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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

You See What happen in your stomach when you eat Instant Noodles

What Happens in Your Stomach When You Eat Instant Noodles (Video)
It looks Delicious
Instant noodles, a brilliant food creation of the century and has accompany most of the student life especially when you are hungry in the middle of night and when you need a quick meal. But do you know what really happen when these fast food reach your stomach?

Perhaps the instant noodle did not consider as a healthy meal, but you probably think that it is not so bad for your health, and it taste good also. 

In this experiment with instant noodles, Doctor Brad Kuo from Massachusetts General Hospital will make you think the next time you reach for this quick meal.

Doctor Kuo used a tablet size camera to find out what happens in the digestive tract of a person who just ate noodles. Check the results below:

"Ramen Noodles Don’t Break Down After Hours of Digestion!"

In the video above, you can see ramen noodles sit inside a stomach. Even after two hours, they are still remarkably intact. For starters, it could be putting a strain on your digestive system, which is forced to work for hours to break down this highly processed food (ironically, most processed food is so devoid of fiber that it gets broken down very quickly, interfering with your blood sugar levels and insulin release).
Doctor Kuo explaining the experiment.
When food remains in your digestive tract for such a long time, it will also impact nutrient absorption, but, in the case of processed ramen noodles, there isn’t much nutrition to be had. Instead, there is a long list of additives, including the toxic preservative tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ).
Five Grams of Noodle Preservative, TBHQ, Is Lethal
TBHQ, a byproduct of the petroleum industry, is often listed as an "antioxidant," but it's important to realize it is a synthetic chemical with antioxidant properties– not a natural antioxidant. The chemical prevents oxidation of fats and oils, thereby extending the shelf life of processed foods.

It's a commonly used ingredient in processed foods of all kinds (including McDonald’s chicken nuggets, Kellogg’s CHEEZ-IT crackers, Reese’s peanut butter cups, Wheat Thins crackers, Teddy Grahams, Red Baron frozen pizza, Taco Bell beans, and much more).

But you can also find it in varnishes, lacquers, and pesticide products, as well as cosmetics and perfumes to reduce the evaporation rate and improve stability. 
Food Preservatives

Exposure to this toxicant, to five grams can be lethal and, according to A Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives, exposure to just one gram of TBHQ can cause:
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Delirium
  • Sense of suffocation
  • Collapse
 Toxic preservative tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ)
While TBHQ is not suspected to be a persistent toxicant, meaning your body is probably able to eliminate it so that it does not bio-accumulate, if you eat instant noodles your body might be getting prolonged exposures. This is concerning, to say the least. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), based on animal studies health hazards associated with TBHQ include:
  • Liver damage at very low doses
  • Positive mutation results from in vitro tests on mammalian cells
  • Biochemical changes at very low doses
  • Reproductive effects at high doses
  • Eating Instant Noodles Linked to Metabolic Syndrome
If you’re still considering instant noodles for a fast meal, you should know a new study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that women who consumed more instant noodles had a significantly greater risk of metabolic syndrome than those who ate less, regardless of their overall diet or exercise habits. Women who ate instant noodles more than twice a week were 68 percent more likely to have metabolic syndrome -- a group of symptoms such as central obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting blood sugar, elevated fasting triglycerides, and low levels of HDL cholesterol.
Metabolic Syndrome
Having three or more of the symptoms increases your risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Past research also analyzed overall nutrient intake between instant-noodle consumers and non-consumers, and found, as you might suspect, that eating instant noodles contributes little value to a healthy diet.

The instant-noodle consumers had a significantly lower intake of important nutrients like protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, vitamin A, niacin, and vitamin C compared with non-consumers. Those who ate instant noodles also had an excessive intake of energy, unhealthy fats and sodium (just one package may contain 2,700 milligrams of sodium).

So, after reading all this info, do you still eating instant noodles? I believe your stomach will make the decision for you, haha.

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Broccoli And Tomatoes Combination Creates Anti-Cancer Superpower?


