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Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Discover Genetically Modified Organism in Our Daily Groceries

Wellness Lab
Genetically modified foods (or GM foods) are foods produced from organisms that have had specific changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering. These techniques have allowed for the introduction of new traits as well as a far greater control over a food's genetic structure than previously afforded by methods such as selective breeding and mutation breeding
Wellness Lab
Here is a scary fact – the effect of genetically modified foods on the human body has never been scientifically assessed – but 80 percent of our packed food contains DNA-manipulated ingredients.

To make the matters even worse, genetically modified food is not labeled as such, which complicates your efforts to avoid it. The request for the labeling of such foods is defeated with the help of giant food manufacturers.
Big GM Apple
Scientists genetically modified crops in order to improve the resistance of plants to pests, increase yields and reduce the ripening time. The problem is that we do not know how these foods affect our health, because there are no published studies on the impact of such foods on the human body and health.

“The tests haven’t been not done, so we now have become guinea pigs. Anyone who says: “We know that the food is perfectly safe” –either is unbelievably stupid or deliberately lying, “says Canadian geneticist David Suzuki.
Pest Free GM Tomatoes
Jason Calton, a nutritionist who has studied at Harvard and Yale, with his wife Mira, also a nutritionist, wrote the book “Rich food, poor food” in which they highlight the potential dangers of GMO products.

Their advice is to stick to organic, fresh foods or those that are grown locally, and to avoid GMO products. Remember that industrially obtained milk, meat, and fish are often derived from animals fed with GMO corn, alfalfa or soybeans.
GM Corn
Although GMO products are not labeled, Calton says that there is a trick that can help you identify the GMO fruits and vegetables. Look for the number on the product label, which is called the PLU (Product Number Look-up). If the PLU four-digit number is starting with 3 or 4, it means that the product is not GMOs but it is produced on a farm that uses chemicals and pesticides.

If the number on the label has five digits beginning with a 9, it means that the product is organic, grown without chemicals, pesticides or genetic modification.
“You can buy these products with clear conscience.” says Calton.
But the product that contain a five-digit number starting with 8 are GMO crops.
“They are unnaturally grown with the use of genetic modification”.
Due to the fact that the GMO products are widespread and common and are not labeled, it is almost impossible to avoid them completely. However, this fruit and vegetables is rarely genetically modified: onion, pineapple, avocado, peas, asparagus, mango, eggplant, kiwi, cantaloupe, cabbage, sweet potatoes, grapefruit, watermelon and mushrooms.
GM Featherless Chicken
The following products have a far greater chance of being genetically modified apples, celery, peppers, peaches, strawberries, nectarines, grapes, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers, blueberries, potatoes, green beans, kale, oranges, corn, zucchini, cherry, and hot peppers.

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Exercise your Eyes

If you always spent a lot of time on electronic devices, such as tabs, phone, televisions.
If your job needs you to sit in front of a computer for hours, then these exercises are ideal for you.

With this exercise you’ll relax your tired eyes. You’ll only need to do each of them five times.
Wellness Lab
  1. Be calm, take a deep breath, look at the ceiling, exhale and look at the floor.
  2. Inhale and look to the right, then exhale and roll look in the center. Then inhale and look to the left.
  3. Inhale and look in the upper left corner, exhale and look down to the right. When you do this five times, breathe and look to the right, exhale and look to the lower left corner.
  4. Roll your eyes five times in one direction, and five times in the other.
A long-standing criticism of eye exercises by optometrists and ophthalmologists is the absence of scientific research that demonstrates eye exercises can effectively reduce or eliminate refractive errors and decrease your need for glasses or contact lenses.

Below is a 5 step Eye Exercises written by Steven Aitchison on How to Strengthen Your Eye Muscles and Improve Your Vision 

1. Blinking
Blinking is an often overlooked yet simple way to keep your eyes fresh and being able to focus longer. Computer users and television watchers tend to blink less, especially when they are intently focused on something. Try it just now as a simple exercise. For the next two minutes blink every 3 – 4 seconds. After you have done this for two minutes, mentally take note of how your eyes feel, are they strained, relaxed, tired. Now try and not blink for 30 seconds at a time for two minutes. Do you feel any difference?

