer and ‘’father’’ of history, Heradot, in his writings had called pasteli a cure and a delight in the same time.

Honey and Pasteli
What is actually pasteli? It’s a mixture of two super healthy ingredients, sesame and honey. It is also called a sesame and honey pie.

Benefits and healing properties of Pasteli

The combination of these two ingredients will give you the holy grail of useful components which are, among others: zinc, iron, fibers, magnesium, calcium, copper, and a sequence of vitamins, especially of group B, i.e. all of the key ingredients for health and proper functioning of the organism.

Sesame Seed
According to researches, the combination that creates from the synergy of these totally natural ingredients is beneficial for the regulation of blood adipose, especially the relation LDL and HDL of cholesterol.

Pasteli will positively influence the regulation of irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure and circulation.

It will provide you with the necessary energy and strength for hard physical and mental labor. The researches show that the orderly use of pasteli solves chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression.

This combination solves chronic stress after 3 weeks of use. A new study of the Clinical Journal of Nutrition has confirmed the influence that honey and sesame have on reduction of depression, arteriosclerosis, multiple sclerosis and high blood pressure. Further, Pasteli contains 182 elements that benefit our organism, and it contains antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer and other serious illnesses on cells level. Only one or two beads of pasteli before an important event will give you the long lasting and strong energy i.e. it functions as a fuel for the health of our entire organism.

We highly recommend that you try and make this recipe and use it constantly.
The original recipe for Pasteli:


300 grams of tahini (a paste from ground sesame)
300 grams of natural honey
Important: In the shops for healthy foods you can find already made tahini. Or you can do it on your own if you have the time and a good blender.

For a good tahini paste, you need raw peeled sesame seeds and oil as much as you wish (usually 2 spoons of oil go with one or half cup of seeds, depending on how thick you want the mixture-either sesame, olive or sunflower oil). Lightly fry the seeds in a frying pan without adding oil until it gets a golden color (5-10 minutes of constant stirring). Be careful that the sesame does not burn because it will become bitter. When they become cold, put them in a blender and add olive oil and blend until you get the paste with the wanted thickness (you can add more olive oil if you want to).


Pasteli with pistachio and almond

Mix these two ingredients in a bowl. Before you put them in a bowl, put the oil that gathered on the top of the bowl with the tahini. What is interesting is that both of the components are liquid but when they are well mixed, they become a mixture similar to plasticine. During the blending you can add a handful of walnuts, almonds, pistachios or hazelnuts if you want. Some people bake the mixture which we do not recommend in anyway because it will lose all of the essential ingredients and the flavor itself.

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Make beads or any form you find interesting. Roll these beads in whole sesame seeds. Then, put the beads on a platter and in the fridge. Pasteli is kept in the fridge, and as a cure or a treat it is needed to eat 2-3 beads a day. However, that would not be easy once you taste how delicious they are. Be careful because this is an energetic ‘’bomb’’.

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These Three Foods Can Lower Blockage in The Arteries And Your Blood Cholesterol Level

There are the three foods that you should combine that will destroy the blockage in the arteries and will help you get rid of fat in your blood. It’s a drink combined of garlic, lemon and ginger.

There are countless benefits of this beverage; it’s a combination of three super healthy foods that can make a very positive health effects on your body.

The main purpose of this elixir is the treatment and prevention of clogged arteries (atherosclerosis), regulation of the elevated blood fat, prevention to general fatigue of the organism, prevention and treatment of infections and colds, intensive strengthening free radicals in the body that cause the most serious diseases and a number of other conditions associated with heart diseases and circulation.

The biggest problem with garlic it’s his long-lasting smell. We will immediately note that in this recipe, mixed with lemon and water, its stench almost completely neutralizes the effects of retained and you do not have a barrier to use the elixir.
– 4 larger heads of garlic (about 40 cloves)
– 4 whole lemons
– smaller ginger root (3-4 cm) or two tablespoons of ginger powder
– 2 liters water

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Make sure you wash the lemon thoroughly, and then cut it in pieces. If the lemon is not organic then you should wash it with vinegar and water. Peel the garlic and put it in a blender together with the ginger. Mix well. Put the blended mixture in a metal bowl, add the water and heat it to the boiling point. Right before the boiling point, turn off the stove and let it cool. Strain it through a medium thick strainer and fill it in a glass bottles.
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You should consume this beverage once a day, one glass or 2 dL at least 2 hours before the lunch, on a completely empty stomach. (If you don’t mind, you can skip the squeezing and drink the mixture). Keep the beverage refrigerated.
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The treatment lasts for three weeks with a daily intake of one glass after which you need to make a break of one week and you can continue consuming again in the same cycle. If you don’t like the taste, you can add some honey. After 3 weeks of use you should feel a significant regeneration of the body. This beverage is also useful in the prevention of calcification in the body which causes the stones in the organs and congestion of blood vessels.

The combination of lemon, water and cooking will neutralize the smell of garlic. Before you consume, you must shake the bottle with the mixture. I have experienced this treatment and I can tell you that this beverage is excellent for the elderly and it returns their energy and strength and rejuvenates them because after a few weeks it improves their circulation.

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