Most of the available studies shows that the effects broccoli alone on inhibiting cancerous growths and tumors depends on one compound named sulforaphane. It is a molecule within the isothiocyanate group of organosulfur compounds. These studies also found that the valuable sulforaphane molecule effectively fights cancer cells while not damaging surrounding healthy tissues. Another scientific truth is that the compound lycopene, found in tomatoes among other foods, is a great fighter against life-threatening illnesses. Lycopene is an important intermediate in the biosynthesis of many carotenoids, including beta carotene.

However, in our focus here is a certain study brought out by the Journal of Cancer Research which reveals that these two compounds combined together in a single meal turn into an anti-cancerous giant! 
John Erdman
John Erdman, University of Illinois Food Science and Human Nutrition Professor, who conducted the study, said that eating tomatoes and broccoli together creates an additive effect. His exact explanation is this: “We think it is because different bio-active compounds in each food work on different anti-cancer pathways.”

As it is usually done in scientific work, John Erdman and his associates conducted their research on laboratory rats, infecting them with prostate cancer cells. Then the rats were divided into several testing groups and each group was fed with various diets.
Progression of Prostate Cancer
One group was fed with 10 percent tomato powder and 10 percent broccoli powder at the same time, while others were given only 10 percent tomato powder or only 10 percent broccoli powder. There were also two more tested groups: one group was given lycopene only and the other group was given the prostate drug finasteride.

Can you guess what the outcome was? Well, the last group that was treated with finasteride was castrated! Solely the group of rats which received both broccoli and tomato powders experienced the greatest benefit.
Prostate Problem
Their prostate tumors shrunk significantly more compared with the other tested groups. The same health benefit for men diseased with prostate cancer can be gained if there are about 1.4 cups of raw broccoli and 2.5 cups of fresh tomatoes on their daily menu, researchers say.

"About one out of six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime" 

Announced by the American Cancer Society. And about 1 man out of 36 men will die of this type of cancer!
Did you found the walnut size prostate?
According to the Society’s records, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. It is only surpassed by lung cancer! Quite devastating, right?

Maybe early detection of prostate cancer will save your life, yet this suggested dietary forestallment is the best investment in your healthy future. Especially because foods like broccoli and tomatoes are far more affordable than cancer treatment.

So, keep in mind that this broccoli-tomato combination can keep you safe from prostate cancer and treat you successfully if you already suffer from the disease. Moreover, since it is a healthy diet, it will reap health benefits for you when you are affected with many other ailments as well. This kind of healthcare is the sort you need to take by yourself. Don’t delay your healthful meals any longer because you will thank yourself later.
Painful Urination due to Prostate problem
Spread the word about this scientific study among your friends who are in need. They won’t likely get a prescription from their doctor to the farmer’s market, so you are the one who might save their life. You can check on this link for more natural remedies for Prostate Cancer Treatment.

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Say No to Mosquito Coils

[Do you know that One mosquito coil = 100 Cigarettes]
Smoke Emitted from the Coil is 100 times stronger than the cigarette. Regular use of Mosquito Coil may lead to various lung infection and Finally become the agent of CANCER.
I ain't smoker, am I?
Instead of that, you can try on this home made mosquito repellent.

  • 1/2 litre of alcohol
  • 100 gram of whole cloves
  • 100 ml of baby oil or similar (almond, sesame, chamomile, lavender, fennel etc)

  • Leave cloves to marinate in alcohol four days
  • Stir every morning and evening
  • After 4 days add the oil
  • It’s now ready to use.

How to use:
Gently rub a few drops into the skin of the arms and legs.
Observe the mosquitoes fleeing the room.
Repels fleas on pets too.
Say No to Coils
You can use odomos cream too. It is way safer than coils.

Well, there are other alternative you can try on. Check out this natural mosquito repellent plant:

Chances are, you’ve heard of this one before- it’s one of the most common ingredients in most mosquito repellents. Strange enough though, many people don’t even know that citronella is actually a plant! Citronella is a beautiful perennial clumping grass that emits a strong aroma. That aroma masks other scents, and keeps mosquitoes from being attracted to things located around it. The citronella plant has a much stronger aroma than other mosquito repellents that contain citronella, so it is a great choice. Citronella is very easy to grow, and can get to be a very tall 5 or 6 feet high! You can grow citronella in pots and place it around a porch or patio, or you can plant it directly in a yard or garden bed. It’s a great choice for repelling mosquitoes naturally.