Blinking exercise
Whenever you blink your eyes are going into a brief period of darkness which helps to keep your eyes fresh and discharges previous information ready for new information, this helps to reduce eye strain.

Your blink rate can also help with your communication skills. Think about someone who looked at you intently and you possibly felt threatened by them. What you may have missed is the fact that they had stopped blinking. When someone stops blinking and stares at you when you are talking it’s a sign of aggression. However whenever you are talking to someone and they are blinking at a 3 -4 second interval it’s a sign of a relaxed and friendly listener. Check out people’s blink rates the next time you are talking. Check out this article for more info Dramatically improve your eye contact skills

2. Palming
This is done to relieve stress around the eyes and as a way to relax your eyes whilst taking a computer break.
Instructions for palming
  • Take a few deep breathes before you begin.
  • Make yourself comfortable whilst leaning forward on a desk or with your elbows resting on your knees. Close your eyes.
  • Place your two hands over your eyes with the cup of your palm covering your eyes, your fingers on your forehead and the heel of your hand will rest on your cheekbone. Make sure you can blink freely and you are not putting too much pressure on your eyes.
That’s it. Palming gives you the opportunity to rest your mind and your eyes for a few minutes at a time. It may not sound much of an exercise but it can make a big difference in your working day if you stop for a few minutes and do this exercise.

3. Figure of eight
This is to exercise your eye muscles and increase their flexibility. This is quite a simple exercise but a good one.

  • Imagine a giant figure of eight in front of you about 10 feet in front of you.
  • Now turn the 8 on it’s side. 
  • Now trace the figure of eight with your eyes, slowly. 
  • Do it one way for a few minutes and then do it the other way for a few minutes. 
It may seem very alien at first but it’s worth persevering with it.

4. Near and far focusing
This is one of my favorite exercises as you can do it almost anywhere, I say almost as I couldn’t imagine doing it on the underground without getting strange looks from those around me.
Near and Far focusing
Instructions for Near and far focussing.
  • Sit in a comfortable position, or stand, this will only take 2-3 minutes at a time.
  • Put your thumb about 10 inches in front of you and focus on it.
  • Now focus on something else about 10 – 20 feet in front of you.
  • On each deep breath switch between focussing on your thumb and the 10-20 feet object in front of you.
This will strengthen the muscles in your eyes over time and improve your vision overall.

5. Zooming
This is another one of my favorites as it is very easy and quick to do.
Instructions for zooming
  • Sit in a comfortable position
  • Stretch out your arm with your thumb in the hitchhike position
  • Focus on your thumb as your arm is outstretched.
  • Now bring your thumb closer to you, focussing all the time, until your thumb is about 3 inches in front of your face.
  • Now move your thumb away again until your arm is fully outstretched.
  • Do this for a few minutes at a time throughout the day.
This exercise will strengthen your focusing skills and your eye muscles in general.

I hope this post has stimulated your interest in natural vision exercises and it leads you to research this subject more. I am by no means an expert on this subject so please do your own research. 

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How a 12 days Banana Diets Improves Yulia's Health

Sole nutrition is not highly recommended, but with good prior preparation you may notice some positive changes. Yulia Tarbath is a nutritionist and a motivational coach who decided to eat only bananas for 12 days in order cleanse her body. Bananas are a high quality fruit which although caloric contains fructose, sucrose and glucose, and fiber, and it is this combination creates a feeling of fullness that lasts longer. The first thing she noticed as a change was the stomach relief and the silent digestion.

When Yulia Tarbath decided that she needed to give her health a boost, she try on mono-fruiting. This is a term commonly used to describe the consumption of only one fruit, and no other foods, for a determined length of time. This is touted by many as a method to detox their way to significantly better health. Yulia, who enjoys a high-fruit and low-fat raw vegan lifestyle with her husband, says that any fruit can be used, but bananas are often selected for their ease of eating, nutritional content and affordable cost. Furthermore, she says greens may be added, but suggests also going mono by using only one kind of green such as celery. 

By following a banana-only diet for 12 days, drinking plenty of water and getting rest and exercise, she saw vast improvements in her physical and emotional well-being. First, she was aware that her digestion was better and free of any complications. In fact, she didn't even experience any detox symptoms at all! Bananas, which are fiber-rich (one has about 12% of the FDA’s recommended daily value of 25 g), are known for their ability to aid in digestion by regulating electrolytes and flushing toxins from the body.