Lemon Balm
Another great choice for a mosquito repelling plant is lemon balm. A member of the mint family, the plant also known as horsemint and beebalm is a very easy plant for beginning gardeners to grow- even if you don’t have a green thumb! Lemon Balm is a very hardy plant, it resists drought, and it grows well even in shade. It is a very fast growing and sometimes aggressive plant, so you might want to contain it to a pot, where you can move it to wherever you like to ensure that it doesn’t take over your garden! An added bonus? You can dry the leaves and use them to make a delicious herbal tea!
Your feline friends will be happy to know that catnip is a great mosquito deterrent! In fact, in a 2010 study, researchers found that catnip is 10 times more effective than DEET, the ingredient commonly found in bug repellents. It is a very easy plant to grow, and if you have cats in the house, they will surely be happy to have it around. However, be careful not to plant catnip in with other flowers, veggies, or herbs if you have cats around your garden. They will surely roll around in the catnip and smash everything nearby!
A bright, hardy annual plant, marigolds are a great choice for repelling mosquitoes. Marigolds contain Pyrethrum, an ingredient found in many insect repellents, and they have a unique aroma which bugs find repulsive. The flowers themselves are beautiful and can make a great border or addition to any flower bed! Try placing them around borders of your home, and mosquitoes might not want to cross over!

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Monday, 30 March 2015

Natural Remedies For Enlarged Prostate And Prostate Inflammation, share it to your parents

There is your walnut size Prostate
Most men over age of 40 will suffer from prostate and prostate problems. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland, which is found in men just below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. There can be various forms of disorder of the prostate and the most common is benign hyperplasia or hypertrophy (prostate enlargement) and prostate inflammation (prostatitis).

When we are in upright position the body makes pressure on the pelvic region just where the prostate is. With aging the body becomes heavier and loses elasticity. In result this creates even more pressure on the pelvic region and thus to the prostate. Prolonged sitting, as in certain types of occupations increases the pressure on the pelvic region, which in turn leads to reduced blood circulation of the prostate and surrounding tissue.

Inflammation of the prostate gland – prostatitis
Acute inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis) may be result of exposure to cold or result of infection.
In addition to hereditary factors and excessive use of alcohol and tobacco, the risk of prostate disease is increased with inadequate nutrition, with predominance of foods of animal origin and there is not enough fibers. Another cause of prostate problems is constipation, when stool becomes hardened and colon is overloaded lead to pressure on the prostate.

Since the prostate is part of male reproductive system (fluid secreted by the prostate allows sperm mobility), the prostate problems are followed with sexual problems also (erection issues). To preserve the health of the prostate is important regular ejaculation.
Physical assessment of prostate can be embarrassing
When there is prostate inflammation there is need of doctor intervention. In order to heal quicker, you should eat more fruits and vegetables as well as foods that contain essential fatty acids (whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, dark green leafy vegetables), selenium and zinc. Avoid physical exertion and stress.

Sign and Symptoms:
Prostatic Problem
  • hardened urination
  • burning sensation when urinating
  • blood in the urine
  • increased body temperature and fever
  • pain in the lower back and behind scrotum
  • painful ejaculation
Symptoms of Benign prostatic – hyperplasia:
  • frequent urge to urinate, especially at night, with small amounts of urine
  • weaker urine stream that become leak or drip
  • feeling that the bladder is not completely discharged
  • pressure in the bladder area
Hard to urinate may due to prostate problem

Below is some helpful nutrition knowledge to help you: (2 Reduce, and 3 Increase)
  • Reduce your intake of dairy products and refined carbohydrates
  • Reduce alcohol intake and beverages containing caffeine, especially before bedtime
  • Increase intake of nuts, lentils and sweet corn; Glutamic acid – an amino acid found in these foods helps with enlarged prostate.
  • Increase intake of groceries which containing zinc, such as pumpkin seeds, root vegetables, shellfish
  • Increase intake of foods containing beta carotene (orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables), flavonoids (bright color fruits and vegetables, whole grains) vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, fiber and essential fatty acids (whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, dark green leafy vegetables)
Medicinal herbs for prostate problems
Prostate ultrasound using probe
Saw Palmetto (dwarf palm)
Top researched herb that helps with prostate problems is Saw Palmetto (dwarf palm) or Palma serenoa (derived from wood palmetto). Even the Native Americans benefit from this plant in the past with similar problems. Today’s research shows that substances from these plants regulate the secretion of hormones that stimulate prostate growth, and helps with chronic inflammation of the prostate.