Secondly, she says she felt “calm and peaceful” and “a lot more creative” while enjoying her banana diet. “I experienced tremendous mental clarity and focus,” Tarbath says, adding that it was as if “extra time” was given to her. Bananas’ levels of potassium and tryptophan are responsible for this feeling, helping with cell communication and maintaining proper oxygen levels in the brain. Her skin also become softer and shinier.

Banana as a mono-diet
This is what she says after this amazing diet: 
– I had a feeling that I have no stomach, because my intestines were very calm. Also, I noticed that I was very loose, felt no stress, and I was more creative and more concentrated – says Yulia.
– For the first time in my life only a day was enough to finish all my obligations. I wasn't tense and I could focus on any task.
Her husband Paul joined her in the experiment. With the fact that both are vegans for a long time, they have their own fruit garden, so it wasn't very difficult for them to prepare meals.

Before the changes in her diet, Yulia suffered from high blood sugar levels, digestive problems, candida, depression, hormonal imbalance, and couldn't stay pregnant for many years. After making a radical change and going vegan, she now finds herself free of such complications, attributing her raw food lifestyle as the reason behind her gradual healing.
Wellness Lab


However, you must be very careful before you engage in such a drastic food change. All people can’t submit it equally or it can’t be done with any fruit. For those who have problems with the thyroid gland, this can be counterproductive, reducing its work, and you may have a lack of vitamin B12, iron, zinc and calcium, which leads to anemia. 

This diet is not recommended for the elderly, pregnant women and children. But in any case, before embarking on a radical change in diet, it is best to inform your doctor and nutritionist.

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Ayurvedic ways - Drink Water From A Copper Cup

Drinking from a Copper Cup
Ayurvedic texts recommend drinking water that is stored in copper canisters, because it is believed that the copper has antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Copper is a mineral essential for our body, and medical studies have shown the benefits of drinking water stored in copper pots.
Ayurveda Teachings
According to a study from 2012-the year, storing contaminated water in copper pots up to 16 hours at room temperature, significantly reduces the presence of harmful microbes, so many that the researchers concluded that the copper is the solution for the purification of drinking water, especially in developing countries.

Another study showed that copper surfaces in a hospitals killed 97% of the ICU bacteria that can cause infection, which resulted in a 40% reduction in infection rates.

Indian Yogi Guru
Sadhguru, an Indian yogi, mystic, philanthropist said – “If you hold water in a copper bowl, preferably overnight or for at least four hours, the water takes certain qualities from the copper that are primarily good for your liver, but also for your health and energy in general.”

Ayurveda texts show that water stored in copper canisters has the ability to balance all three doshas in your body (vata, pitta and kapha). Dosha is a Sanskrit word which means ‘the constitution of the mind and body’. All three doshas are present in every cell, tissue and organ, for movement, metabolism and fluidity and are key components of our lives.

What are the benefits?

Wellness Lab
  • Slows ageing
  • Wounds heal faster
  • It stimulates your brain
  • Destroys harmful bacteria in water
  • Drinking cups of water from the copper container (at room temperature), it cleanses the kidneys and the digestive system.
  • Copper is a good tonic for the liver, spleen and lymph system.
  • It helps in maintaining the health of the digestive system
  • Products melanin (pigmentation of eyes, hair and skin) in our body
  • It helps with the absorption of iron in the body
  • Regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland
  • Relieves pain caused by swollen joints as in case of arthritis
  • It helps regulate blood pressure, heart rate and lowers blood cholesterol and triglycerides
It is necessary just to keep the water in a copper jug over the night and drink the positively charged water early in the morning or 2-3 times in one day. That’s more than enough to take to have the advantage of such water. Do not put the water in the refrigerator. Wash the copper bowl regularly with fresh lemon or pasta made of salt and tamarind.
Copper Cup
In this modern age, we often choose convenience over healthier life. Drinking bottled water for example is not only harmful to the environment, but also it is a risk to health. Do not overdo it in this practice.It is always better to perform additional research before you start something new.

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