Saw Palmetto (dwarf palm)
Extract from palm Serenoa – 160 mg should be consumed twice a day between meals. The extract should be standardized to contain 85% – 95% fatty acids and sterols.
Saw Palmetto
Nettle Roots
The root of nettle can ease symptoms in benign prostate enlargement. Combined with the extract from palm serenoa helps its medicinal effect. Both plants contain beta-sitosterol, which can be found in pure form as a dietary supplement (supplement).
Nettle Roots
250 mg Nettle root extract twice daily, standardized to contain at least 1% plant silica.

Flax Seed Oil
Flax-seed oil contains essential fatty acids that help in prostate enlargement and inflammation in the prostate. Dose is one tablespoon per day.
Flax Seeds
Otherwise, essential fatty acids can be administered by fish oil 2 teaspoons per day which provide 2 g of omega-3 fatty acids.

Consult your physician if you are taking anticoagulant medications.

Any information on this site is to be used as a reference resource. Please do not depend on it for diagnosis or treatment.

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Sunday, 29 March 2015

How to Remove Kidney Stones in Just 10 Days!

Millet, Super foods for Kidney Stone Removal
The Super Food for today is Millet. Millet is one of the most popular cereal that has a high nutritional value and medicinal properties. It is an affordable cereal and is also amazing when it comes to treating kidney stones. Many claim that millet had helped them forget their problems with the kidneys. 
Kidney Stone can be Painful
Millet is used as a natural remedy for the treatment of urolithiasis (formation of stones in the urine and urinary tract) for traditional treatments. It also effectively cleans kidneys, eliminates sand and slime, removes small stones from the kidneys and the bladder, helps with women’s diseases and cures cystitis.

This prescription can help in cleansing the kidneys, secretion of mucus, removing sand and small stones.
Recipe for removing kidney stones:
  1. Take 200 grams (1 cup) of millet and rinse them in warm water. Do this procedure in the evening, so that it can rest over the night. 
  2. Put the millet into a larger pot (about 3 liters) and fill 2/3 of the pot with hot boiled water. 
  3. Cover the pot nicely and wrapped it up in something warm and let it stay over the night.
  4. In the morning you will notice a white opaque liquid in the jars. This is your medicine.
  5. Pour the liquid from the pot to another bowl or bottle. 
  6. Drink throughout the day without limitation, in any quantity, at any time.
However do not dispose of the millet. Instead you can cook a healthy porridge and eat it for breakfast. You can add on some banana or other fruits for better taste. You will need 1 cup of millet and 3 cups of water.Boil this mixture for 15 minutes and your breakfast is ready. In the evening, prepare a new portion for the next day using the same procedure. In order to see results you should drink this beverage for 10-15 days.
Nice Basic Millet Porridge
After 10-15 days of the treatments, the stones will melt and will be released along with the urine and kidneys will be clean. The sand, the mucus and the stones will be history. The inflammation will be eliminated and the kidney tissue and the organs of the urinary tract will be restored.
This looks Tasty!
This amazing cereal is affordable to everyone. It is inexpensive and can be found in all health food stores. With the introduction of millet in your diet your kidneys will be a lot healthier. Prevention is surely necessary, because your body needs to avoid potential diseases and you need to keep it clean it in a natural way.

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10 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer
About Ovarian Cancer
Among the cancers affecting the female reproductive system, ovarian cancers have the highest frequency out of the others. When ovarian cancer is detected in its earliest stages, the survival rate is the best. Unfortunately, more than 80% cases are diagnosed at advanced stages, making survival rates very poor. Women undergoing vigorous ovarian cancer treatment experience symptoms such as bloating, backache, abnormal vaginal bleeding, indigestion, loss of appetite, fatigue, pelvic pain and weight changes.

Ovarian Cancer
While living with ovarian cysts is one challenge, dealing with the symptoms of ovarian cancer is another. Are you constantly tired, stressed and in pain? Do you experience abdominal discomfort too often? For those of you undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer, there are a few simple home remedies that might help.

Let’s take a look at the following home remedies that can help treat ovarian cancer:

1. Ginger:
Research has proven the fact that ginger eradicates abnormal ovarian cancer cells. Not only that, it can prevent the cancer from building resistance to treatment.
Ginger helps in Cancer Treatments
Besides ovarian cancer, ginger has potent anti-inflammatory properties. It can prevent several cancers from developing in the body. Cancer patients are advised to take ginger on a daily basis, possibly two to three times a day. It can be taken as tea or in any other manner you prefer. Alternately, the crushed juice from ginger can be mixed with coconut or olive oil and massaged on to the abdominal area.

2. Green Tea:
Green Tea has multiple benefits, one of which is slowing the progression of cancer. The antioxidants obtained from consuming green tea build the immune system, gearing up the body’s defenses to fight the cancer better. A single cup of the refreshing drink causes apoptosis or cell death of ovarian cancer.
Green Tea good for health
Moreover, having one or more cups of green tea is preventative towards cancer. Those women falling under a high risk of developing ovarian cancer can take a proactive step and include green tea in their diet.

3. Mushrooms:
Mushrooms are known to have an adverse effect on cancers. Researchers have found that mushrooms and their extracts inhibit cancer cell growth. Eastern herbal medicine also stands by these tested principles, as mushrooms were seen to benefit the health of cancer patients.
Mushroom Groups
Certain mushrooms like Ganoderma lucidum are particularly effective in treating ovarian cancer and help the body fight the disease better. Mushrooms also work along with radiation and chemotherapy by reducing the symptoms of cancer. Mostly, one can expect a turnabout in lowered resistance, anemia, bone marrow suppression and nausea.

4. Soy Foods:

Soy-based foods are an easy way to keep the cancer at bay. Ovarian cancer is also kept away if you include soy beans in your diet. A study conducted on Chinese women suffering from ovarian cancer showed that an everyday intake of soy food had an adverse effect on the cancer. Soy products, found in items such as soy milk and tofu, contain isoflavones. These components reduce stress that the body undergoes during radiation and chemotherapy.

5. Flax seed:
Since ovarian cancer is the worst of all gynecological cancers, experts swear that flax seeds are the best preventative method it. Women who ate flax seed considerably reduced their risk of developing the cancer, and cancerous growths were found to decrease in severity.
Flax Seed rich of Omega-3
Flax seed is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and phytoestrogen lignans. They help in preventing the cancer from further spreading to other organs. As the best vegetable source of these components, women can keep it high on their list of health foods.

6. Ginkgo:
Ginkgo is a herb that has a very important role in DNA repair. It is one of the most natural and easy ways to ensure you reduce any possible risk of developing ovarian cancer. According to research, Ginkgo biloba had cancer preventive properties on ovarian epithelial cells having the BRCA1 gene mutation. The herb worked by acting on DNA repair, tumor suppression, and cell proliferation.
Extracts from Ginkgo are also used in medicines for a variety of purposes including memory disorders, sexual disorders, and glaucoma. The Ginkgo Biloba tree is one of the oldest species of trees in the world, with each tree living for as long as a thousand years.

7. Sunlight:
Sunlight is your daily dose of vitamin D. Popular research will stand by the fact that vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic that needs to be corrected. Apparently, women in the northern regions of the globe are more susceptible to ovarian cancer compared to those in the other regions. This is because sun exposure is a major source of vitamin D, which in turn plays a role in cancer prevention. Accordingly, ovarian cancer patients were found to have lower levels of the vitamin.
One more reason to go Sun-bathing
Take frequent walks in low-intensity sunlight to absorb plenty of goodness from it. Women suffering from ovarian cancer symptoms would do well to gear up on vitamin D, as it also helps improve bone strength.

8. Peppermint Tea:
One of the symptoms of ovarian cancer is an upset stomach. To find a little relief from the nausea, have peppermint tea. Alternately, ginger tea is also a good option to ease the discomfort. Eating candy or gum can also sometimes help.

9. Water:
Drink a lots of Water
Another major problem faced by ovarian cancer patients is diarrhea or constipation. To make the issue easier to handle, one needs to have proper intake of water. For those with diarrhea, taking small but frequent sips of water is necessary. On the other hand, constipation should be dealt with plenty of fluids.

10. Exercise:

Mild exercise is necessary to manage the energy levels, as a woman undergoes a lot of stress due to ovarian cancer. Sleep problems are very common with this condition. For this reason, a daily exercise regimen coupled with regular sleep time helps to alleviate the symptoms naturally.
For anyone at risk or those suffering from ovarian cancer, it is important to keep yourself stress free. Have a balanced diet, get plenty of rest and surround yourself with caring people. It is advise to do a Pelvic Scan every time you go for your annual check up or do a Ovarian Cancer Marker Test - Ca 12.5.

Pelvis Ultrasound is essential
Disclaimer: Any information on this site is to be used as a reference resource. Please do not depend on it for diagnosis or treatment.

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Friday, 27 March 2015

Cleanse the Poison in Our Colon, Try this~

The colon is a vital part of a healthy, functioning body. It plays a role in digestion, in your immune system, and in maintaining the water balance in your body. The colon is the part of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum. A colon that is not working properly will hold toxic waste longer time which is no good for you. An unhealthy colon is one that does not move the waste along efficiently enough. It results in this toxic waste being absorbed by the wall of the colon and into the bloodstream. For a healthy colon, it takes less than 24 hours for food to transit through our body. But with modern eating habits (processed food that lacks enzymes, fibers and nutrients) the transit time slows down to 70 hours. This results in a toxic colon and up to 30 pounds of accumulated waste.

Wellness Lab
And the most common sign of having a toxic colon is a condition called constipation. Constipation occurs when waste materials move too slowly through the large bowel, resulting in infrequent and/or painful elimination.

Toxic colon Symptoms:

Digestive symptoms
Constipation, bloating, diarrhea, gas, indigestion, stomach pain
General health 
Joint pain, muscle pain
Muscle Pain could be alarming something

Behavioral symptoms
Depression, fatigue, anxiety, brain fog, mood swings, poor memory
Mood Swings

Immune system
Weak immune system, recurrent vaginal or bladder infections, skin rashes
Skin rashes

Bernard Jensen DC, ND, PhD is one of the pioneers who used colon cleansing to improve a person’s quality of life. In his book, Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management, he explains the importance of colon cleansing: “the heavy mucus coating in the colon thickens and becomes a host of purification. The blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances. Here is the beginning of true auto-intoxication on a physiological level. This accumulation can have the consistency of truck tire rubber. It’s that hard and black.” Below is a program special designed to cleanse your colon, called Master Cleanse.
Anatomy of Colon
The Easiest Homemade Colon Cleanser

Master Cleanse is a 10-16 day cleansing program developed in 1940 by alternative health practitioner, Stanley Burroughs. In 1976, Burroughs presented his cleansing program to the world through a book titled The Master Cleanser.

  • 2 Tablespoons of lemon Juice
  • 2 Tablespoons of Organic maple syrup
  • 1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper powder
  • 10 ml of filtered water
Fresh Lemon Juice is a major Ingredient
  1. Mix everything together. 
  2. Drink this mixture 5 to 8 times per day for a minimum of 10 days.
Clean your Colon
You can also supplement with essential oils. They help to support the detoxification process of the body, while increasing the uptake of other nutrients and minerals to help your body re-balance. Therapeutic grade essential oils are effective because their nutrients are readily assimilated on a cellular level.

  • 1 fresh Lemon Juice
  • 10 drops each Lemon and Peppermint essential oils
  • 2 drops On Guard blend
  • Combine in 8 ounces of purified water
  • You can drink daily over a period of time
  • Time period: 14 days
Go Green Recipe

  • 1 whole celery stick
  • 2 chopped apples
  • Fresh Lemon Juice
  • One cup of spinach Juice
  • Half a cup of chopped parsley
  • Small piece of peeled ginger
Colon Cleanse Juice

  • Blender all of them with some purified water and drink once or twice a week.
  • You can add some fresh carrot juice to sweeten this drink. 
This drink will surely good for cleansing your colon and also aid in weight loss. For other recipe, check this too.

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